R 0491 . -- . r.A '''01;1011 was ma,' by Councilman Jacobs, see' ,dea1:iY-'Council- man &rtwig t.J:litL..T.nL. _l~.r o.'ou..h"rs l'jO. b~ thru 1.. .'--'M-be approved and oraered transfa"""q, All members proBeR\> \,Qtg'" "Aye". ---- ,. , RESOLUTIOU NO. 491 IN 'THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, I STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RESOLUTION DECLARING RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION, t WHEREAS, a Specipl Mun,lcipal Election was held in the City of Arroyo Graride on Tuesday, June 6, 1961 as requ~red by law. AND WHEREAS, ~t appears that notice of said:Special Municipal, Election W<1S duly and ,legally given, that voting precincts were, properly established, that Special Municipal Election officers were appointed and election supplies furnished, and that ..1n all respects said election was held and conducted and the votes cast there at received and canvassed and the returns thereof made and declare~ in time, form ,and manner as required by law of sixth class cities. AND WHEREAS, the Council of said Clt.y met at the Council Chambers thereat. on Tuesday the 13th day of June, 1961 to canvass the returns of said election, and having canvassed said returns, to be as hereinafter stated, now therefore ,BE IT RESOLVED, 'as follows: That sa~d Special Municipal Election was held and conducted in the City of Arroyo Grande on Tuesday the 6th <;lay of June, 1961. in time, form and mahner as required bylaw, that there was one voting precinct established for the purpose of holding said elecuon consisting of a consol- idation of the regular election prec!ncts est~llshed for the 'holding of, General State and County electior'.s as follows: Precincts number one, two, threp. fo~r and f~ve, and the voti~g place thereof was the City Hall. That the whole nUmber of votes cast in said City (except absent \ voter ballots) was~. That, the whole number of absent' voter ", ballots cast in the City was 7,' making" total of 407 votes cast in said City, That the issue voted on was, Shall the Ordinance entitled "An Or~~nance regulating I ,the collection and dispos~l of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rubbish in the City of Arroyo Grande:. Providing a means of fixing rates to be charged: For the granting of Business Licenses to persons engaged in such c;ollection and disposal services: Prov~ding' penalties for th~ vio~at~on of this Ordinance and re- pealing all Ordinances to the extent the same are in cOnflict here"(ith" be adopted? i ' I - . , Total votes cast to,dccept said Ordinance ~a~ ; 332, tatal votes cast not to accept said Ordinance was ~ .,,' On motion of, Councilman Jacobs and seconded by Councilman Lee and oh the following roll call vote to-wit: , AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacobs and Hartwig " , ",' NOES: None' , I , ABSENT: None I , the foregoing Resolution\was duly and regularly passed by the City Council o.f Arroyo Grande, California this 13th day of June, 196).. . " , , .I /, I 'tJ I ,/".' /" ,,~ I ."...' , ~ /' I .:I... / ATTEST: frJ(~$1.,tt ~ -Id/,/..", i : " I '" (.' <' -' /-:7 ',;, ,,- " p'ITY CLERK ~\AJ:OR I iJ' \ '"... - --.- .__,_~'.\"..",_,f. ~ ,...h,..,-..___.........A...'; """.>.....~..,~~.