R 0503 j ", ~.. " ..:'" .: . " "" , I . : . , i / I ! R,ESOW1'ION NO. 503 _..__....._-_.~..._+- " RESOLUTION OF TIiE CITY CF ARHOYO';RANDf. l)r~~lGI'1ATlNG CERTAIN' 'PUBLIC'PLACES FOR THE POSTING Of' PU(\LIC i'.cnccs, ORDrNAN~E:S, .i'tESOLUTIONS' A.'H) OTHER TY!'ES ,O!-' PUbL!C NOT~ FICAT!O~S WHERf..AS, .it 'nas be.co!l'.e nec.e!isnry to P/~6~ Ordin",nces. rea::> and othlir tYP~1I of public tIOtic~s and notification,'ot: public NOW THE~E.fOREBE IT RESOLVED thl.lt the fo llowing pl&cea be they are herewith designated ~s Official postini plac$s in the . City 'of Arroyo Grande for the purpose of posting ordinances, re4IJolutions, public notlccB and vlu'j (Jus' MtiLcadol\1I of public aCJions where pOiilting tu' pc!bl i,~...ti(';I\ thered ", required' by law, wit: CITY HAI,.L.2l4 East Br'Hleh :->r"",( ,. An::;,':! GrMld". Cdl ifornia FIRE HOt)SE.21,~ East liranch Str>!",.\:. Arl'<:lYo Grande, Cali!orni_ POST OFFICE 132 East ~rut\~h Stn"!I;t, .Arroyr>'Gr<Il\~e, California On moticm'ofCouncilman Pent:c . 6'H~onded by ---,--..-...--- Councilman Lee ___...:-___.. and on the f.()lli)",i1\~ 'roll ca:.1 vote, to-wit: . AYES: Mayor Burt. Councilmen Le\?, P'~l1ce. Jftccbs and HlIft'wlg NOES: None 'ABSENT: None I I the foregoing RCllvltuiol1s waG ad<>pted I;he 10th dl\Y" of October, 196], , ,., -"'" ..'" -'--",' ...........'.. .-.,,~_...,......................._,.,____.~r.~_ ___ M.A. YO I{ . ATTEST: . ;"", './ ..-"f.,/,/! . ..... '. , /.'ff1'J~"'( '"1Z<','j"'"~__'__""""", CrtYCLERK , , i , . , !; , I , ,.( .... ->.~" ._~,;'~a~4~/.~:~r~':'~,;:\;':' .., ,,,-,:,;_::,,,,,!-,-,,;'iF;..:..,.'t.,, :"_'~'4,'jI.,,,, "'.-;;,<,@\l .. ~.-',~~""I-'