R 0477 - '1 - RESOLUTION NO. '1'11 A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARHCto GRANDE. AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CANCE.LIATION 01 GENERAL FUND WARRANT 1160, DATED JANUARY 10. 1961. ~. General Fund Warrant 1605 or theCit7 of ......0 01'_. waa i88ued to Burke and Pace Lumber Sales on t~ lOth dq ot.~. 1961, tor lumber and material. and WHDEAS. said Wart' ant had already been p~'<i the lIonti ,~... aDd ',. WHIRBAS. aaid Warrant should be cancelled In order to ....... tbe 'i~ti"i~:~:i' t 1101181 to General Fund. HOW TImRBFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL or _ em OF jRBOYO GRANDE that the CiW Clerk of' the City of Arrayo GrIrIi4. btt aDd au 1. blrewith authorized and di~cted. to cecel said o..ner&1 ~. WVJ.oIIDt HOS. dated January 10. 1961. On Motion of' Councilman .~ . seconded b)' Councillllln ~, (7 , . and on the follow1l1g roll otU ...& AIISt /ndftVJ ~ ~~~/~~ N(Ut ~ ABBJrt ~ the toregoing resolution was adopted tlri8~d" ot I ~,.I.,n~11.196l 4~~~ p~Z ~~~