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R 0507
l . , ,', { ,f. l:: . ""<'!.'": ~,,' .., I . ,~ I ..,'~.,,'~- ~S~lLI.7rrON~. 507' \... i ' . ""or U"'I "J ,..,.'.. ('I' ,", (' .1' . 'I) " 'nl'" Iu.:...) '..I ~ ~,I Li.i.'I~ .!. .J J J. ~\_J J~jt.:..J: J l!j; J. d~ I ' . .'. ,CI'fY. ('T" __ ...~y~ ~!~.~_, .~__ ,__,.,___, ~ ' AD01"l'IiW IIIW.:.nmiU'l"i'IW; ;, uUIY.n;',' j'Ui. l';,dJo:i:IJl'l'Uiu'; UP i .FUNDS JI.LLOCA'rED I~ROH '1'1:'1.0: J'rA'n: IIl':m:.w t'UHD 'l'G CI'rIES ~. : g, iIlIEHEAS, n master az:::,c qmc II I; i ,,;:; ",,:,:n ,': .'I;utud uy the Cl ty a!id J,' , ~'~ . , the State of C&l1forn1a on }'AV 1-L_...:___' 19 1>1, for expend- iture of fundo allocated from the ::.tate: ])'ic;hl,ay fund to clt1e:>; and, . \~HEHEASJ the city council hac pruj:{1red a pl'oject statement showing estimated expenditurcf,' of' :,uch fund:; l'CCOIPl1H:mded to be made during .the 19-1l-U- fisca1"year; and, WllEHEAS, t.heoity council ha~ hcarr! read said proJect statement , . . . ~ and io familiar ~Iith the, cont'mt:; there()f'; I THERE:FORE, be 1t resolved by the cHy council of, the City of;: "j :"', \'#I,nOYO' 1iI'..... that said project statement be and it;l,& .......1 . ,,, ,I . 11..ere1:>yadopt.ed aathe bUdg~t O.r pPopoGed . expend;!. tu. 1'0.6 of the gas tai~ ,'S"ji ;." , aUoc,ation to cities, said pt'oject utatomeht lJo and the same is . ?",)' ~, .~',." ' ' -' , , '. IF" ,i ".' I if h~reby approved ,and the mayor and the city clerk a1'O directed to ' i<,:\, :'~,' ,....t,." " ,"r-" ~~' ,', S1,gn the name' on behalf, of lHiid City, and ,Ga1d project statement to '(, .~,\ , ,~'<'~{~l '1'" 1.>e subm1tted tothc' Department of I'ublJc lIor!w, State of California,',! J ....'" , "~A /...!ti>", ,.....i. raccorclanc~ with the prov1ulon:J of' Section ] ~)7 of' the Streets and"';!iit:j' /",,,. ,,)i1chways Code.;,,;, ;~'i:'t,'" ' , ' , ~,h!\~"; ,;~tr-" APPROVEPAtfDSUBIUTTED thiu 12th day,of D.oUl* , l5lt~~ '::;ir: ~:F . "/' . . ~.":. /"1 '. ., _ "."i' ",'c', _. . ,,;I , ,,' .. ;.' ,'," ,";':/. ~ "," ',., . ,/.j .~:,;.c"1.f1/ a" /.:;, ;~'1:. f. i'" Ii,:"~) ."..'~_~., hily(",;--o('-'\'II<.;:~(JHy -of Arr;Q:iO wt~";"";' ...;"t! ; , "<~...,:~~'."t~:.!'f;"',),,~,'" <, " "";"': ;','t! . ,'";'c" .-V) ~','" "-""""_'~X",~,,,,":l~""~~',,,,_ '.:(,",_'\ )\~~est: '~....'~.."~."/2"'A--:.X." .r'_~~"">'~~~".'..' ............... ." "":\ ': 'f" 'k of the: 'C1 ty ,,; 'i'5':J<r~ii!""",~" ,j : ........ . .,,~ i 1 . I hereby.'Q~1.t1fy that the l'(H,"',;(jll~~"'--1"a.:~<J,;,ltiori'l;lae"ul,qv and 1 reBularly passeq by the city Cll\cd::D, i:;j' ,t:,I; r:"l''',~:\)f Arroyo l)~~p at a regular meeting thc"eOl',:~J (I, Dli\c~b~r L.,d~ "'-..;,,,,, 1961 . .:"~}~;.!!'n"J .. , ", . "'~ .'.~:':;.,.<~,.,.~,;\"}.~":' ".:.-'.,'_...."'..,,/f...',/...~.~.?~, ~,' -...;,,.......,. ',;,,", ci~-.cJ-y " t' '-(T'-i ,. 01' 1\-'1:'- 0) ,""M..1i1 "'<iI",i::,. ""-'f' v.. ~.''''.''. ",,"" " ~~~.;'. 'i '." " , Form M~-9 (12-60) , , . . . , ". . .. ". . ......f ' ....... . " -,'. r I