R 0519 RBSQW'1'I<II NO. 519 RE8OLU'1'1011 . TII OITY COUJfCIL . TII 0I'l'Y (8 ARROYO Cl1WQ8 CALDOIIIIU. APPROV'DII REPORT AD pm. '1'1. AD 'LACB . JIIWU1IJ 'rHIRB0II. (Hua.n. Sewer A......nt Diainoi Ho. 10-61-1) WIIUEAS, th1. (l1t)' Ownol1 haa heNtotON .dOpted u. "801u.tion ot Intention, "solut1on liD. 517 . ..1....- inl ita intention to Oon.tNot o.Main san1 t.1"1 ....1'. and .ppW"ten.nt wol"k witb1n the 01\)' ot Ano7o ClnncIe under the amidp.l IIIp1"O.,...nt Aot ot 1913, D1.,1alon 12 ot the StN.t. snel. 1U&hw&7. Code ot the ,\ate ot Oal1tomu. and WJQtUA8, tb1a Cit)' Gou.noll baa heNtotoN diN.ted the Oit)' Bna1neer to p....UN the required intoNation and pNp.N and PN..nt to this O1t)' COUDOn the written N,on on ..1d propo..d work Or 1I8p....,...nt req,u.11"ri b)' ..ld II1ml.!- p.l IIIp....,..nt Aot ot 1913. and WHBRUS, the Oit)' Bn&lne.r baa ,...,.Nd ..1d NpOrt and pre..nted the ... to thi. 01')' Ceunell and thi. Oit7 Counoil haa ...lIdned aaid repoM. HOW, TJIERBlI'ORB, the Oit7 Oou.n'll or the 01 tJ ot Uro70 GraneSe, C.Utom1a, JXBS IDsRI8Y PDID, Rl80LVB. JJrtZR- MINi AND 0RJ:IUt .. toll OW. I Seotion 1. That Hid Nport be and the .... here- b7 18 .pp....,.d and the 01\7 Clel"k ot llaid 01t)' hereb)' 18 direoted to .ndor.. the tut and date ot auob Qproval on ..1d report and to fil. .ald NpOM 1n hi. ofti... 1 - , Sectlon 2. That the 10th daJ ot Apr11, 1962, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the Arroyo Grande City Hall Council Chambers . Arr010 Grande, Calltom1a, are h.reb7 tixed aa the time and place of h.ar- 1ng on a.id approved report, and .uch he.ring ahall be held by this City Counoil. Section 3. The City Clerk 18 hereby directed to cauae a notlce of auoh hearing to be publi.h.d once a week for two lucce.slve week., the fir.t publicatlon to be made at least twenty (20) cIa7. betore the date .et for hear1ng ot proteats. The HBRALJ) RlC0Rt8R, a new.paper of general circulatlon publ1shed and. c1rculated in the OU)' of Arroyo Gr.nde, 1a hereby ..lected aa the newapaper 1n whlch said notice ot hearing shall be published. Sectlon 4. Tbet .aid City Clerk 1& hereby direc- ted to mail notice. of auoh hear1nl a. provided 1n ..1d MUn1cipal Improvement Aot of 1913, postage prepaid, to all person. ownlng re.l property whlch 1s propo..4 to be ....a..d to pay any part ot the cost ot aaid work, whoae names and .ddrea... .ppe.r on the l..t equal1zed ....aament roll of the City ot Arr010 Grande, or as known to aaid C1ty Cl.r~. includ.1ne; the 1II&111ns ot such no\1ce. to evert owner of property .......d by the st.te under Sect10n 14 of Art1. cle XIII of the const! tut10n .t the address thereof shown on the last bo.rd roll transm1 tted to the County Aud1 tor. Seotion 5. The C1 tJ Clerk ot said 01 ty 1s hereby d1rected to cau.. not1oea ot the p.a.... ot this resolut1on to be consplououa1)' posted on all open streets withln the 2 di.trict to be .......d to P*7 the oost ot said 1mprovement. at not mON than 300 t.et apaJlt on ...b street .0 posted. but not 1... than three in all. AIIOP'1'.U, SIOKU AIm APPROYBD th1a 27th _ ot February. 1962. ~ a~UAZ OJlG tiol 0 GNIIdo, Calitom1a A'l"l'BSft (SEAL) 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss. COUNTY OF S44V 1.J'tg naTA."() CITY OF 4.RIIlWn A. &'''' I , IDIWU.~ p wY",IOW ' City Clerk of the City of eAfrovo ~rande , California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the orego ng resolution was duly adopted by the City Counoil of said oity and was approved by the Mayor of said oity at a regular meeting of said City Counoil held on the 27th day of February , 19ea-' and that it was so adopted as follows: AYES: Counoilmen Burt,Pence,Jacobs,Hartwig NOES: Counoilmen None ABSENT : Councilmen Lee (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA I u. COUNTY 0~9 CITY OF I, W1T~nM , City Clerk of the City of , California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that oregoi~f9iS a full, true and oorreot oopy of Resolution No. , and that the same has not been amended or repealed. . DATED: February 27th , 19.62... (SEAL) ~~~~~f AwOJO Orcde. Cal1fornia 4