R 0473 , 11/3- RESOLUTION FOR CONDEMNATION OF PROPERTY BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE: 1. That it finds and determines that the public interest and necessity require the acquisition. construction and completion by the City of Arroyo Grande of a public improvement, namely the con- struction of streets. sidewaTks. curbs and gutters. and the install- ation of sewers. water and other utiTities upon the property de- scribed in E)(hibit "A" attached hereto. and by reference incorpo- rated herein as though set forth in fuTl. and that the acquisition thereof in fee simple is necessary for such pubTic improvement. 2. That it is necessary that construction commence immediately on aT! of the parceTs of property described in said Exhibit "A". above-' referred to. and that said properties are needed for rights- of-way for the construction of the pubTic improvements referred to in Paragraph I. above. 3. That the City Attorney of the City of Arroyo Grande be and he is herewith authorized and directed to commence proceedings to acquire in the name of the City of Arroyo Grande a fee simple estate in and to the properties described in said Exhibit "A", and to prosecute such proceedings in Eminent Domain as may be necessary therefor. incTuding but not Timited to. securing an Order for Immediate Possession of each of said prQperties. On motion of CounciTman Hartwig. and seconded by Councilman Pence and on the foT!owing roTT-calT,vote. to-wit: AYES: Burt. Hartwig, Pence. Jacobs and Lee ABSENT: None NOES:None the foregoing ResoTution was adopted this 31st day of January. 1961. Mayor of the City of Arroyo Grande ATTEST: City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande r: , f\X~;b;t-"~" -.acu T AI1 that cer!ain real groperty situated in the City of Arroyo Grande,County of San Luis 0 ispo,State of CaTlfornia, a portion of Lot 107 as said Lot is delineated and so designated upon Hap en- titTed "Map of Parts of the Ranchos Correl de Piedra. PI~ and Balsa de Chern1s01 ,surveyed by Ju. T. Stratton,C.E..Sept.18n" filed for record in the Office of the countl Recorder of San Luis Ob1spo County, in Book HAil of Maps at page 5, particularly described as follows: comMenciny at the point of intersection of the north line of said lot 107 w th the East Tine of Halcyon Road I thence N.89. ~8' 07" E. along said north Tine, a distance of 315.66 f,et to the northeast ,corner of l~descrlbed In deed to Warren Davis dated Januar~ 21, 1936 and recorded In Book 192 Official Records,paye 471, t ence s.o. IZ' 32" [ aTong tb6,~st Tine of said Davis ands, a distance of 196.00 feet to the true point of beginning of the Tands to be herein described. Running thence from said true point of beginni:y' N. 89.~8' 0711 E. along a 1 ine paraT Tel to the north line of sa d Lot T07, a distance of 50.00 feet, thence S. O. 121 3211 E. a distance of 70/70 feet, thence tangent to the preceding course on the arc of a circu- Tar curve to the left the radius of ~ich is 20 feet through a central angle of 8,. 551 20" a distance of 31.39 feet, thence N 8,. 521 08" E. a dl stance of 315.78 feet, thence unyent to the precedin~ course, on the arc of a circular curve to the eft, the rad'..o which Is 20 feet, through a centraT anvle of 91.02'03", a distance of 3T.78 feet to a point on the west ine of Alpine Street, thence S. 1- 09' 55" E. along the west line of Alpine Street a distance of 27.36 feet to the southeast corner of lands described in deed to Hal LadWly dated March T4,1947 and recorded March 18. 1947 in Book 436 Off cial Rcords, page 303, thence s.89-52I08" w. along the South Tine of said Ladwig tract, a distance of _06.23 feet to the Southwest corner thereof, thence N. 0.12'32" W. a distance of 97.61 feet to said true point of beginning. PARCEL 2. All that certain real prog:rty situated in the City of Arroyo Grande, countr of San LuLl blspo,State of California, a portion of Lot 107 as sa d Lot i. de1fntated and so designated upon a map entitTed '~ap of Parts of the Ranchos CorreT de Piedra, Pi~ and BaTade CheMisol, surveyed by ~s. T.Stratton,C.E. Sept. 1873" filed for r.cord In the Office of the count~ Recorder of San Luis Obispo County in Book "A" of Map. at page 6 , particularly described as follows: BeglnnlnB a a point on the north line of said Lot 107 which point Is N. 89-4 '07" E 315.66 feet from the intersection of said north line with the .ast line of Halcyon Road, said point of beginnln? Is further described as being the north-east corner of lands descr bed In deed to Warren p~ 'Davis dated January 22,1936 and recorded in Book 192 Official Records page 471. Running thence from said point of beginning S.Oo 12' 32" E. aTong the east line or said Davis tract, a distance of 98.00 feet,thence N.89-48'07/1 E. along a Tine paralleT to the north line of said Lot 107, a dhtence of 50.00 f.et,thence N.Oo12'32/1 W.. distance of 98.00 feet toa.point on the north line of said Lot 107, thenea 5.89- 48'07" W. aTong said North line, .,1stance of 50.00 'eet to said poJnt of beginning.