R 0521 u.sQur1'IOR 110. 521 RUOWfIOR or .,. G1ft 00UI01L or .... om or U'ROIO ..~_" o..~" .u~ AD ~ _ IlIGWlaJ or A CGIfIItAe'l' B"~ SI'IIUL A'1"J.___18. (Hwuma sewer .........nt D1e'riot ... 10-61-1) WHBUAI. ,~ ... to.. 'Mkq 111, tbia C1tJ COWIOll laMer t.he _101,al _N......nt Mt of 1913 tor tbe oemetl'UGt1em of MJ.'tab ..it..., ...... ... app\&Z'tenut work 1ft tbe 011'.7 ot .Arrc9o INnde ... aNa adJ...nt tbeN- to ... it 10 ...1N1J1e .. eIIp1., attome,., So pn,.,.. tbe ,roooedinae an. aupe-n1... tbe o""t of ..., ... WIIBDAS. 0'.1""1' .. -.... ... ."onte)', .,..111117 tPailled ... experi..... 1ft tNt .,. ot ,...t1... .. . oon- tnet 0"81"1.. tbe11' .,..1al ..-n1.... on .. 10181 _tteN by been PNHn.. to 'Me OUJ' Gti\moU, HOW. '1'1IDIfGM. tbe OU, CotIMll of tbe 011'.7 of Al"I"07o Innde, CalUON.1a, .... ~ ,...... AID I8'1'BIUCIIII tbat ..14 oontl'Mt ... .... tbe .... 1. beN_ ap,l"Oftd and the *701' ot ..1. 011'.7 111 beN1II7 ""'ol'1ud aM UNo'-d to ai&n tbe .... top ... 1m 1iIobalt of H1d 01\7 oJ ... tbe CUJ' Oloric 1a .....,. autbort... ... d1NOte4 to .tteat H1d oem- traet. ADOPlSO. am_ AIQI) APJ'ROPD th1, 27th_ ot February. 1962. At"l'Bft I ~~ 'Ork 0 tv of Ar 70 ~~. CalUomu (~) 1 S'l'A'l'B 01' CAl.oD'OIIHU I ... QOWt! 01' lAM loUD 0BIs1'O em fill ARaoro .~ 1. IWIIARft L. WIt.... Qlf;J CleN .t ,he e1t)' of AM'070 'HIIde. hlUom1a. .. .1II'f aB'fDY 'bat"" t...... s.inS ....o1utton ... ~ ...... ~ __ Itt1 ......u .t ..tel lit)' and ..... ."....".ellaJ 1Ihe ... ot .. 01117 at a_ I'e&Ular "'t;L... At<< 01' C...ll heW on -- 21th __ot Februa? 1 ." tlaat t.b.. ~ .. mI._. ADS. C0I.m01.1IIP Burt,Pence,Jacobs,Hartwi~ IfQU . Counol1Mp None .Alltwr . COWIOU_ Lee A.'&'~. ........ Gal1t......l. (aAL) STATE 01' OA.LIPQIUfIA } ,.. COUITY OI'SAII LVU QI1$ro em 011 ARROIO .RAUII I. IfA1'tI'1AIft L. WTT_~. 01t1 C1e1'k ot tbe 01t1 of A1"1"Wo Qran4e, blUO.....1a, DO IIIRQI CUTD't tbat the .bove and !oreSoin; 1. . tu1l, tl'U anel OOft"eot oow ot a.,Glu.- tion Ko. 521 ~ an4 tbat tbe .... baa not 'been uem1e4 or' repeal.lS. J>ATBJ): February 27 . 196a. (SEAL) a