R 0505 ~.- '"- RESOLUTION NO. 505 1. RESOLUTION Ol' THE CITY CO\JJ:ijCIL Of' '1'W;; CX'IT OJ' ARROYO GRANDE CONSJ::lUING TO '1'$ COMMENCEMBN'l' OF PROCEEDINGS FOR TH&: AJIIIEX- A'fION OF C&RTAUt INHABITED TE1UUTORY J)B- SIGllATED AS "'AIR 0A1(S - ARROYO GRANDB AllNJl:XATION II WHEREAS, on November 14th, 1961, e~tion,~. preaentea to the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande requesting the COWlCll to give its consent to the cOl\lll8nc:ement of annexation proceedings in connection with that certain inhabited territory therein re- ferred to and generally described, 'Which is contiguous to the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande 1 and WHEREAS, said petition was referred to the Planning Commission ot the City of Arroyo .."'" for investigation, report and recom- _ndationl and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission rendered its report and recommendation to the cc>uncil on the 14th day of November, 19&1, favoring the ~ommencement of annexation proceedings, and WHEREAS. it is the desire of the City Council to give its consent to the commencement of such annexation proceedings upon condition that the electors within said territory be informed at the tilllF. th.e Petition for annexation is cirCllai.&ted that the question to be s1.lbmitted to said electors shall be Io'hether the territory shall be annexed, and the property in the territory sub- jected t,o taxation after -.mexation equally with the propert.:,' within the City of Arroyo Grande. Nm'i, 'l'IIEP.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City C01J.l1cll of the ':,U;y of Arroyo Grande: 1. 'rhat consent be and hereby is granted for the c~ncement of annexation proceedings in connection with said inhabited territory in accordance with the Annexation Act of 1913. provided the petition for annexation contains a reque.t that the question to be sWlmitted. to the eleCj:On residinq in the territory propoaed to De annexed ahall De whether the territory ahall be annexed, and the property in the territory aliDjeoted to taxation aft.er annexation equally with property within the City of Arroyo Grande. 2. That said un1nc:orporated territory be and hereby i8 de- aignated aa AFAIR-OIU.<S ARROYO GMNDB Am1B)CJ.TI01l1" and i8 desc:r1bed &s followsz attached Exhibit "A! 3. The City Clerk will certify t.o the adoption of this Resolution. on motion of Councilman Lee, seconded by Councilman Pence and on the following roll call vot.e z AYESz Mayor Burt, CouncU.men Lee, Pence, Jacobs, Bartwig NOBSz Sone ABSBJlfTz Hone the foregoing Resolution waa adopted thia 14th day of 1I1OYUiber, 1961. ~~dt?Mi MAYOR ATTBSTz ' ~ ~~.l~ C7 eLK , " / I Exhibit "A" i I DESCRIPTION - FAIR OAKS - ARROYO GRANDE ANNEXATIOa Beginning on thp Boundary of the City of Arroyo Grande on the Easterly line of Halcyon Road. which said road is also known as Cienega Road, at a pOint Which is located South 890 56' East a distance of 60.00 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of the Folsom Tract according to the Map thereof recorded in Book B of Maps at page 75. records of San Luis Obispo County; thence North 890 56' West along the , ! Northerly linb of Grand Avenue a distance of 675.60 feet to Post G-37 at tae Southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence North 210 18' East a distance of 484.26 feet to the North- west corner of said Lot 1; thence North 680 28' West a dis- tance of 617.92 feet to a point which is located South 680 28' East a distance of 16~ feet from Post G-10 at the North- west corner of Lot 7 of the said Folsom Trac~~ thence South 210 08' West a distance of 506.80 feet to a point on the Northerly line of Gran~ Avenue; thence across Gxand Avenue at right angles tv a point on the Southerly line of said Grand Avenue; thence Easterly along the said Southerly line of Gxand Avenue to a point which is located South 680 55' East a distance of 180.20 feet from the Northwest ~orner cf Lot 8 of said Folsom Tract; thence South 210 IS' West a dis- tance of 166.30 feet; theDca North 680 55' West a distance of 256.40 feet; thence North 210 18' East a distance of 16.30 feet; thence North 680 55' West a distance of 136.20 feet; thence South 210 18' West a distance of 66.60 feet; thence North 680 55' West a distance of 171.80 feet to a point on the Westerly l.ine of Lot 10 of said Folsom Tract; thence North 210 18' East a distance of 216.60 feet to Post G-32 at the Northwest corner of said Lot 101 thence across Grand Avenue to Post G-3l at the Southwest corner of Lot 9 of said Folsom Tract on the Northerly line of Grand Ave~ue; I thence North 680 55' West along the said Northerly line of Grand Avenue a distance of 268.10 feet to a point; thence North 560 50' East a distance of 411.73 feet to a point; thence North 330 10' West a distance of 368.73 feet to a point on the Northwesterly line of Brisco Road as conveyed page 1 - -----.----------- ~ - ._------~-- - r , " I I ! to the County of San Lui~ Obispo by deed recorded in Volume 298 of Official ne~ords at page 238, records of said County; thence South 560 49' 30" West along the said Northwesterly line of Brisco Road to intersection with the Northerly line of Grand Avenue; thence Northwesterly along the Northerly line of Grand Avenue to the Westerly line of that property conveyed to William HoCk by deed recorded in Volume 45 of Official Reco~ds at page 34, record of said County; thence North 30 22' 30" East along said property a distance of 310.00 feet to Southerly line of that property conveyed Arthur E. Miossi et we by deed recorded in Volume 775 of Official Records at page 186 recorded of sai~ County; thence North 860 45' West along aaid property and the Westerly exten- sion thereof, a distance of 336.00 feet to the Northerly ex- tension of the Easterly line of that property c,onveyed R. N. Lancaster et we by deed recorded in Volume 914 of Official Records at page 8~ records of said County; thence South 30 22' 30" West, a distance of 310.00 feet along property lines to Northerly line of Grand Avenue, and the Southeasterly corner of said property conveyed R. N. Lancaster; thence North 860 45' West along the Northerly line of Grand Avenue a distance of 183.00 feet; thence North 30 22' 30" East a distance of 540.00 feet to the Northeast corner of that pro- perty conveyed E. B. Wilkins by deed recorded in Volume 706 of Official Records at page 53, records of said County; thence North 860 45' West along the Northerly line of said property a distance of 153.00 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence North 30 15' East along the Easterly line of Tract 109 according to the map thereof recorded in Book 5 of Maps at page 107, records of said County a distance of 610.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 3 of Tract 109: thence North 860 45' West a distance of 66.74 feet to the Southwest corner of maid Lot 11; thence North 30 15' East a distance of 60.00 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 10 said Block 3; thence North 860 45' West a distance of 200.25 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 8, said block 3; thence South 30 IS' West a distance of 60.00 feet to the Southeast ,Ji>aqa .:2 .? I "-._,.--.---- ..J , corner of !.ot "if said Block 3; thence Nor.th 860 45' West a distance of 66.74 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence South 30 15' West a distance of 768.62 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of said Tract 109, thence South 86~ 45' East along the Northerly line of said Lot 1 across FairView Drive and along the Northerly line of Lot 1, Block 2 of said Tract 109 a distance of 333.74 feet tQ the Northeast corner. of said Lot 1, Block 2; thence South 30 15' West a distance of 385.00 feet to the South - east corner of said Tract 109; thence North 860 45' West along the Northerly line of Grand Avenue a distance of 669.74 feet to the Southwest corner of that property deeded to Richard J. and Vera T. Messier by deed recorded in Volume 690 of Official Records at page 563, records of said County; thence to a point on the Southerly line of Grand Avenue which bears South 860',5' East, a distance of 1,075.00 feet from the Northwest corner of Block 87 of the '!'own of Grover, hccGrding to the map thereof recorded in Book A of Maps at page 6, records of said County; thence North 860 45' West along the Southerly line of Grand Avenue a distance of 351.00 feet to the Easterly line of a 50.00 foot right of way de- scribed in a deed recorded in Volume 436 of Official Records at page 87, records of said County;' thence South 30 15' West along the Easterly line of the right of way so described a distance of 645.00 feet to a point on the Northerly line of the property conveyed Kingo Kawcoka et ux by deed recorded in Volume 757 of Official Record~ at page 206, records of said County; thence South 860 46' East along the Northerly line of the property so conveyed a distance of 723.89 feet to the Northeasterly corner thereof at a point on the Westerly line of Tract No. 10 according to the map thereof recoJ:'ded in Book 5 of Maps at page 28, records of said County which said point bears Sout~ JO 13' 30" West a distance of 645.00 feet from the Northwesterly corner of said Tract 10; thence South 3~ 13' 30" West along the Westerly line of said Tract No. 10 to the Southwesterly corner thereof; thence North 890 50' East along the Southerly line of said Tract No. 10 to i'age 3 , - its inters'::cd:J.o" with th€ Westerly line c.:: E...tl Street; thence South 00 O~' West along ..aid wssterly ,:ir." ');: Elm Street a distance of 757.10 ie8t to a point on j:,he rik;rtherly line of Lot 23 of Pismo BeaCH -:ardens according to U.e map thereof rccord",d in Book 3 ~f ~mps at pagd 45, record!; ,):t said County; thence North 89" 58' 15" East a distance :;.f. 20.00 feet to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 23; t.hence South 00 IS' ~ast along the Bctsterly line of said Lot 23; a distance of 743.00 feet to th~ 80uthe2~tdrly corner thereof; thence South 890 45' West along the Southerly line of said Lot 23 a distance of 50.00 feet to the intersec~ion of tIle said Southerly line of l.ot, 23 \Ii \:h the Northerly extension of the Easterly line of Lot 24 of said Pismo Beach Gardens; thence South 00 15' East across Farroll Road and along the Easterly lines of Lots 24 and 25 of said Pismo Beach Gardens a distance of ;;" ::jO.:i4 feet to -ch", Sou-..:he&sterly corner of said Lot 25 and "- point on the Northerly li7le of '!'he Pike; ther:ce south 890 43' W~st along the said Northerly line of r.he Pike a distance of 598.75 feet to Southeast corner of Tract No. 80, according to the map thereof reco:r:deu in Book 5 of Maps at page 91, records of said County; thence North 00 J.5' West along the Ea"Le:cly line or said Tract No. 80 a distance or ,25.04 to the North~asterly corner thereof; thence Nortil 890 45' East along the Northerly line of said Lot 23 a distance of 76.75 feet to the Soutll\;1esterly corner of said Lot 24; thence North () 0 ).5 ) West along the Westerly line of said Lot 24 and the No:ctr.e:r:ly ;?:,:,::>longation thereof a distance of 806.3 feet to a point 0.1 -;-,he Southerly line of saill r.ot 23; tbe!lce South 8~? 45' Wes~ Jlong the said Southerly line of Lot 23 to the southwesterly corner the~sof; , thence tlo':"th 00 15' West along tha Westerly line of Si)>; Lot 23 a dista!lcs of 743.20 feet to the J.tI~J:"tilwe-ster'1y COI'ner thereof; thence SO'l~t::': 89? 58' 15" West along the Northerly line of Lot 20 of said Pismo Beach Gardens a distance of 586 feet to the :t-!:,,-,:thwesterly corner tr.ereof; 'thence page 4 , . I South aloJ).'~' "":ht:' We.:3t0rl.y lii.1.e "jf salt] L0J. 20 " ".i.stance of 743.8 feet toe the Bouth~!e::;terly -::orne1 the:(",of' t'h;'~lce North 890 45' East, alfmg the Sot,t.'1erly li.ne,f Gaie] Lot 20 to its intcn.(~ctio!1 with c;h,,' Northerly prolongati0n of the Eaate:::-ly lil1e of l,c;; 18 :if said Pisrno Beach Gard"ns, thence South along tr,~ 3aid Northerly extensio~ ~nd along the Easterly line ot' Lot 18 aud Lot. 19 of said Pismo Beach Gardens ar,a the Southarly exVmsion there of across Pike Road a distance of 1, 6l~ feet ,~~) " p()jnt on the SoutherJ.y line of The Pike, thence EafJtcrly along ~he said Southerly line of The Pike through it& various courses and distances to the Northwest corner of Lot E r)f Subdivi9::'ol1s of pJ:'operty of E. L. Warner, accordin; to th2 map thereof recorded in Book B, of Maps ~t page 50, records of said County, thence South along the "Ie'-'te:dy line of said Lot F ;:> dista!Jce of 817,24 feet tv 1::.-; SlJ',.th,westerl~' ':'orJ:\E?" the,reof; thence Nort.h 890 10' Ea3t':\long the SOlltherly J.L::e.. of said Lot f; and the Easterly e;rter:.':'ion thereof across 'l'Wenty..sixth Street a dl,!ltance of 566.48 feet t.O a point on the Easterly line of said Twenty-cixth Street;/..:he.nce North 00 lA' ~O" West along the said Easterly line of Twenty-sixtb St>.:eet to its intecsection with the SOl,th(-rly line of 'l'he pike, thence EastEJrly i~ivr.s the" sai-J <)<:'t1the.r.ly line of The Pike and its Easterly exl:ensioa to '1 pojut: on the Ei'lster.l~' line of Halcyon Road; t.hence Northerly a,},ong the said Easter,l..y 1.ine of Ha.lcy,::)!) ROi:'.d to it.s intersection with the Easterly prolonga- tion of '~he C:;f-'!1ter line of Cen-:-xa.J A'len'l" a,=,cording to the n;ap ()f Recketts Oceano Addt t:i.,)n re:::'1."-1.,d .<,n Book 1 of Lic- ensed 3ur'leym:' [ !"-ap at i-'a':je 103, rC~O~QF of said County; th"'):'.'e ~'Testpr.J.y across Halcyon Roa-1 <:J:ld alor.g the said c8nter line of CcJ,-l.....L..al Av2n'l:~~ to t.b.e Sou.thW'2st corn(~r of Tr~H~~- j~c,. 140 acc,ording to t1\€ !.1-"11 thereof (ecordeo in Book 6 of Maps at rage 17 r(~~~rd};; ())': c~1.-':: COU:n.tYI thence NQrth 110 ('\1 . .,'..(. East along the Wel3t'3T.i.y line of saie: Tract No, 140 a distance of 770,06 feet to '::1:", Sn'ltherly line of :r!'''rT'~U Road; thence Westerly along the ~a,id SO\.it:herly lin", of J;'arrall Road to its intersection with the southerly extension of the Westerly page 5 , , .. . , . line of ~\=:,,:",:,~~.. r~.:.rE?~'Jt Q.ccordi.:1g t.o th8 ma~t) of T:L"c:ct. ":10. 45 recorded j.n 3c.ok :.. ai, page E8, records of f>e>j.CI C(":nty; ther,ce North across Fa,rroll Roan a:od along th" s?id v,esterly line of Pecan St.reet, and the f:n:t,herly extension thereof a distance 0f 786.96 fe~)", to a potnt on the Norther.1.y line of Fair OakfJ Aver-ue; th~~co Easterly along the said Northerly line of Fair Qa,ks Ave!'luG "".u '..:he E'!.sterly exteneion therEof a distance of 1,369. n :f.C8t .~.-' a point on the Easterly line of Halcyon Road, then~o N~rt~ ~long the said Easterly line of Halcyon Road to its int~~s;,ction with the Easterly e~:- tension of Uw 3cut.~'le!.'ly line of Dodson Way, thence North 89" 52' Wesi: across H'11cyon RO::l.:A and along the said Sou::herly line of Dodso:1. Nay ane'!. the Westerly prolongation thereof to a point on the Wcster.1y line of Alder Street; thence 80,-,t.;1 alo;lg the saia Wss::8r,1.y line of Alder Street to " Foi:1.t' which is l':'cated SU'J.tL c cL::"->:i'1.":lce of 13. 7 5~ fee:: froD the Southeast, cerner of Lot G, Blcc..;~ ? uf thE' Faj.r Oak::; Tract according to ol_he Map 'the!'C'of rc ~(),!tj€(~~ in Pock 3 of Map~ at pc:.gA aZg records of E'aic; Cou,nty; tl1GnCe West a djstance Gf 165,2 feet to ?. point; the~ca South a distance of 104.615 feet to a point on the Southerly line of Lot 5 of said P.l0,~k 2, thence West alon" the said SouU',..,:.:ly- line of J..ot 5 " .1istance of ]~~ ? ieei:. t.i.~ a :t---1):L:1.t.'t t~G~CS South ~ distance of 118.37 :>~ feet to a P(:il~t C1~ Lt.", Scu'.21erly line of Lot 4, said Block 2; thenc8 West Z'.long t'he ~:"';i,d f,outherly line of Lot 4 and the S~ut:",Drl~{ .1.i:n~ of Lot 7 s~i..id 1':.i?ck 2 ~ dista~co of 150.1 feet t,'.> th8 S('~.:.t.h"lest co:,::'ner ",)f ~::=).i.c. Lc.t 7 i 'chenco North alOflY t1-J.c~ Weo.l.~'3rl:-i :1..ine ~~f E:;~id Let '? a d1E~~LCB of 327.5 fe{;'l tc ".::hE'~~(/...7J1E;rly li:'1\2. I....f .:1.511 Pt.::'-;;!;=': ;~'.; the~1:':e :F.2,.Gt along . t1:e '~ai0 SQU.tJ-,~~~:ly .1..inc of Ash Street, a d..ist.an'.;e of 12().1 feet to tha NC.tt:>2o.[~t carn::}: ':..i. g"it."~ Lot 7; thence Ne<:::'":)-; acrose r.,.s~-J. t:trc.'st. ~~D.d :..j,();::).g ;.b~ /h2,~tG':)'~ly 1 JnE :-; of .'Lot:;; ". -- & 3, Block S 4,.,.;,): C::i\:, ~_i_...:;" ;~'i....':. ::~... ''':;'aku '-~x.:act~ ;:, (",istc..r~c~c (\1; 39'';...6 feet t:o the No!.U:''lf.st CO:i.'I~~:t of ciJ,i<l L:.,i~ 3, :aJ.oc}~ 5,- j:henGe East ;"\long t:h8 Nort~>~:cly ]. U)~ \,)::; said I!ot 2, L,.loc-~: :; and the Easter,ly exi:ensi.~n .:.r.:.2reof ;', ';:::.st.<1"C~ 0.i;' 3~O.4 feet to a l'~ge 6 , I -----. . , . - """" , , ~ . , . ".) pOint or. t-':: ]i.e..', terly line .:,f Id,de:':9treet; ther.ce North 00 08' East a.Long +:he C''::.id E?,sterly line of Alder St:o:eet to the Northwest corner of Tra~t ~;. 58 accor~ing to tbe ma, thereof recvrded in Book ~ of Map3 at page 75, records of said CC''..1nty.' thence South E80 50' East along the Northerly line of sa,!c: Traot ~o. 58 a distance of 441.33 feet to the No,ctheast C:O]:'I'.~.r l.hereof; thence South 00 08' west a distaL~e of 125.17 fe~~ to the most Southeasterly corner of Lot 4, BlocL 2 of ca;,Q Tract No. 58; thence South 890 52' East a distan~e of :lS feet to a point on the Easterly lill'. of Hii:;'cyu.1. ROe-d; thence North along the Easter- ly line of Halcyon R-~i\d to the point of beginning and ~11- cluding all lotI' "!,nd block of Subdivisions located therein to<jether with all. plUl!c roads, alleys and rights of ways of .;:ecord. ~ J .. '. . . r .. - STAT::: OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) ss CITY OF ARR~O GRANDE ) I, MARGARET L. WILSON, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of Sari Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No.~~~ is a true,full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande at a regular meeting of said Council on the /~~, day of I I , ~.A-Y .-g~h./ , 19~. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed the /~~, day of '71'~A .l!'-~ " 19 ~/ . I I I