R 0489 -- ~, J . . RESOLUTION NO. tI~r RESOLUTION GIVI~r, NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS /lFAIR OAKS NO. 26/1, AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE TIME AND PLACE FOR 'HEAR ING OF PROTESTS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of the "Anlile~.bion:!of Uninhabited Terrllory Act of 1939/1, proceedings have been Initiated by the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, on Its own motion, to annex to the City of Arroyo Grande, all that uninhabited territory situate In the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, herein designated as "FAIR OAKS NO. 26", and more particularly described as follows,to-wlt: f . That the ~~id City Ccuncl! of thl'; City of A"rc.yc:"'i1""e L._ desfre5 to annex said uninhabited Territory to the City 0: .Ar il:;/\'.'.. C,ltar;a~ for the following reasons: Said territory Is contiguous to t~~ c..' t '/ of t\rroyo Grande, er\d its proposed anr~xation will contritut~ to ana faci 1ft ate the order 1 y growth and deve lopment of bot h the ,I t j of Arroyo Grand~ and the territory proposed to be annexed; I,.j ~ 1 1 provide. the nroper control of street layout. drainage, sanitary ~e...'t," des iCF' !! nd proper land use in conformity with the over all zon1~~ P;3!1 of tt,e C Hy I!Ind In the territory proposed to be annexed. ,. That Tuesday the .1~~o day of Juiy, 1961, lit the hour ;)( 8:00 P.M.,of said day,!n the Council Chamber~ in the C it v{a 1 i , 1 r, the City of ~rroyo Grande. County of San Luis Obispo, Ca1 H'-Xi la, is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where any pe; SOi~ ownin9 real property within the unlnhab'ted territory above je~crlbed and prooosed to be annexed to the Caty of Arroyo Grande ancJ "80'; ng anyobjectlons to the proposed annexation may appear before th... Counc'l of the CHy of Arrroyo Grende and show cause why such ,:ninhatj'ed territory should not be so annexed to said City of Arroyo ur~nde. Sv,ch pr<)test or protests'must be in writing, may be fl!~d at 2rj time before the hOlJr set for the hearing of objections to the prOf,'<?'5<3:;!I annexation, and shili 1 stitt the name or names of the owner- or ('\""',~;le! -::i ;.:;F property affected IiInd the descriptiof' and IiIrea of such ,:;"ooert1 1r; genera! ter'll!>. 4. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande Is hereby ~wthoc- fzed and directed to cause a copy of this Resolution to b... pLcd holed at least twice, but not oftener then once a week, I n t h~ ,,!,: r /; ,C,_ Recorder, 8 newspaper of genera! circulation published i;l !61,j C~t'i J Arroyo Grand!':, the City to which It 15 proposed to ann\".x th,., "~ore~lIld terr Itory. ~nd a130 in the Telegram-Tribune, ill newspaper of q"~e,.,>' cIrculation published outside the City of Arroyo Grande, but ill thf?: County of Sar> Luis Obispo, California, the County i n wb kh i" ~'')c&r~d " th8 ~err!tor)' propo$ed to be annexed to the City of J~rrovo ,;"d"d/'!, said publlcatio;'1 to be completed at least twenty (20) days prior to t~e date S8t for he..r j n{l. . And the Cjr.y Cl.r 1 s f,;r t her a~thcr 1?~d and .:j t r f~(_;. .J: c: " ~~ \ is ?] ",-Hte" notIce of sucM p"-oj:tose(' IHH~ex,Hion t.,} be 1!;go j 1 ;,~C; '""," hi,cr ;)/:',. $.cr~ 7': C) ~;,orr lend ~'thjn the !ecr'tory proposed to b~ Bnn~,>:;:),~'I, ;. 'II, ~ ~"" . )t":: 1 rl t ;I~ hut t'ql;F.\'llzed COl!""~Y '!'3H"s~ment c.') j , ~\iB 1 i?JG! f.~. ),' ~ " " C€i E' ne I!Ibove pr,:>ceedlr1\,! wel'e fnP!lIted, at the address ":\ how-, ('_1;~ ~~ ',I a5se.~,5rnent r~) : 1 or !!IS know~ to saId Clerk, and to ~~rj\J ;::--er :\/"'jIt, ',';, I '''','-, r; 1e.j h!s "srne i!nd !H!d:'e!~ af'd the de~{gnation G! ''-!-.f' ~,-"d'+i, <. '.I,' c, hr~ , h~s a'll ,[ n1:er"est, eftr;:er iegal or tH;)u~t~b1ef' '\"4 j t,,; 5 i3 j ,~ t' .,:,r':-: S.c- ":l'lt! ce to be giver' ".,() ~: 1ess t. hail twent y (20) GillfS be (,If E' t !'-.(~ r f ,- ~:: ~)_., r.. heBrl~9 on the DroDD5~d annexation. I\"d i "! thf) event th~re "1 5 ~ '-'poP iand propo5e0 t~ be- ~;:',' ~:x.I'-;C t a ~trl.ctUi'a 1 1 ~n,orovement owned, bEd "Ii a.:qu!:- ed c):' 1ee,'jpc T', , ' ,) '~ ;"'"1 ;: \ t1~e prot~ct1on D1$tftct~ th.~ ~a"d C1"r"- ! s df rectetj t() . ~'.'"^::~ ~;..., i~ n not1ce of ,~uch prop()$!!d annexation to b~ rndi iE'd co t;.~ 9C,\~r.-. '1 :')orjy of HKh dj str let. $uch not fee to be :set "ot less thar; !: e-! ('F-VS ber':Jre the fjr'H fJub1k hearfng '-'poo" such pr;)p05"-!d 8":-;1:')(<3, ',:,,' A'1d the u1d City CJerk 1$ directed to C6use ~r1tt~n r,ot <j ? , C~, <.< give" ~,-,ch other per~on$ liS may be lega11y entit1ed ~;le(~t~. j " I"J~ Immner re-qu 1 red by law. On foIl)t! 0"1:>1' Coune limen ~ff~.____,__, , seconde< i' ~,( ;r"'a', ~~~~"~ &,~_:,~:~~_o: 2,f~;;~~1) . .'."'( t: i'o/n""" , ~ ' (~, , Af!SI':I'i'r,~~ -"14/ , th", fm'o:I(Jofng !<"J1Io!\Jtlon was adoPted this ,.11& da! ,'" . _C&'~!?[ AEp~T_n__ ~. .. MAYOR ATTEST! !I~I?&-'L&.:.kPJ.1-. 6-o'",u __'_____, '"_ C1ty CI~rk, CIty of Arroyo Grand~ , ~ ) . FAIR 0Al(S MO. 26 All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo Grande. in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California included within the following described exterior boundaries I Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of Brisco AGed which said point bears North 560 50' Bast a distance of 780.85 feet from the intersection of said Southerly line with the Northerly line of Grand Avenue; thence South 33. 10' Bast along the Southwesterly line of the property conveyed L. 5ewma.n et ux by deed recorded March 20, 1959 in Volume 989 at page 380 Official Records of said County. a distance of 328.73 feet to the Southwesterly corner thereof; thence >>Orth 56. 50' Bast along ~~ Southeasterly line of said property a dLstance of 66.25 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence North 33. 10' West along the >>Ortheasterly line of said property . di.tance of 328.73 feet to the Rortheasterly corner thereof on the Southerly line of Brisco Roadl thence South 5&. 50' West along the Southerly line of Brisco Aoad and the 50rthwesterly line of said property a distance of 66.25 feet to the point of beginning, and including all lots and blocks of subdivisions located therein, together with the rights of way. alleys and public roads of record.