R 0518 JI.turnOlf 110. SiB '~LVtIOIf 01' .. OD'f 00UM01L . 'I'D 01ft' .. AIMfO __ no. __ 1**"'-" or I.AIQ.'1'AIIf ... AD j,... PUJrI'a&IICD AD ....W,~.ft WII AD JIIIOQ--~_' ~ ._1AIr AI A HUL'1'I IIUIVU. (HwuIu ..... _,......, DbV1.' ... 10-61-1 waul, a... .un.. wANeumn' ~..,... tel' .... JIoad 1an1\UJ ...... 1. on rue in U\e orn... or the 01\7 C1U'1c, wbieb ... .h... ~ the 1...'1.. or pro- po." 1fOI'k ad ~,..., .. 1M .......... W1*1n the 01\7 or ~ lIant., wbill\ -.II: and 1nf""""" .....ut or MI'U1n uns...., ...... 11M apJNI'Mnant WI'Ic, and wbieb ., a1ao ...... the ~ or .. ua_s.e, to 1M ........ tor the out ad ...... or laid -.II: .... ........lIrlft" and WIIIDAI, tId. a.. '...11 baa ado"'" 1M ....1\&- Uon or InunUoa, ....l\&\1on ... 51? . .. February 2? . 1'" tel' Hid 1fOI'k and SlllpNVI T-' pul"ll\lMt to ,"...dlap to _ taJcH \Ind.. .. 1IIai.Spa1 ~fllIlIll' ie' ot 1'13 (D1Y1111on 11 ot .. '\No_ .... IItll'111.. CIodo) I ad WIDIIUI, \lb. WI'I.'un "..... and "'OJ TAd.U.. ot the Heal tb orn.... or the cro.tIJ ot Ian :Lu1a Old... d.....s.ntns Uta, 11M ...__Uon or Hid WUIC .I.un on ea1d ,lau and in ..... .,.un..u.. and ,......."... tor neb ......,1oft .... .. ......1pal ~........, '.t or 1'13 .... ........., .. . bMltb......., ad ...nw,nd- 1na wd wol'k ad ,1'OMedt.qa .. a beal\lh ....., have _. pr...'" to tbSa 01\7 OO\ao11, MOW, 'I.'IIIIBNIII, taw au,. c..e11 ot ... a..,. ot U7lfIIFO GnN1o, Ca11toN1a, 110. .....,__r RIIOLft, nIm. , ~ ' ". , AID 0IDIIt .. fttll... I ".\ion 1. "'II tM deWN1ut1ftl ... ...__Int.. '10M ot aaS.d Health orn... ot tba eo..,. ot Ian I..uIA ...... -. .pnad upon the ~. or tibb CUI' COuneU. 8eoUon 2. .., tM ....__,ton ot Mid MtI'IC ... 1D ..1. npen 1e ........, a. a Mal. ...... "'II ........t..p' to. tM ...~ ........ or aaS.d 1fOI'k a.. ........,. .. a Mal. ....... tha, P"...~t. ..... tM -..s~1 l'IIIpato......, An ot 19U ,... tba .......,,-. or Mid .... aN .........,. .. . Mal1lb ......., ... iaa'll .u. D........ 1e bere"" t'ouad .. .....,. ..oU.. ,. "'II 1ft ..... ot the t........ no tuI'UMI' ."p. 01' ~ ...... 'be 8pM1a1 ........., Iavo.UpUon, I4Ia:ltauen ami MlJor1.,. II'oto.'II Ao'll or 1'31- an ~ an<< none 1ba11 ... taan. ADOPI'D, IDDI AItD Afftlli#Ul; w.. 27th ciaI' of February , 1SH$2. ~t?{0/ &ftIwJo ......, 1i!Ia'U'0I'Id.a. A'l"1'I8': ~~. (PAL) 2. IftB OJ' CALD'OIIIIA J ~U OJ' 8AK LVD OIDJIO ... em OJ' MIOfO IIQ.DB I, MAJIWtI'J.' L. 1fV.IO!!'.. a.", Gl_k .t .... lb.'" .t Art1fqo .......u 0I.U1'UIId.a, DO ., ~.In *' .. ,...... ___ "___~0i"'_1" laid ft'" ad .. .......... .. .... .t AU ..... at a_ ....J"' ....... .f H14 a. 0...11 _14 OR .. 21th _ of February ~ 1_,.. , it .. .. ....... .. f.n..... ADB. _'.''1M'' Burt ,Pence,Jacobs ,Hartwig Hoal cowu.s.:s.- None A_INT. VOWWU'\I'. Lee (UAL) l'lATS 0' CAI.D'OUIA ~) OIJJIft OJ' $All LVII OUIJIO ... cm or AMarO CUWIDB I, IlUOAU'l L. 1fTT"O:.~Y C1U'k .r the C1t7 of Arre70 Gnncle, Calttonia, DO . CIR'lDY .., the aMYl and tonptna 11 a f\all, tNe and ....., .... ot ....lu- ttOft Ho. 518, .. that the ... baa not .... ..... 01' ....aled. DA'l'BD1 February 27th , 1962. ~~ (UAL) , r~o or Gl'an4e, Califomi.. 3.