R 0494
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RE:;"CLUTIOli ufo' :r"2:.:lTY "OUNGIL OF THE
CiTY OF /",fI(.'!(} ,:,'."" APr'i-,OVIJH.r AGRsr.:ni;;\'l' r'OH MAINT<:;NAJ;CE
STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF i.fi/:h. em,\ 'l1:i.
WHER~S, the State of California, through its Department of
Public Works, Division of Highways, has presented an Agreement
1.'"'1 ' .
for l'1aintenance of the State highway in tne '-'ity of Arro'/o Gronde
effective as of Julv 1. 1.961 and to remain in effect until
~ended or terminated.
WHEREAS, the City .Council has heard read said Agreement in
full and is familiar with the contents thereof;
THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City
of Arr~Yo Granoe that said Agreement for Maintenance of
the State highway in the City is hereby approved and the Mayor
and the City Cl~rk are directed to sign t~s~e on behalf.ot
said City.~(~lJd;~PR.~ 4~.&;~!,)~
, ADOP~1s ~5d day of ~~" , 19~. '
Mayor of the City of /.1'%'(.;'10 v.NIndt)
Atte8t: ,"
City Clerk of the City of Ar~cJo CN\nUO
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and
regularly passed by the C,ity Councl1 of the City ofJ:!;~:." '''_:''~~__
at a regular meeting thereof held ~ ~~- , 1 ~ /' < '
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Clerk of the City ,;'f'7:;ii",7S"lfiil.4:.
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