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R 0474
.. ' , ..I H..:::..s,~':;eI I :'It-- :~<.~. -I:tUt.,- A RE.SO!.,i.n'r:JN (:A[,):.!I/:, i:", '.<~,.; I~:'< SA.LE OF IMPn\WE.:'(!",'jT l1El\",t D'l"l\E.tn" PkU,) =::'.~'II N,'~~.. ~~,; -;. ~E.SOLVED, b~" the Cit:, '~vl..;n.:;il ,Jf 1;r.e, '~1\;y'ot',Arrayo .. I Ca~lt~rn1a, that , , . 1. . Tnt Qlt;/Clerlc of 811.i.d City be, an<i 8h. 18 htlreby I ';"';- ",'",-,-":,',,.,-. . . ,', ',,' ." . '. . ed. to cali tor bt~afor thesa.lt' of 11IlprOI"elll~n~ ponda to '08', ',"" . ",' :,' .. . .. ",' ......,. , -.' , ", ..... .f' . . . '. '-, . .-:, ~urtiuant .~o ROAolution No. 446 vr l~ten~lcn adoPtod by' thl~ ';- ' ,- SII.1d o.c':10'" in f.;!'r" to b~ preparErd by on July 12, 1909. W1lson. He.rzteld& Walla~'(>. 51.1..11 t" g1 von by 1,;hoC1erk ., " copies ttlor~of to be 1Ali1l,d to tj.,,; 'i "r1cu/$ ba.nk.. ahdbond . ,\.' . interosted 10. .the puro(,"'...'" of :o.:..:.h t.urdL' a.t le&o6t'teo d.&Y$ . MArch 14~ 1961,.w:hl~h,sha.ll be the ci~te d I'ectl1v1l16 'S!ilct i 2. . Th~ City w1l1, 1'urnj.IJr, thi;: 1"t.:o.1 '~fJlnl(;:n of the :ot: K1X'Kbr1d~, Wlll\on,tfAr'zfda &: 'ii".Lla~t, '::::",n ioliteo, ~! ' :_..i', ',' ,,'" " . . I1}iqua.l:1t1.?lya~PNvl~g ~h.d h(t&.lity 01" .t:r.~ proc~H~d1ng~_ ,. , . issuance ot8&1~bond~. ! ., , , , , .. , , . ... .. tI .It .. ... -It , ! i, j. . , . \ . . .' r . ' ~.. " . i , '. 'I.' r .01 J .:' '.' . , ; '... . . , ' , , I hereby oert1fy that tne foregoing is a full, t~e and correct : I' , . . , . . " ,( . copy or,a resolution duly passed apd adopted ,by the City Councilor . . . . . , ' the C~ty bt ArroyoOrand~, Californ1a, at a meet1ng ,thereotheld on .' , . dq ot - . , ~ 196~, by the tollowlng the 11th 'P'flbruliJ"'Y I ., , vote Qf the melllQe,rs thereof: AYES, and 1n favor thereot,' Councilmen: 1hut. Jacobe and Hartwig . . .' I I NOES, Councilmen: ,None t ABSENT~ C01,U1,C1lmer: 'Leo e.r.d hoc. I' . ! . 'A~:" . ' . I ". . ..L~~~'lfl ~; //' -:f. . .- '" or. , '. , , , , I . , ; '. , . .... . , '. . . .. , , , . I . . ',t" ., . . . II. ., .,1 , 4_ ...., ". I . ,\ . " I'