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R 0522
i I ^ \w' .....- " ! , . RESOW'rIO!J lJO. 522 ..._._.~-_.~- H.ESOl...U'rIOi~ O? 'l'i!i~ ~;-rl'Y CC):,'1. '-..>':_ ~J (;!.' 'I'HE C 1'J'Y OF 1~1i..t;.(.';l,'j ~';H_A::~i.,~ l\fi ;'~'. 'ilf~>J r.1AP S}jOl~CJG TH;,,: ] '-'<~p-/;I_r .:~ li/ ,';i~i\'~\/d:~ fJHOPOSb;D ~;\:~l"\.;'r~'! ':; i'..~\;;~':~l ;, . ~ \ . ,. , '.-.' r,..\) REQ!JE.S'r'INi,j H~~\..~-:;':,; ~,;:; '1:,. : '.. '~E,~\ L :'~ OFFICI';':'; . j , I I - .~_.. --_.~_.~ i I \, t-tl~REAS ) ii :nq j.: r~.... '!. t..l ,.;. ';\ " j.'.-~; ;:, -=:S.: d;t", l)tiJ,,,';~2'1 ~'.)r i liu.a8rl!1 Road S1:il\l taX":'J S".."r'l in ,HI (11 c 1;; tI" ,-jf>"l(,jr: of the . Cl ty Clt-rK. :<ihich t.1ap t>hO~<3 ,)'Hli-,Ni) \} tL,; l(;cbcl,"n ,)1' {d"O" posed wvrk and 1rr.iJrQ'c;r'~Ilt~ tCi tr::= ~~<..I:~S !...r<.:.. :.c:(~ " it,!'. i:1 tI',:; City of Arroyo Grb.r..d~ whl(:f. /11.;-.(1.:- h(,,:t .:..r-.i-iL"- t' '~~.n7' .t. c~','~..,1.5~ of c;:rtaln Sa.j.11.t6.~I.' sr:wcr~ b!1-J t::~,1--~Aro!>:'-~h:-, :, 'n,',rr<, hrl.l 'h':.iCl1 ma.) ale.) Sh':'Wd th~~ bC~lrhi~rltP ~f tl',;; ':' t.~ r ":'c t".... t.:,'; ~:'';;: [..6.:->~bh(:.(i tOf' till: C06t "nd ,,;qJ"'rl~" QC bote ....~r'~( h:,.:; ~ r.ij(' :,'"-i (-~7L:;; ;-'( t j and W~';E!UiHS ) l.(Al ~) "'1. ,", . 1,-[' ,J. ~ ,,' ,';:; t.;,) I".;,);~dl~";':~ ~ 1..,..., .' .., -... " prO(:,c:.;;;;Ulnt:t: r,.'!' ;,;,€o!to. rt)!'K c'.d ~ ,-:~,t . ' t,~. .1 c ~;. n ~ , I, , ~ :~- I' peo\l err);; n. t ;..~ t ~jt' l:~ 13 3 .. ,-, - .( ~ ." j of' t.:"-<::- .;',: ,",to , 11~~'-:- I .,.' .... . .~ .~.' -I.. \).', ~ , ~. way" CQdE:; ]1 HOW) 'l'HERJ::~'Ohi) tn" city Caun~11 ~r th~ City or I , , Arroyo Grh\1df;;, \:"111'or(11,,, jj...,;;~::: ,ri~hr:..--+Y ',7-1 ':~:.I R~3Ql.. \~} i I J ,'DBT~11~E AND ORDER as follons: ; I I Seot1ol'\ 1- 'L'h.at the Health orfle:r of th.. Cvunty \ j of' San Luis Ob1spo hereby1s requ..i:1t~d to d"tl.!rmin-: wh{:th~r the oonstruot1on of, said work d",s()1'lbcd in eb.ld'r....o11,rt.lon I of 1ntention and sat forth 11'1 80ld ~~fip .1.8 (;{:C~bsary ~8 a I health lIIea6ure lind if pr,)C1e",d1n,l;f. t~1€':-'~ :'\)~... :.J..1'V1t:r tn.= HU'11- cjpal Improvement Act of 1';13 i1!'.~ rjt.::C~~:H~.['Y un (J, h'.:hlth . I , . I -- .-. -.-.. '-"-' " ,- -----.......j ~ , - ,- , '- \ "-' -.".I, , i j r 1 I , i i I rJ . I I I m€:a8Ur~, 1;5 pr,vided 1n t;c:d1..n ".eC': \-', I;-.~tl'...,:-t..-j &:1-1 I Highways Cod~ of the Stbt~ or ~~ilr~r~lL. , ADOPTED, SIGNED AND Af'PHOVIID trc.1t; 27th day of' . " I February- , 1962. ,; . ; " , ~I , r,r:------,.----;-r::- t ,"'---'-- .',d.yvT ,e,.. t ,t': Cl J ul . Ar'r-:",y~. l:;r,~,;..:c=, C'ci.l1!''';'!'i'.h. 1 . ~r "rES c, . . '1 . ~,' - ~ , i " ,t. "'\ , . J.,i, :'l'" ; f :.L. (-) ,"; .j',': c- "J .: . ,'" ,2;1!.,ft,j..:, ,~ " ~'t U' :,y .. "l'KOl' '7aI:~ ~!.~'. ,j { i' /- " ~ " (.'s:.I\,[..) '\ . . 1 i : STATE OF CALIF0W{IA ~ i COUNTY0P SAN LUIS OBISPO, ,88. 'eI CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE i 'I, MARGARET L. WILSCN, Ci t.y CleL'k or. the City of ---.; Arroyo Grande,' California, DO 1'J::!U~3,{ '::Ji.p,nn th&t the forego1ng reaolutlon wa~ duly !o:;G~t;:,~, by t,,[;,:: C1ty Council, of sh1d c1ty and was approv~,1 'by th", ~,5y,~'1' ~)r sald c1ty I et a " regular IT,ccit1.r.;::; of ':,5lci City Counc1l I held~ the 27t;~ ' day dr February ,lS6::, 8.l1d that 1 II I j was Bo.adopttjd as 'follows; ~------ . . I, AYES: 'Counc lim",[\ Burt ,Pence ,Jacobs, Hartwig , -------- '- .~ Councl1r.:.<I:1 None , NOJ::S : , , , . -i .' ABSJ::.i~T ; COlll1cl1m,,'n I:ee I ..,:", \\""':'A ~ ' , j 1, t?-., .. ,',,'.' ..1' > '/-' ,..,," iI, ,. .~. ~./,/..', ( , ~' 1" .. '-." . -. \ . ~ . ~ ~' ".., ,,'. ,'.l /~,<:r'k vl bi;(!Hy ot :~~, it} j,,<~," ... 4 (:3~L). ".' , Arril'JQ Grli.ndt:, Ct.11forn1&. ':'<-.._,-',:-V;~,; ......" ~-, ~." ,.,\ , - '" .. ,j, " , t\ ! ,:~~" .} ". 1.1." " I ,",J;,;,." !~'i: ' '" <, I . \ I "",~~ ' I . , , ! . 2. , I . . ' J ; ,_....:...;:;;.'.k_.~~ ---...-......., ,._".........._---~~.. .. -_.._-"-~-~.'-","