R 0564 '~'., f HE20I.t,rl'IL~: ::1./. .')t,., RESOLUTION C? 'I'H~ cr'I'Y COUNCIL ~!; THE CI11Y 0;,1 Arr,.,tl'l~Cr~'f'\,(~(~' {,", '1'It'/\'IJ"" "'1["'I~''''TI~-r:-i;rr';;-''''':' "',':'.''j';''-'''T'l'1m,' ( '" . . J \ I ,~.\\. '.. ...L 'hI J\ ,.~J~_ .~, ... d,..... ''';'1 vl !<rl'.~'~ t~LL(,'('A'rEr FHCH 'I':'[.:.~S;P;,TF' 1'li:;i'i}fi . [f.g If CI'~-'IFS WHU,FAS, fI has tel' Aprcclllcn t for t he 1,)",...,"11111: and Ex pend1 t'-U''' at' funds Allocated, from the Stute Hl,'ll\W'{ i';;,"{ t,y 1:1t1clI hus been, entf,red into by the City 01' ,\..-!\j~o!"'i\d.. ' , h<"r'einafter refl:\l'red ta as the city; fir);]' li,',L- Sf"ce D~tm,;nt 'wt" Public ,jarks, , Divis10n of HhihWI1Ys I herdna1't",r referred to as the department; and, \'!}JTjEAS"the~1ty COUJJc11 has pr':;1r,r'~'1 L cTOj{'ct st'ltement nho,:in!' est11~litedexpcnd1ture3 of suer] 1'1.1110:) (,~~ol1"'l('ndt(! to be "",de dur1ng the 19':\ - III, t'1scu.l YC1Ji'; Ilr.d, ',. -- \:""!'HEJ,S. th.ec1ty cvunc11 hils helH',j I" nil :3Dld r:l'oJect f~tl,~ (~ii.t;f.Ll~nrj 1~t'erJ:l11o.r Wlt~l 1'.1">1) Cl;.r.tJ"nt.' Lrd't~e( 1'; !;'!.n-::\Er"0HE. t,e it r"t'sclved c:; tt''le .,.' 1 "~i IJune l", (;J 1.!I(. (' j t'j (I l' i~'rf"rtJ!~: 0 ntf:l'tl,' t rH)t. " A. i ~l ;H' ,) j~: ',.'~ ~_\ t:J ~l.nlc n t dr,tl.;:i -";lThj.~7it..y ,;,,: _ .' lQ<r, beotH.f ~_~~ hf.['~t,'/ (i:l\!1Jled as the :1U'(L'tt,o.c'propoBeQ eXf'''nd1tuf'es Qf',ttl/' ;'r", t,iU Illl,,:,,~ion to c1 t1t's, SIl1(1~roje~t stetemerH be I1tW t ',., sriJ'w it: hclt;ty 1>!/rrol1ea and tt>e Q1't!ctor of p,.".a.: .\I:C::',~,,:.j ~ u C" ..:to": to sj"n " rTTIle of' "uthM'1,~e<1 ",'{'t";"l) . 'the SHITI~ on beha,lt' of sn1d {'ity, onC:"",[,-j ; I,,)j,~, :\t/,;,('j,I'.nt to be sut-rrjLtC1d to tt1e Vei'!Jl'tm.,nt (If' :',:;110,' ""K,'.5"Cdtl c.)' Cfl~ir()r'nin, 1n acr.ordance witt, tl1e rro'Ii:;1'on" <if' ::,ect1 11",' or. \.h" .',t.r,,,..t~ 1nrJ 1f1e'hwaysCade. , API':{CVED ANf\ .5'lH:'NIT'!\E:: this :'1~H: !i:.1:r o"f Jclri'n~n"": . 1(~,63. " , Hayor Ol"th,'l"Tfy-;jr ii,t:'o:J'Ji Gt'"nd" f,ttest: I ii',. City :,ltil'k of' the. City o~ ,,;.i-;;7,::-;'~:,;i" - -- - 1 11':I't.;/__,Y ('N't1fy thut th.. C )re 'oln' l'/,s',lltL; .,:1 ""'." duly' Hnd 1't"'!1L11~j("1:/ pU$St:d uy the city C0l~II:~1J \.,' 1r~t ('1.tJ ,)r"11'",',-;I~ l.~l,.;tJ,,"l. 1 1 t' "1' . ",,"'\ !' 1,,,< ht I.i rf-:{',j IU' !rlt;C\' n.i del'eO! ,lu d c.q~. ,;,.., . L;... ,:.,. , t' CT;;:qt 0~(~~-:; (-~.'~j '..-)7 ....~. "'~'~;i~ "'rfintfi' . . ( t,. i"~ .'. : ,~ .. . .... ~ FOC'''t 1'.1;;-', (2~62) .' " ,