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R 0475
.;0_. . , l - ~ ~ y IiliSOMIO.r: 1-:0. 475 \,. , r' ,'. I azsOLUTION Ol"TW~ CITY 'COt~!~{~ll~ /:::~!~1(1 :(~T'!-;5 OJ' r...lC~NS::: TAX fOR J.,UCTICNEL:rmJG t1)\Den T1''; f'!ICV:;;I(il:S OJ' LhDI:;,'JICE N!J!'!BER 102. ' .' ' o. I 'h'H'tR!IB, the CH:r, Council or H.e (.~! t,y Ct" J.r.,.~yo O:-'\nqe ill . &uthCJr1 tdti uoeJer 'tillJ p....(i't1.st on~ t::" ,~Si'lct i-;.r. :H:, ::,:" Cl"dL-.~ rJctt j~:: to ,make 8uch chl1nCe3 in l1'Jun~u ill:, lie h i t,1 opifjir,,::."-l be neCUII&.r~' 'and, l.pthflbfillt int'i:r!ltt',' 01" th~ CI ty Df,1.1')'oyo Orand a, an1 IwHER$1.S" tho City Council of t,ht> C.:.t/ 01> Arrn;,v 'J:'lIIId.. bllG dlJterndofld th\t. thore ~hou.ld b~ ti ~r.,,;1;:" il1 tho !'~t~6 111. l1c..r,u taJCNte tor aUQtioOlluring fro'l t!JOIJO &~t fr.wti: 111 ~t::t1on 14, Dlwia.ction 79 of O~,~1nMc6 102. . NOI, TI\~;R.;;}'OR!> IJI~ IT R~SOLVJ;J (hit t/j~ I'~,~.)S of Ji~~,1:5t1 tu . ' . r.or auct1YJ1Der1ng be ~.nct, tha' sam\! "1'/) he:'~uit~ chJ.r,oEd frol'l ,,1.00, , ' ~ . ~. p~r d~y to the sum of' ~~5.Qa ~~r d~l. rr IS },liid'IIE:R O\lDE:H:O Till-:r'tlfo 1r.CI",:,MIO Ar;d ,~il.!'i.1d in ths :'/It'-!5 of ~i\1d li(;...neo, t{jX shall 1:;,; . ~!fO,.;~i;H\ 1:r";",,1J,'~"1:'. ' I .. On :-k..t.icn of C'f-J.nc1Jmb.r,.....f-e.cqb~, g[jC-:'j~G~'J DY ~(.Y.li'.~\ 1~f1~1 FtJr,t-io, . ,I arf'on th$ follQw1pg roll call veto, :tc;"'wHt . , .\n;51 Hayor Burt,' COt.n.~nIl1en l-Jt., hoce, Ji1cubs and !I;or'twig , NOj<:S & None', i , \ AE.'3ENT & ~ ono j ,. " " '!:ht to;e~ln~ .a"olut.1on'w!ls' a~ep.t,ed' tl'-ll1 28th d~ 0,( F.brllr.ry, 19,6t. I '.; I ,.',' r' I i .0 'I .i ~~~ " I "I . I ' ,#,TTEST & ',.' , /. . . , ~:I!' . . ~' . . .) . ... " ..... , ,.,., " ~"/ · ,,~jr.\~"r;,?':',r'!~ ~, ;'{l-:, L (.'..r,~i'+-" Cif:?, CJe rk ,: i {, ! I . , , , I ' I I I . .. . .., . .. ~ \ :<-,.: , ',. .~...