R 0457
---- KWi-NJJSJCS 8/;lQ/O~ '( ~
RESOLU'l'IOB 10. 1/:S-7
UNA 3'l1Ua!.'1' EXT.II'BSION
PROJ'ECf lfO. 60-1
RJiSOLV1m.. b1 the C1t7 COUDcl1 of the C1t1 01 AlYoJ'o OZ'Ude,
Oa111'OI,.11a, that
WHERW, .-1et COuno1l 4.14 SA open ..ssion OR the 23M da1 of
Aupst, 1960, pub1101:v open, _~u and deo1al'e aU sealed propo_
sale or Wa for the WOriC 'to be dCoe and iIIIprov~1f1~. to " 1Iade,
as c1eftr1M4 and apeo1t1ed In Meolution of .:tnteQ1d.oc No. 446
adopted 'b}t sa1d Council 011 J'U1.J 12, 1960, to which N801ution
retennce 18 hereb1 ~e I~ a deaor1ption of the WOI'k and 1JIapHve-
mente to be doM and the _~, euppUes and equ:L~t to tie
tum1sbed tberetOl'j
NOW, 'lHlI!IIJD'ORB, If IS 0JU)J!8D, aa tollowat
1. '!'bat aa1d counou ......b1 reJeota all of A14 propo."ta or
bid. except thai; ~ IIINlt.1oAed, aD4 h..._ .........u tho oem-
tract tor do1nC fiblt work and ~__ta and tumt~f.. tIW
matar1ala, /lUPPUes and oqW.plUlCt nec.sllU7 t1UIretOl', to the low..t
rellpone1l)le \)1dd.fno, to ~ t s
at the unlt p1.CQ n.e.m.e4 Son -*' })S.et.
2. 2!bat the _or of eaJ.4. 01t7 18 heHb1 ~_ to ...
and enter into a writ_ oontzoaot With aa14 8Ulteueh.1 1:WI4ft", and
to receive uA approve all 'bon4a in oonnecUon t!IM; .,.w:nh, aDd tbe
C1t.J' Clerk of aa14 01101 18 hGl"etv d1r'ected to attat b18 .....Wre
and atfh: thel'eto the OOI'JIOI'ate 8eal of A14 C1 'Q' .
----- --. ---"-~-~
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I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by the City Council of
the City of Arroyo Grande, California, at a meeting thereof held on
the .5/d. day of /JH/~'h,2f- , 196t? , by the following
vote of the members thereof:
AYES, and in faMor thereof, Councilmen: X!1eazf 1'i:l1~t:!.e/ ~
NOES, Counclllllen: ~
ABSENT, Councilmen: k ~..,L~U'./.q)
Mayor I