R 0517 RlSOWl'ICII RO. 517 RlSOLV'1'lC11 ,. ... C1ft COVIIOIL ,. '1'111 CD'Y 0'1 .ucaoro GbJQ8, Ur......M.1:~~~~ D'S JllT.lftJ. to ... .,. . . Q1J CIM'AII IAJUIIMI Alilua ... .,..M IU'/lft WOIK Wlt'k&II IUD OM, _.,<q._ _ pao,.. 'OlD ~. IJ'BI.UA .,. UBaJOJl -.u,., _ .,. aJ8!l'lJft ft . ..hl>>l BJ lAD If_ ... ft . ,,,-,., TO PAY If8 001'1' AD ~ .,.... '. I." TU1' ICIDI 1It~,.t. . tlRQ ft .-,.., Alall- lUTa '1'0 . 1M.. tIO't,N. ... .,. >>1&- roa&L . AlII JUIItUIa ..t". 1'1 .,. ~JJ'UD ..... fa oo.UIT1011 Q1J TIS 1......_ Mibtdll_ .... raot08J) ...... ft UI Uft _",I ... mJIIC'IIIIIAU Uft _.~,,~ '1'0 INK AU ,n& A WR1~" RIHItI W1ft'1'lll em e1\BJ&. ("ana an.1' u....."to 81.\l"1ot ... 10-61-1) WIBa.u, tb1.. 01\7 OO\lMs.1 or tbe 01 t.7 of AI'I"070 G1"UCIe J'lI'OPO.." .. ........bar_1' ... pa1't.1ou1v17 ..t torth. to take PJ'OOlM41q. .......1" the _lo1pa1 _.......t Aet of 1'13 (1)11'1.1011 12 ot tIMt at.....,. and. JU.abw.,. 0...) tor tbe oOllat:wotl1on ot ..na1R unlh17 ....n .. apptU'iIu.., wol"k 11'1 ..14 d '71 1fOW, TIIIRUQRI, tbe eU7 ....11 ot tbe City ot A1'1"oJ'O Gnnde. OalllO&"81., DaI ~1Ilf1llSGLVB, DnS1UIDIS AD 01U8R .. toU.... SeoUon 1. ""'.t tbe ,,"tUO 1ftte..., and. 00lly.n1- .nee ~1fe ..4 ,taat it 1. tbe 1R....UOII f!4 tbe City Cwnell ot tbe 01'>>' ot ~o CInn4e '- ......1' \be t.11_11\& WGrit t.o be 4trIe 01' 1IIp1'O"...t.a 110 be ..... ... 1Mtall.. 1n ..14 tit1 .mI ..... a4J....t tbe..... to w1" !'be eon.'INOU" of "nlln un1ta17 ..we.. and. appurtenllht work 1n 1 ~ "Pee" Stanlel' "YeIIWt and . 11_ paNllelw1tb tbe o.nter- 1108 .r Cluen.. "ve.. ..... u.bnt ...terll' tbe...tl."Olll . 41.tan.. or appzoo.' ..te17 1650 teat J in ~ betwee" ...... Road ..... _ '-_1'17 1wn'tdmaa ot ..14 01....".. ....DUe J in be..... _.... Road and .......:1.... .,......, in .......... b.tw.... ........ Road end AI'ro7o G,..1Ie ......kJ in a.n1tal"J .... ......t. ....riM. u t.U.... (1) Ari ........, tOl' ..1taJi'J..... JNI"POM' 0...1" . pon1011 of loot. 11 8M 18 of ....le. ..1NIMItY1a1e .t put of .... 'owal .. nee... 11._.. 8M 801u .. ChIlll1N1. CJ13 ot ....,........... 0aJU'....u. ,'14 ......t "'... ,.00 ,.., 111 Wi_ 11M ....... ~ S__.'" f.CO t.., a' riP' UIl'. tna _ to low1.na .....1M4 11ne I O_DO':I ., tile 1OQtae.., ...... of tbe 1nt.....1I1... . ".... .... end .laN.... ....... J -.... ttu..s.;, .. ..., 11M at 01...... ........ '_th" 49' · "".. "'0.00 1M' \0 thlt ,... point of MPIrD1na. -. Ciat 1N1aI .... hl'tbw.t .0J.'lJO. of ,....t C::1 ot and ....,.. to ". If. and 1:1.1..... I.. a1ktt...,..... ......" 1ft ... 1011 at 'IP 62 of ott1.w ..... of lea IM1a .s.apo ....", tben.. lea::\..- ..., l1ne of CJ.laNMe ....... ..... to11t11.: "nh l1ne ot _. .....1 ot laR4....nIt. '. 95.00 ,.., '- .... Kenla.. ..at .......1' ot aa14 paNel of 1aMt, 1M (a) An ........t tOll' ...1-'" ..... JNI"POMa Oft. . pon1011 of Lot 11 of 'Mole. I'IIwMiyS,at_ of part ot ..boa Oollftl .. 'lHn, P1PD. and le1.. .. 'be..,.Jul. 01" of ....,. "II!~"" ..Uto"'ia. aa1d .....nt -1na 10.00 tea, in .1.... ... ".""'''' '.00 t.., Oft ..... .1.. ot .. t.U"_ ....1'1..... ..nte. l1DO' 2 1Ie,lonina at . peint 011 title ...t line or l\aDle7 "'ft'DUe, Mill ,.tnt Manna awt1'l ,- 49' 51" .u" 109.35 tnt ,... ,be ...t. ........I'~ ........ of tbat ,...1 .t laM __""d to .nee ... ft....OII 107 deed 1'O.0I'\td 111 ... 121 It rap 1JII or Off1- oW RHo'" or 3M 1M1... Gb1llpe Goun_, Mid polnt al.. '".... South .. ." ST. But, "'!l: tn" tl'Olll the ...t w..tel"J.r' ..... ot M14 Lot , ..... lean.. M14 11M .. I'U.ftIU.tta Ioutll" U' "". 64.1' tnt, the... .... sa- at' "", *.42 t.., to . ,olot ... \be .... 11M of M14 ,....lot lud .;::rd 1-..... ... ~. ..14 po1n' Man SOI.& 81 00' .,...., .21 t.., t... ,be 1ftteneot1011 of .o1411M with. W..' 11M ot Cl....... .YOn"', .... (3) An .......t to.. .u1...., ....... pu...,.... OftI' . pol"t1en ot Lot l' Of a..le'. I'OIIUWiVHi. ot part or a.boe Col'hl ... .1....., U.-. ... ~.. .. "nl, CU, ot......,. II.", ta11ten1o, Hid ....-nt "10& 10.00 t.., 111 w14.-. ... .ate.....c. '.00 t.., . ...h ... ot the to11_u.a ....ri.... ..nter 11M I O_no!q at a point on the W.., 11M or tbat ,....1 ot lamI _."... \Ie ,,",,0 .~.... 1JIt1C11'1 II1P Soh001 Di.'ri.' :t. ..... ........ 1ft ~ look 147 .t ';t *. Mi. po 'Mm...'" 31 ",.,. Bu'. I .61 tnt ,... .... .., ....r1:;...1' of n14 C:-1 ot 1_, tbe!!t _".. 13 .' "'t. 31'.. t, ~ ..'" '16 39' Bu'. . .43 tnt, ,..... sou.th 83 Ut But, . .'1 tn, to . point OD the w.., 11M ot .'-M ......... A14 =:-' Nan IoU'" I. -,. 57. But. ". .,. fM' t1Mll1 ,. ..., Ionbep1J .omel' lOt ..14 Joe, ".... (4) An ......nt tor ..it..,. _~. ....1' a p01'1l1011 or Lot II of ,..le" .. Yla11n ot part of Roh.. Col"N1 .. P::::,& '1_. ... IOla. .. O"vt.a1, 81_ at.......,. 1'.~"U.tUllia. M1d .....rat Mina 10.00 to., 1ft aM _toM1", '.00 toet OIl ..... .u. .t .... toUIIJf1ft1 ....1"1Nd oentol'llne. CI - T_~ .t ,.. awt....tk,......r Of the 1nto....t".... ~.... "'YOmII an4 Ol.unM ....._. tbeMe S011...s.9 V.., 11no ot CU........ ...".... Iou~ 8 '-"'1 &Nt. ,".00 t'.1;' tMnoe lean. .&14 Uno ID4 1"Uft1.. "'h 81- v..t.. '.21 !tOt \0 the tN'/:Utt ot M.......' ,\\en.. 110ft" 52 15' .ut. 6. tnt '0 . po1ftt .. .. we.t 11M at 01...... ...v__, _ (5) ArJ ........, tor ..1_17 ....... P\U'P.... OftI' a pOnion ot Lot l' or ,teele'. __M1vt.a1on or part ot ...... OOI"N1 .. ,......., ,...... _ ..1.. .. Oboldnl. 01\1 or """'0 'IWI~ 1a11to1'Dia. M1d ........t Mina 10.00 t.., 1ft t" .... .xteM1n& '.00 te.t on ..... .ide of \be ta11OWu.a ....riNd ..nllol' U... 3 rt=lna at a poll'l' on ..... ..., 1~ of ....." ''"', .u.. ,011'1' .... IOU'" 31 )9' 25" But, 49.39 tnt ,.... .... ..., w....l"~ ....... OIl that .....1 ot laM ....,... tit....,.., . aM &1"IWt JL :r: X ... ........... 11'1 ... ,. at 'ap 514 0 Of e1a1....... of .. ~. .1F GoutJ,.J:j" poi.' al.. ...... ...... 31 39' .. ...t, a .39 tn, tfta .... ...t "....1"1J ...... ot M14 Let 1', t...... 1Uv~" ..., 1" OIl I""" ....., .... I"WIII'A,,!fU 16- '3' ...., 24.08 t..,. _... ~ 13 .' ".', 1Qf..~ t.., ,. . po"" .. .... ..., 1_ of IUWI ,....1 of 1aft4 ....,... \0 ....., It. .... IIW1n JL _OIl' ami (6) An ........, forHDS.\UOJ ....~. .":1." a pol"l1'" of s., JI fit '''10'. .. . "uion ot . r:' Of bn,... ,"nl ..,iHft, n.., ... .. .. .. GtU17t..l, '1" .,~. ....., GalSt..... al., aa14 ......D' __ 10.00 ,.., 1ft "14th ... .x....::I '.00 tn, lit ...b ft" of tb;, t.u..lna ....1'1 ....... :a..tno. 8q1~ ., . fOlI'I' lit tile h.' UN ot \hat '....1 ot :1 .....,.. t. 11_ It. .... ...., AIm .1p b, .... ......... its ... 951 .t .... " ot otts..tal ....... ot ~ IMU : '....1' Ai' p.tn, ....... ao.", 38 3f'''-' . 108.2 teet t... ,be MI' W....1"17 ....... et pU pv..:1 Of 1_' ,~ 1.... u14 U. aM ...._ IIoJo\b 1.- 33' at Ia'. '1.. t.., .. . potn' _ ,. Vert 11M ,t tUlhm """. ad. ..1n' ...... .twth 32 39' as au., 1000.n ,.., ,..... .... .... ,."- 0"1J ....." of ..... .....1 of 1aII4, ..... ad" rut al.. ....N SCN_oJ:: 1:' .,- ...... _.11 tee t1"Oll ,be ..at I . ........ ot U1.. Lot p, Ud (1) An .......t tor ...1'..., ....~e oy... . 110"1_ of .., ,. ot ...10'. .. naJ._ .1' put of ........ GerPal de Pie"', n.... ..... 801.. .. .I.eal, 01" ot A....,. .~... hUtomla. Ai" ......f~ I'" M1.. 18..00 tetJt 1n Wi4'" _ .ne.... 1n& 5.00 teet ,... \be to11Gw1n11 ....1'1...... ...... 1... Be&1M= .t. a ,.uat on __ w..t. u.. of ..10 perul ot 1 ....~ to .11[ ..it B.. ......... l81n b7 .... ......... 1n 661 ., ,... ., ot on1- 01&1 ........ !S .. 1111. .~ ....'1;. Ml.1II ,.,..., be.... a.t.1t 31 39'''- "". 231." . t. hw. 'be ..., w......1J ........ et aau .....1 ot 1_. .. ......" al80 .._ .... .., "".1"17 ......... .1' ..14 Lot. 51, ,be... 1.... ,be h., 1-* ot p!" F vel ot 1_ aM ....s.. ..... '4 fL.- Bu. 88.91 tetJt ,. . po1M .. ,be But. of aa1. ,......1 ot 1_. ..... ,...-, ....... _'" 31. .' .,- But, _.11 tn, tniII ,be ...t .........1J .....1' ot NS.d ,....1 ot laDII, .... 4 (8) AD ......D' 'or ..1~ ....... IN....... ..... . port1011 fIE Loq '3 ... ,. fit aMe1.'. ,.......1.1011 0' Er of .... Golll'Nl .. ,......, n... .. -.1_ .. .,., '1" fIE ....,. ...... c,ut...U. aU' ......, _. 10.. tee, b wtAb .. ate_- 1n& 5.. tee, on e_ eU. oE .... tollow1q ....1'1_. ...te.. 11M I ~_ .t . pout t:1 ..... ,,\II "'.,l' We.'. 1.33 t... aM ..'" ... .,. "'.. 1 .1' t.., t... .. !'Pi "~1'1J ...... .t ... "'" 54, ...... a..", 81 11' 31 "". 114.44 "'" ...... Rort" 140 n' .. "". 18.1&0 ,..t w . ,..., on .. w.., 11.. .t \ilia, ......1 ot 184 ..... to 'M 0"" of A~. .... '1..... -..... u Book T5 at rap ,.,. .t 0ttIeSA1 ......t hit lM1a _1ap. ::::"'.. 1U4 pout _... a..t" ,.. 3S)' 15" "".. 1 .GO tee' ... ...... p.J) '"' tna .. moat .....1'1' lomeI' ot ..14 .....1 ot 1", ami (g) An ........., to. ...1 tan .......:.t3C. ...... · pOrt1_ ot Ln 54 ., a...lo'. ,. . Yil10n of ,.rt ot Robo. 001'1'11 .. ,~ P1.... .. -... de OMId..aJ.. Ot'r ., AI.~o ....... Ga1U...u.. Aid .11t..nt be_ 10.10 he' b w1.. .... ....... ,.00 teet .. ...b .uo ot tbe teUew1... ....1'11Dec1 ...ter u.... JaeI11ml"t.:' . poiDt t;bat -... 'r:'h ... 30' W..'. 130.33 . ,... a.'" 310 Jt' 15 "".. 1."._ tN, ..... ,... !!'I' ~1'1r .~". ot w.. LIt, "', ""DO. ..'" 11 11' 31 ...., . .11 t.., ,. . pout; OIl .. ...., 1_ fIE ., .....1 .t laM ..".,.. to ,.. a. ... "......... ,....., ., .... ...- .....d u Beak 41) ., .... ., ot Gtt1a1a1 ....... ot au 1M1, _Upo...... ..... ,...., ..... ...... "0 ]9' 15 "', 1".1' 1M. ,.... .. ..., ....... .rlJ .....,.. ot ..... ,.....1 ot land, ... (10) An ........t tor 1ID1..., ....1' p&I'I)He. 0...1" a portl_ of tHen.AII ... ." of I. t. ...,... ..w1Yi.lcm ot ...... 8orPaJ. .. ,J.ecIN. ft_, and >>e1.. .. .....w.1 ... ....1' . ....... ot LM 54 ot '-.lAI'. ..~ n.ea of.part of ..... "lInl .. ,........ n..., ... ..1.. .. ..ldw.. OU, ., ....... ,. .......,(t oa11te1'D1a, A14 ....n.' ... 10.00 ted 1n wS...... ... e.~t. 5.00 tHt .. ...... dele or tbe t.u....... "1OI'ibe4 ....... Uno. ",1_1n& ., . ,...t OR ,lie We.' 11_ ot ..u t...t1eu1 r.t 19.. M14 "i.t ~ '"'" )I- ". .,- ".'.. 173. T' t..t ,.... ... _, W..."17 .....1" ot H14 Lat J.I' ~ 1e'~ JJ.ae ... 1Nft- n= Ift!1h laa' ....t. .M t..., 'Mft.. Iou 1111 17')18 Bu'. 16.11 tN, w . pout on the Bu' 15... at *' =-=1 ot s..d _....,... to B. O. LooPIh and ... .... ""...... 18 look 342 at rap 4T1 .t otttaia1 ....... !t .. IMJ.. .'apo cOUPa, ..u po1.. ..... ..tit 31 ",.,. ...t. 1"'. r.at t.... .. MI' ..........1' ....... of aUd ,.....1 .t 1..... J SeotlOt'1 2. !'hla 01tl CCNftoll baN"" l18kea the _.-pen. ot aaid work 0""018 upon . 41.'l"1ot, whlcb 41.- trio' thia 01t)' Couno11 baNb7 "oluea \0 _ tba 41at..lot benetit.d b7 the IIa1d W01"k ami to _ ........ to paJ the o.at an4 _.-pe1JM the...ot. I'or . ....ript1.. ot aa1d 41.- tl"l.t. ...toNnee 1. be""J .... to . 1IIIIp of 881d 41etl'1ot 0t'I ru. in "" orn.. ot _ 8814 ou, Ole", ami ".~lNted ...b......nt D1qn111 tor ....... .... SanltaJ7 .....". wblet! 1IIIIp 0.. pl.t lndiute. '" . 1tCNmla1'J line the oxtent ot tbe tel"l"lt.17 1noludll. ln ,be ..14 ,1"Op..... U.triot aDd Aall &o"m hI' all detalla .. \0 tbe exteGt of ..14 .......ftt 41atI'10t. SeoUOt'I 3. fhat ..r1al "emU -'1."1na inte....t at . "_ not to ....d ala pe1" ..nt ("') pe... _ aba11 _ 1allWtd to "p........t 0" ......- VII' "-.1"111& unpaid t... tbirt)> (30) ..,. after .. .._ ot .....Na"'_ ot the ........nt. la1d ..1"1a1 b.... ....n ...... Oftl" . pe1"loc1 .nUnc 111_ (9) 1..... tl"GI the ..... .. ot ""'1'J nut auo...d1na the next lepte..r lat teuowl.. tbelr ..... Said 1.tona II1II7 be ........41 b7 the ..." or IIft7 penens 1ftH....ted in en, lot ... pal'OOl or lend ....r1M. tbe...1n. ln tM JllPM1" pronde. 1n H1. at.....'. ... .....,.,. C..... .t arI7 t1_ beto" _writ,. .. bet... ...-1.01..\ of p1"OO8ed1r1&e tor Hl.. upon ..,.n to the 01to' '1'......NI:" ot tM uount tben unpaid _ tale PI."1Mipa1 .. t"'"o1'. w1 th 1ntoNat tlleNon oaloul.te4 up to .... .... ..to .t tile neat llatul"1na lntoNat ooup_, and all pHalt1ea ......, IP'd unp.i' 'optber with. pNld._ ot ,. .t al1. unpaid pl"1nol- ,.1. 8a14 bOt'lda an .. autlbonad. J.i'1IdIt1l" tbe It.an.1o1pa1 6 11l&pI"Ov.."t Act ot 1913. D1v1a1oo 11. OhQtel' 7. or the .It....,. ami tip.,.. hde or the state of Cal1t'om1a, and. are to be 1&_ci pur.uant to ud .. ,roV1c1e4 1ft the _1'0,"- ment loot of 1911. J)1v1e1on T .r ..1d. COIle. "01;101'1 4. 'l'bat the aaid. wen is to be cine un4er 8H p1"OOtIe4111&8 the..,OI' ... te be \mdIt1' ... pul"lNant to the aud. 1tm101pa1 lap........., loot of 1913. Seet10n 5. '!'bat the en" B1sa1t'llMl" 1s he..bJ d.1MOted. to PI"OCN" the .....N4 1ftte~t1_ ... P"P'" and. '....nt to tbte 01t, OOuhol1 'hi 1O'1tteD _port _ ..1d. wol"k 01' 111pl'Ove_nt ...u... .., aai. JIm.1oipal x..,rove.-nt .., or 1913. aa ..t tONh 1" a.oUona 10103 and. 101Q11. ot aa14 8t...ts and JUPw.,.. .... leot101'1 6. '!'bat aq .x.... NMit'11na 1n the 1mpl'Ovo..n1o twItS _HI" 1Ibe oCIIIIPloU... of ~. 1IIpl'OveMnt _ball be apen10 tor the ..ute..... of tbe _1'O.....ot .. pl'OY1deC1 1n leot101'1 104a1 of 'hi ati....ta .. IU&bwqa c:... uonU. allDD AD loP,." tibia ~_ ot February . 1962. . A'1"l'U'l' . ., o 0..... cellfom1a taw.) 7 . ftAfB OIl OJl.T,OMlA I... COUII'fY ow SAIl LU1S 8111'0 CD'Y OW ARRorO ..".. I, JIUIIARft L. VUSOW, C1C7 .lork of .... .1t7 of .An>o7O ......1 CalUo"", 10 "~"lI!i ..1ft \bat tbe to..- '0"" ...olut on ... du1r ........ ~ .. 01\7 .....11 ot Hid 01C7 and vat ....... ..,.... .. I" of n1d 01'7 a' a_ ..pial" --'=Lot H14 01'1 '_11 "'14 on tbi zhh '-ot Februar~ ., and that; t wu .. Mopted a8-1 lm'.... . , ADS. 'owtoUman Burt, Pence,Jacobs,Hartwig JIQU . C0\IntI1~n None AIII1IFft . 00wMU." Lee (aw..) S'l'A'1'B 0It CALD'OJUfIA } ... couwrr OIl SAIl LUll C81.PO CITY OIl AlUtoro .IWIDI I. IlAJlJARI'J:' L. Vtr.8o.1. C1t}' Cl.rk ot tbe C1t)r of A","o Grande. Cal1tomia. 10 ....~ CBlftDf that tbe ._ove and to"&Oi~ 111 a tull. tru.e and .0.....' .Op7 at ".olu- tion No. 5 . and tbat .... .... ba. not .." ..oded or repealed. DA'1'BD: February 27 . 1962. (SEAL) 8