R 0563 ....... ,~ ~ -'\..<- ~ j. - HESOLt'TI,:,'j N\., '>t" HFS(iLUTICN"l~" 'l'B' CT';!' r:0\'::,'2, 1HE CI'j\~I' c.- hJ.;!..;el'.",:"r,.,~\""': ' . !\.~\_. 'rIN\1 fJ~~' ~;UT:hI~;mttr'7t-f:~l"~-(tT'I; ;,"-":'-T,1:-"'~.~1;'~TtJRt' ~iF "';;;, ,~1 ./',LLu':ATE:fF,,(j'J 'l'rE. 5'.1',,'1'; <:<:"\'1 ..i ii! ']'" cr.IFS . \oJ!!L/:j,,-AS. a },aster Af'rcem.:nt Cor ttw :'l:::"et1ne on,oj r.xpendlt1..U'e, 0,' fu.nds Allocated from the State hl,'h~'!\:" hL',j to CHles has, b,,"n I'ntt"l'l:d into by the' City .)1' ;"c:' ,,-;, :", , ' t,.!'einaCtet' rer~rred to as'tbe d-ry;-;;:'i'''lTl~.- State [;~purtment ,,1' FUblie '~orkf", Divis10n of Hl@'hways, rk!'binlolfter rel'~rred to ,8~ the ,o.,e-partment; and, I ,',~!1::!,EAS, the ci ty council bus rd,,>pfH'~il d i.'raj,=ct stHtement shoh'irw es tl/TIA ted .expendi tures 0 f sue h funds l'~:OllUhiJlHit..d to b(' r;:lde du,r1np. t;he 19,5,Z-.u fiscal year,; nnd, W',f',REAS" the city council hl1.s h(,al'd read :3&ld p!'njcct OIt"tement I'nd is familiar with ttle Cemtt'ntc UH;recf; 1';FiiEFORE, be it resolved b:/ the C ley (,OU'1Cl~ of' 1.1,,, r:tt"/ 01' /;,.,..", "',_,.--,~~_ thnt .:>1\1..1 projt";'~ ~,t:'j'ul..njl!nt . - '- .. ~1..............,.: Ie- ' (j..-,tt'\i . 1'. ,'- ," , 1, ,: , lJ~-, f1/:d i~; h(~'('lt,\I Ufl(!\)red as -.c--l.~v: ~ ............ '" . t!II' bU",!et or pl'opQsed expenditures 01' the "11'1 la., ulll.,"etlon to cities, said ('roject st(.tement be nT\O Lne ~n-l"C l'~ hd'eby Ily;p!'oved And thel""m- .' ~, " ; .", u,', 1:; :i1r<c'tp,' to s1'"n I " ) -1--~~-'- tIe of n~jt. '1(:)'1:::(<: ()! 1"'1('5 nl) the sume' on behalt' of said !'ity, nrh ,."dd f t'0j"l'~, scu"';,.ll1t te' [rP ,submitted to the D€'partmdlt of ,L,tlie .. rJ<s, SCJ't. or :-aI1fu['nio, 1n a~cot'dance w!,tn t~1~ jl'O'Jj".j()t,S oj' cect!c"', }'!'/ 'J1' thl' .,;trF,cts 'lt1d !!1,llways Code. . "'!" 'V-D P'f' "pl".'1<"'J";' t' i" ;'; ".., ",y,',r:",,-.' I".) 1'\1 .\..... t: of!,.. ,_11.1..,1. '..J' ,1 -.> .. l, U. I. , !'in yOi;-' 0 r the .CIt'y-;)'[ i,:'ro)';:;Crro~~- - . , At tC5 t: :.>";';' <>-:; /',> City qerk of the C1 ty of AHOYIO Gr~<i,ot -,--, - I here~y certifY that the'fore~oln' re9olut~~nwas duly,snd r.."ularly pllsl>cd by the <:1 ty cou.nciI ot' tfw \'1 t,y of ;'uuyv Gu,.",. at a !'.:I:ulnr meetin,' thereu[' held J~nUGfY 2;;,,1.1 . IC>>3 . ;' ,/, ,. " "... ,.~./...., ",.f :;.........- ',.,J!!" . . , ---:::_.w ..:"~...,;'~'~: .. _ _'..._~ Clerk '.' j' t" _:.'.~,..... ~(, \J'.~.' , I . . l , . ( t\ . 'Vi I~ 1. ", ro-t1-) , ( ~~ '0 ... r ....;. "..j, J" (" ~OPJfl I',C -" (2-62) " I' '.;.1 : --.....---.---'"-- ~';.;~j;~:"",-~-,---~,~---