R 0535
1. ThaL,pIIIItsuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of
Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939", proceedings have been initiated
by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, on its own motion,
to annex to the City of Arroyo Grande, all that uninhabited territory
situate in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, herein
designated as "WAtLEY ReAD NO.2", and more particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
.. -~ --.._._._-----~--_._~------~-_._-_..._._---_..- ---..-----
, " -
2. That the said City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande
desires to annex said uninhabited Territory to the City of Arroyo Gande
for the following reasons: Said territory is contiguous to the City of
Arroyo Grande, and its proposed annexation will contribute to and facil-
itate the orderly growth and development of both the City of Arroyo
Grande and the territory proposed to be annexed; will provide the proper
control of street layout; drainage, sanitary sewer design and proper
land use in conformity with the over all zoning plan of the City and the
territory proposed to be annexed.
3. That Tuesday the 24th day of July , 1963- ' at the
hour of 8:00 P.M., of said day, in the Council Chambers in the City Hall
in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, California, is
hereby fixed as the time and place when and where any person owning real
property within the uninhabited territory above described and proposed to
be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, and having any objections to the
proposed annexation may appear before the City Council of the City of
Arro~o Grande and show cause why such uninhabited territory should not
be so annexed to said City of Arroyo Grande. Such protest or protests
must be in writing, may be filed at any time before the hour set for the
hearing of objections to the proposed annexation, and shall state the name
or names of the owner or owners of property affected and the description
and area of such property in general terms.
4. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande is hereby author-
ized and directed to cause a copy of this Resolution to be published at
least twice, but not oftener than once a week, in the Herald Recorder,
a newspaper of general circulation published outside the City of Arroyo
Grande, but in the County of San Luis Obispo, California, the County in
which is located the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of
Arroyo Grande, said publication to be completed at least twenty (20)
days prior to the date set for hearing.
And the City Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause
a written notice of such proposed annexation to be mailed to each person
to whom land within the territory proposed to be annexed, is assessed
in the last equalized county assessment roll available on the date the
above proceedings were initiated, at the address shown on said assessment
roll or as known to said Clerk, and to any person who has filed his
name and address and the designation of lands in which he has any interest
either legal or equitable, with said Clerk, such notice to be given not
less than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on~e proposed
And in the event there is, upon land proposed to be annexed,
a structural improvement owned, being acquired or leased by a County
Fire Protection District, the said Clerk is directed to cause written
notice of sucb proposed annexation to be mailed to the governing body
of such District, such notice to be sent not less than ten (10) days
before the first public hearing upon such proposed annexation.
And the said City Clerk is directed to cause written notice
to be given such other persons as may be Thgal ly entitled thereto, in
the manner required by law.
On motion of Councilman Wood , seconded by
Counci lman McNeil , and on the following roll call vote,to-wit:
AYES: Mayor Burt, Councilmen Wood, Jacobs and HcNeil
NCIES : None
ABSE NT: COW1cilman Lee
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of June, 1962.
d:;~y(( (i? ?V1T
.d, ,."." , " P~IPAY, JUNE 22,)9(\1"
I.",....<,...,'.>.~:.-...,. '''.. ',.', ..~".. _.,.~ ,:........:...;_..........~......
'/"L'BcV'~"NOrICI' " . "'I,to~,ett,;W60d.tleVel().PIII~II''<'::O. t"orrOa,d,p,',utP~ses to,' b, e, U,Sed,
~- ~ ')6"i~6'31' I~OO.:.......... 24 in common wlth"others, over
'. "i.~~'''~~W'~~E' "r;{!ine$s' w.'w. & J.,J" that part 'of Lot nin Divi-
.;.;~' ;:~OeL .6' ~I1"08 1-~0 ......,..... 20.98sion , "1\," , ofPomero~'s , ne- \
,'.1'." ,,-,,.'0, '" Messer)), D.& M. J, subdivIsIOn of part, of, the \
':' :.qf,R.rop~r:ty " ,: ;'~'~O~>2,l-00,........... 52,94 Los Berros Tract! in)he,
" '" ""","'0' "C't . McDOhald. W.N,,'EtalCounty ,of San LUls, ObiSpO,
' D~ tnqu~f)h,n!, J,y ,"'61';141-02 "l~OO...c~..,.... 9.48 State of California,accordlng
T~n(i:!~"For'J''heFisc;~J @cDoiigal;M;M. ' to map flleu for ~e~ord Sep.
"v,'".."., '.,16,'[',','6,',2; ..,',,'6164,,03, 1-00"....,..,... 28,56 tem,ber 26,]9,03, m"the,off- ,
, " '"e~r', ,7,6, '-, ,',' Newritiln.L, P. Et'll ice of 1/1e County Recorder
'Nottceis',i1erebyglven' th,at.:6 5211)5 ,: 1-02,."".,.... 5,24 ,ef said 'County. described as
'default;hl\vlngil!e"~n I11l1de',11l !'lo~ma.n..'J, L. &M" A,. Etal follows:
,thep~ym.eI\P:O~\C!WTaxes ot .. 6,233 01',1.00 ,;..,',..... 22,20 Beginning at the South-
I the City. otAr~Qyo'arande~~orman.J. L.&M.A.. Eta~ ' east, corner 'of said ,Lot;
:j County.ot;Sal).:'L)1I$' Obispo, ,622202", 'l~OO,............ 3o.9a thence 'North along tlie, East "
State',ot,eallforn\a,fo~ .tl!~I~a&ge~~, C, ,T" &B, J, ,line' of said Lot, 760,32 feet
tlsc,,-;l,y~~,'~~Jl.k62,,)1po.!\th~ ,//,721,03,' ,l~,QO...,........ 18.49 to a point; thencC>,Westand,
" prope~tY' ,he~elnatter des.9.i1\>:;- ~~h~e., ;It, 0,& ,J, '2061 parallel with the South line
'e<\".I'~Qh"";\V,!,Ric.hard.on.by ".,8 192~1', 1-09,..,....,.... , of said Lot. '30 feet to, the
vlrtu~,<?ql!eauthorlty In1l)e~~n,ce. f..O.& J. true point., of peglnning;
veste~l'by,la,'IIlaJ,1<\,,!,hcQ~d,ln: ,', ?49~ 9:1. ,,' HO '..'........ )5,84 thence continuing West ,Md
. ance,6t'sald'OIt;y. ''111\101}' , , 'f,~noe;,J,:O, & J, p, 2962 parallel willi the South line
FRID;.6;Y'tHI:22ND ..' " 749130, 1-00....,....,.. . of said Lot. 630 feet. to ,a
'DA' "y'6F'jl,u,:il:'1962'rf~Z;:jj4~oa'f..0~;.~:......,17,96 point; thence North and par.
. "',.....,~ _\L\.=. " ,PI\i!jJa,S),'M.&('r:R" ,al~el...ith ,the East line, o,~
, " : 6 052 01.,. 1"00' ............ '7,89 said Lot, 60, feet to a pomt, '
, ,Price,,!,: R &, K E '. thence, East and parallel with
! "60421J2':' 1'-00' ....:......, 68.84 the South lin~ of 8,aid1;o.\,
, Qulilll1; ;r.,J. . " ,630 feet to a pomt, thence,
.~';'6",521,,'O,4,' 1.0,2..,..,....... '2.06 Sou"tha,nd,pa~a,llel, W,l!hthe
, QUalls,'L:C... Etal East Ime of $a'~ Lot. vOfcet
;'.6521'08' '1",02"............, 50.62 to the true pomt Of begin.
"IWedl,N; L, ',' Ulng~, ,
; ., 6,461:a7': t-oo ............ 29.09 {or, the purpose of payu:g
iRQpli;lon,.H. 1'." obligations sec!lred ~r sal.d
: "'7"8~l13, '1,-00,...:....., 145.16 Deed of Trust, iUcludm$fee~,
laoss;o: &,V:"'" .' [' charges, an(Lexpenses of the
"',6,072n,,' lcO{',".......... 27,.50 'l1rustee, sums expendc>d -und-
; Rushlng,q:W.&,F. M" Etal er the te~ft1s thereof;' Int~r,
! ,,7 55247 1_00 .:......;... 29.0ge$1 thereon, and $1,875' m
(Sc1iDe'i(ie~;'J. J."Etal ,unpaid princmal, of. the note
(,7',',5~,7.'13 'l,~OO ':..,',.,..,'."... '25;91 $ecu" red t/1erc>by, with, ,in,t,er.
! 'f!hetfer,'r, 1'.:,&''1). J, ,est. t.bereon, at the rate of
:,", P86,'181COO,.,...,"',..,'" 19,,55 7.%: per'annum, 'f .,.'.,:
, SteveIl$; H. J: & -a, M, ' , Dated May 28 1962:'-
i7, 548, 12 ,'I"OQ ......,....,.. :48,70 ' '.FINANCIAL' CORPORA-
,Stong;G:'& ~~., .'.".' , '., TION' '01' AMERICA,
r '759\11 )-00,..,......,..,...39.16 who acquired title as
. Terry, R.J,~~, )\1:, SECURITY TITLE
,. 6186'30, iI.OO',;..,....... ,28,56 INSURANCE COMPANY
'T!Jrby'fill, '1" Be. Etaj , By' Bette , Hawkins..
'6.163,16 1-00 :..c":";'" 25,38 ,Assl$tant Secretary
,Vet~~..lno,D',.".'" . No. 195 'publish3tJ,IeraIC:-
, "'7 431 '111"1;00. ....:"... 110.18 Recorder, June 8, 15, 2,2,' '62,
'Walk~r.'R<j;;,&..J"E, " ' '
.6311'18 ,'1_0(k"......... 46.58 LEGAL NOTICE,
'W:e$t~unan, J,.Etal , . :,' "'" , ,,' : '
,,6.Q52 '07',.1:.00....,........ 34;92, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S.S4L'E
iWillif.prd,'A.L,' , ",' ',,', ,'1\1,9.,175 ',: "
i '6 36~:'01"l~Oq..;........;.70.9.6 o.n Monday. ,June- 25,.lp62,
!'lY.I\llf9~<\..A"L,,', ", at 11:0!J,o:clock A,M..l\t, 1,235
;, 6 3.~30,5 .""kOO.,........... '60.36 ChorroStreet. San Luis Obls-
f Wills,. Pi,H, &, F;,a, ) , ,po, Cauto~nia. PACIFIC !tEe
, ,;:,.811\7.',08' .1-00, ,;.......... 11,60 I CONVEYANCE' Co.MPANY as
, ,Vlil~on;.J:; q. 8t;I,V. , Tru$tee unde~ .the deed. ot
;, ~,4?1,18': l-O~..;....,.... 33.86t~ustmade by CHARLES K.
, WIMmaI\n,V, a.&J.A" ~Etal CHRISTISON ahd: ANNE",R.
' " ,,6482, 03." ,HO ............ 5,77 CHRISTISqlj" huSband' aM
I yvo!lt\;A:.'B; &, B; M; , wife and recorded Dec,cw,ber
' ,',6,422,09, ,1"00.......,.... ,75,20 28 1959 in Book' 1039,Pa~e' 565
, Woodi A:B..~tal ,or' Offtci~1 Reco~ds ot San 'Luis
<6:44213. 1.00............ 7.36 Obls\)o , County, CaHtprniii.
)VoOd;'J; L. "", given to $eCU~ean-Ind~bted- ,
:' 6'031'.25' ,1-00 :........... 8,42 ness in favor ot', NICKLA,N- i
, Pated. at, 'eJty Tax Collect- CASTER AIoID SONS. INC., by
oris"Offtcetl)ls 4th day 'ot ~ea~ori'of ,the'brea,chOf'cer-
June: 1862}:: " ,; 'tain objlga,tloD.$"secured the~e-
" :'!JOhll',W,;'Rlchardson by, ",wtlce'ot ,which was ~e-
, " 'c' Chl~NW:p(mce' and' cOrdedFebrua~y,23, 1962, in
: t : Ex~of(lcio',.Tax: Colle,cto~ 'BoOkH 70; 'Ot, said, ,Official
, NO:19oi;'P1\b~He~a.id-Recorder 'Records w!IL sell, at'publlc"
: "ytihe,8.15~22 tM2" "':",' aucttontothehigh~$t bl(ider
[",', :'..,'/'" forcash,payable Inlawf)11
" .' ': ,I,EI>A.L:"~(nICE,' ,money onhe United Stat,es at
r... , ',',',' " ." '.",_ce"';"__'" , ,the tim~otsale, withOut~ar-
l:" '/;,':lC)nCI'qF' ~any a$to tltle.\)osse$Biol1o~
"I'T~U~1~!i:S.,5AI:.~ ,enc,umb~~nces, 'the, Intrest
I' ':, ," N.O"TS 7....4,'" conveyed toalldnow h~lcl, by ,
.( '.., " 0"'" ,. ," ..,...~, 'J 'said'Tru$tee under said ((eed '~.."
. :.,;;o.,.""n ',.""T U,.,e, ~""d,a",Y.,' ,J,U, IY,' 3,',1.9,62, 'o,ftr!l $t,', into, ,t,h,",toll,O, ,wj,n~ ','"
at4LOO"b,~lpck,A,M,\at,t.he descrlbed',property.,to-wit;., ..
, fro1\tc,ellt,ralice';to<the.'<>fflceLot'8 'In', BloCk 2 otTract .I,"
:Q{(',Se~urity, ,~'l1j,tie' ,rIlS,u~Qnc~ No;' 142. 'In the city ofAr-
'C:()fnPI\A~",~119~p~p'~~~ ~~r~et'roy6(}rande,; Count~as\ f:!an
IJh,tli~'C1tl,,',ofi'''I\!I 'tUIS .,Qbls_ , 'LulsObl$po, atate of,C'al!-
,'nh~':~<Rtdtlll "inif:','rt..1if;.'...J.Ii.' ,','CIT