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R 0546
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WHEREAS, The City Council of the city of
Arrovo Grande , State of California, finds that the
Senate Reapportionment Initiative Constitutional Amendment
will appear on the November 6, 1962, ballot as proposition
No. 23, and
WHEREAS, said City Council finds that Proposition
No. 23 would totally destroy California's existinq method of
equitable leqislative apportionment, which is based on our
traditional Federal system with its protective mechanism of
checks and balances, and would substitute therefor a system
whereby representation in both houses of the Leqislature would
be based on population, and
WHEREAS, Said City council finds further that it
is a widely-recoqnized principle in our qreat nation that
representation in the leqislative branch of qovernment is
equitably apportioned not accordinq to population alone, but
accordinq to two factors, to wit: population and territory,
WHEREAS, It is a proven matter of record that
our State senate as presently constituted has been keenly
responsive to urban problems and the needs of cities, and
that many of California's ablest members of the State
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Senate are from less heavily-populated cities and rural areas.
WHEREAS, There is imminent danger that under
Proposition No. 23 control of our State Government would be
placed in the hands of political organizations in a few heavily-
populated counties, and
WHEREAS, There is no apparent justification for
a change in the method of apportionment of State Senate dis-
tricts, particularly in view of the fact that under our exist-
ing system of legislative apportionment this State has reached
a measure of greatness unmatched by any of our sister states:
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the city council of the city of
Arrqyo Grande , state of California, does hereby
officially go on record as being unconditionally opposed to
said proposition No. 23, the State Senate Reapportionment
Initiativ~ Constitutional Amendment that will be submitted to
the voters of the State on November 6, 1962.
On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded b.1 Councilman Lee,
and by the following roll call vote, to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Lee, Wood and Jacobs
NOES: ' None
ABSENT: ' Councilmari:.McNeil
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the foregoipg Resolution-'was adopted this 14th day of August, 1962.
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ATTEST: 1 - .