R 0466 -\ .- RESOLUTION NO. ~ h ,A RESOI.UTION OF CHAHGDI'G 1'HB .DJIII:OF HIGHB'UlQrT, DI' '!'BE CITY OF ARROYO GUJroB, COtJJl'1'YOl" SMrLU18 OBISPO, STATE OF CALIP()1UfIA. WBBUAS, tin the .,f7d. day of ~.,6''{kJ , 1960, the City COuncil of the City of Arroyo rande, at a regular meeting passed a Resolution of Intention to change ~ Dame of 81gh Street in the City of Arroyo Grande, and I .AitI!, in conformity with said Resolution, tlw City Clerk of said City caused to be conspicuously posted along tBe,afore- mentioned street at intervals of not to exceed .300 foot in distance apart and at least 3 in number, notices of. tBe plYsage of said Resolution, which said notices were headed wJRil'!'ICB or IIII'rBJI'l'ION TO CHAlfGB NAME OF STRBBTS DI' THE CI'l'Y, Qp AaaOYO <JII~"', COQJl'1'Y 01" SAN LUIS OBISPO, S'1'A.'1'E OP CALIPOQIA. W WBBRBAS , a hwarinq was held on the said Jlle80l.tion of In- tention on the t:?d day of ~~...-r.>~"') , 1960, and WBB1UIAS, no persons objected to the prfllPO..dc!umge of names of the aforesaid stree'is in writing or otBe%V1..within the time provided by law, or at all. )lOW THEREFORE BE IT RBSO:r.VBD, that the n.. of HIGH STaBBT be and the same is herewith changed to LB PODI'l' S'rQB'l'. On motion of Councilman ~/f;';7 ' seconded by Councilman ~~ , and on the following roll . call V::''S2~~;&,-~~ )lOBS I ABSBllTI ~~~~ 9~. the foregoing Resolution was adopted tbia day of ~~J , 1960. Mayor ATTICS'll By City Clerk ------....-.--- ,~. ..----- .d