R 0478 , '. ~1(}l.ll82 iW;E2~ . :-,..,.. - .,". "-- f'~<~ :)~) ...... ....,.........V;! \ RESOLUTION NO. tf7~ RESOLUTION ABANDONING AND CLOSING A PORTION OF 20TH STREET IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO,STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, on the it/I::/<, day ofh'196-/.' the City CounciT of the City of Arroyo Gra de, at a regular meeting passed a Resolution of Intention to Close a Portion of 20th Street located in the City of Arroyo Gradde, which portion of said Street is more particularly described hereinafter,and WHEREAS, in conformity with said Resolution the City Clerk of said City caused to be conspicuousTy posted along those portions of said Street, at intervaTs of not to exceed three hundred (300) feet in distance apart and at least three (3) in number on said portion of said Street, copies of said Resolution, which Resolution was entitled "Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande Stating its intention to Abandon a portion of 20th Street and Stating rime for a Pub Tic Head ng"; and WHEREAS, the City CTerk did, in conformity with said Resolution, cause a true copy of said Resolution to be published at least once in the HeraTd-Recorder, a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande, as designated by said Council, and WHEREAS, after hearing those persons who appeared and objected to the proposed vacating, abandonment and cTosing of said street at the time provided by law, and said objections ...,., rn having then and there satisfied and withdrawn by the objectors. co J NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the hereinafter I',.. ,-' .~ described portion of 20th Street in the City of Arroyo Grande, (.;;.. .- County of San Luis Obispo, State of California be and the same is hereby vacated, abandoned and closed as a pubTic street and 1':= (~ C.; one of the Steets; of the Arroyo Grande City Street system. ""-'! Said portion of said 20th Street is described as follows: . Jl(!l.lt:'OG FAGE,(:;OO . . , . . ~- -.., :-'~ .-..; ~ . , .. - "- - That portion of 20th Street in the Town of Grover in' the County of San Luis Obispo, State of CaTifornia, according to the Map of said Town filed for record November 23. 1892. in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as foTTows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 84 of said Town of Grover and proceeding thence along the Wester I! 1ine of said 20th Street N 3 16' E a distance of 652. 8 feet to a point at the SoutheasterTy corner of that property conveyed to James R. Jennings by deed recorded in Official Records, VoTume 986 at page 88, Records of said County; thence S 86044' E a distance of 35.00 feet to the center1ine of said 20th Street; thence a10ng said center1ine of 20th Street S 30T61 W a distance of 652.48 feet to the NottherTy 1ine of Grand Avenue; thence N 86045' W aTong the NortherTy Tine of Grand Avenue a distance of 35.00 feet to the point of beginning. On moti on of Counci lman .1Ia."Z'tu.J . seconded by CounciTman Xe-c , and on the following roT 1 caTT vote, to-wit: . ~ ~ ~ AYES ~ '/&4, ~-?V ,~ ' NOES ABSENT: 7LnzJU the foregoing Resolution was adopted this .?iMday of February, T96 T . //R~ ~ Mayor 0 e C 1!y of rroyo rande ATTEST: 'lft4lf~ bA'l/ L,kYt' C t y' er ..., m a:> . I ~!::... --" '.....,' 'i2 N C:;) Ci ! """ ! . . - Wl..l!OG PAGt~:J~ . . . ~' -- .-.." ' . .. .... -- STATE or CALIRJaNIA ) COUJtTY or SAIl WXS OBISPO ) .. Crt"{ OF AItRO'IIO GIW{D!I! ) I, IlARQAJIET L. wu.soH, City Cl_k of tM Cj,~ ~ An. GI'QQde, Couo~ of Son Wi. ow..po, SUIte of CcaUfcmU.a, a. ber:aDf c:el't:Lty tbGt tbe 'OI'egowg .eIlO11&t1oft Ro. 478 - b a tnIA, full.ond. conect copy 01110141 Resolution . :' . paa.eCl aD4 a&Iopte4J:1y tbe City Couoc11 of the Cj,~ 01 ~ CkODCla at Q regular ...twg of Rid COUDCll on tbe 28th dcLy~ February ,lSI 61 . WI1'lOWi .1 bou4 Gnd 'the .l1li1 ot the C:L'ty of An.,. Glran4. ca:.ff.f.xecl tbI.. 29th 4o.y of February . 19 61 . -- . " .:::' ,".1,:,:t~~.:;:~~,...\;.:.", ~~~::;,(: . , ".,. 'i\ '\ 0)' ',,~' .'. " \' 0' ...~,. ~~' ,,' ( . ..'....'...q,'..;; //-^ () ~.....,..., '1",<.", ~ <.':f:,",;. .,~..... \;.,'I',PORA/ \'9'\:;,;.' C . 1_ 0 1Ibe at,>, fit. : \ ,~' " ~.... ~i"," An yo Ollcmde. C01Uom1Q '-,"\\\ .',', (tJ.,.,\\" : z:; (c! ";,. '...'.:jg.>- , 'I/l . ,,\\. ,.,'., , " Y I \ ''''II ,..,' ., \~ },.,.,...":\;~I:.::,.".../rjl.,.(ttr . '\. .., ......,..,.. )".,'t:t-.tol'.",,:,;,.;.,.:,::> .' ..,. L I F' 0 ~~. ..,~,( 'J,';. '~_: ':" '. ...". .,",.\--.,..~~~;<r:{~~~::;~ .'i"~;: ~:-:' Document No' '. 2937 ~Ri."UES'-...........- ~'T'h'~' ::i,fIH: 'P'A'~::.~ ~ OL.. -T,~....OIR. p..:z . .M. SAN LU.& OII'PO eo' .. .:s::...._~ UHTY. e,,~ FEe '1- 1964 mi:e,At~ :~.._. Co~~ ~..lnclOXtICI