R 0468 - -- - -... ._.__ ._.______.___,~,_~ ,_~ .- a'~.."~. i .~ I ., . RESOLUTION #~f . RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. CALIFORNIA. ELIMINATING CERTAIN RESERVE SPACE ON A ROADWAY At a regular City Council meeting of Arroyo Grande. Calif- ornia, duly held on Novem., 19~O.on motion duly made, seconded and carried, it ' , RESOLVED that: I. Pur suant to the provi si ons of OrdfnaJICe NlIIIber 86 of the City of Arroyo Gr~nde the foll~'ng space is hereby eliminated as a reserve space: Beginning at a point on the easterly c:urb Jine of Bridge Street; said point being loe.ted ~t""'st""r a distance of 88 feet along the said eU~ef1.1.e""b Ine from its intersection with the e.sterlf~~ti~ of the northerly pr~erty line of lot 9 0 t~ ~~ Tract, and exten ng southeasterly a dfst.nce of 20 feet. 2. In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance Number 86 of the Ci ty of Arroyo Grande, the Citk Engi- neer is di rected ,to ob literate tije reser......... fAgs on the portion of the roadway hereinabove described. The foregoing Resolution was moved by Councilmen ~~ , sec~ded by Councilman .~--,.~ j , and On the following roll-call vote was duly~..t AYES:~~~~/~",~//~ NOES: ~ ~ , ~ ABSENT: ~~~.v f/%h& Date ATTEST: C