R 0565 "'-.,; ..... -- ,; } r:",. 'J"-f, ' , --- ,.IN..., \, 1962 APPENDIX 69 RESOLUTION NO. 565 RESOLUTION OF, THE CITY COUNCIL 0" 'tHE ' CI'l'Y OF' ARROYO GRANDE . , ' AJ;>CP'l'ING AND SUBMIT'l'ING A EUDGE'I' FOn EXPENDITURE CP , STATE ALLOCATE];) (ENGINEERING) FUNflS . ,~EAS,' a' Ma.teJ'AgJ'eement toJ' the Budget1ng and Expend1 t\U'e or the Eng1neeJ'1ng Allocat10n under Sect10n 2107.5 of the Streets ~nd H1yhways Code hes been entered into by the C1ty ot Arro~o Grande,' , here1narter referred to aa the c1ty"an .'tt\t S,t-ato Q"partD,1el}t of Publ10 Works, D1vis10n ot H1ghwaysJ, here1na1'teJ' J'ete,rred to' ail the departlllentl ana,' i " ',. WHEREA4, .tj~e. o1ty, OQlmcll baa propared" a -tl_c1get <proposal anow1ng eat1mated o~pendlt\U'ea of such run4.'~e'Q~.Q.Q to be ,: made dur1ng tho 1953 ii. 1'l8ca1y..81';, and,'; " '.:,' :.!: " .,"'" '_, "~ :' . ,."ji ',"" ~'~4.! . ; WHEREAS, 'the' city J~ounc11'h~Ii'.hurdread"1d budget pzoopoUl' and 1s'1'~11ar with the content. thereot; I . . . ' j',," , ,THEREFORE, bo it 'resolved by the c1ty counqll or tho C1ty of Arroyo Gril!J1de, ' that aaid bud~et propQaal 'dated January '22 '" . , 1953, be and 1s hereby adqptoa al the bud~etorpropoaed e~~nCTrturOl of the State dlocated t~. tor eng1neer1ng/1;o,.o1 t1es, u1a budget proposal to ,~e and "the a,amo 11, t1ereby ~pp'roved ,and the Di r~ct()r of Public works,' 18 . . ,,:. (Title or author1zod o1'1'1,c1&1) , . d1rected to s1p.n the,aame on bebalf ot sald C1ty, iI!J1d sa1d bud~.t proposal to beaubm1tted to the Department ot Pub11c WOrks, '. state 01' Cal1toJ'n1a, 1n accoJ'dan~e with the prov1aio~sot Seot10n 191'ott~o St~eets and H1ghways Code.,' . ," ~ ;', '. ,; . r'APPflOVEDAND,SUBMIT't~ tl11s, 22nd day of" January' " 19~ .~, " ," Cf" , ~ ~ fi4L' . ,I ,; , ., :,.,'./_,> " I ' ayq~e 0 J.O Arroyo prand,eji' ~~,. i.... Attoat; . , " ~4/' 01 t)', Cler 0 e, y Arroyo Gtande '" , I he..eby'cert1ty tbatthetpreg01n~ reao1u1;1on was <1\.11y and., '.'.,' ; regl.1la.;.lYPas.ed by ~ho c1ty counc1l of the C1tyot" , , ,:, ,<i,i, at. .J'e,~.Fmoe~1nJt~i~J'eot'~1~, Janua,ry22nd;,r'~~~....~?'?~ ,',,':' ~M~;:: ",'.',. """~".,..,.,~""""".\..,, .' :' "",'" ' ,,'it, .' ,,: ,:"':r,,"-~"'<' ,'. ,,L,, ',,;P:: ",', " '..,~, '~.., . .. " ',C. ,0?:-'~-'~t"': '-, .. ,-,::'" \.<t.. '.._'_ ' -,:~'::'"',"",,',::,-:_,,';:>,:_:~. 'C',' 'J, -,' or 0 h .~ .:.,.,(,....:..:...: ..(~~"'..,.,'.<";:"......".,~...:',,.- 1\:>':: .", ' ' , ' . ~~Y\~: <, ...~. l~i;"'i"~' :i,it:i~: . ' (AFFIX CI'l'Y4S);;A~..:;- /~ " , , I .'....~ .','" ..-;- ~ ".~....... " ' . .,., .....'.-:.JIo , '-............, ..~ "'""'- . 6 ) , I'" '.,,., ,',' Form MC-2l (2- 2 -', \,,' ,',~.......,-".v"';' "';:";{'r\t'::!is,!,;~-';~_;""JiK,,{~~L;-~'~,,~:/(o.,j\~D:,:,,;jji,i1i~~'f:,';'\;,: . .._' ,,{,,//.:'~/qj~