R 0456
KWUWIJ'$.nJa 0-19-60 70
RE8oLVJ!.D, DY the Clty Counoil ot "he City ot Arroyo Orande,
Calltornla, that
WImRBAS, on the 12th de1 of July, 1960, ..1<1 CounoU
adopted It. R.solut1Qn ot Intentlon No. 446 to aoquire and oon-
struct publio improvement. ln ..14 Clty, and referre4 the propo.ed
acqula1t1on8 and i.provement. to the Ena1Mar of Work ot ...ld ctty,
he belng the ottlcerbavlnt; charie and aontrol ot t.he conatru.oUon
or ~prov.ment. In an4 tor sald Clty ot the k1n4 desoribed In ..14
R..olutlon ot Intentlon and being a competent person ~polnted by
...14 Counol1 tor that purpo.eJ
WHERBAS, .ald Councll thereby 4ir80te4 eald Enslneer ot
Work to make and fUe with the Clty Clerk of ...14 Clty a report In
wrltlng in accordance witb and pur.uant to the Municipal IIIprove-
ment Act of 1913J
WHEREAS, .ald report was duly made and t11ed with the City
Clerk 01' oald City, whereupon .a14 Clerk pr...nted 1" to the Coun-
cil tor cons1caeration;
WHEREAS, sa14 Council theroupon caul)' oona1dere~ ..14 report
and each and every part tbereof and found that 1t contained all the
mattera and thing. calle. tor by the prod.1one ot aa1d Act, 1n-
01\&41ng (1) 1llap8 an4 4e.ot'1pt1on~ or landa and ......ht. to De ac-
quirod, (~) plana an4 apeo1ticaUona ot the propo.ed 1IIp1'ovements,
(3) ost1mate ot ooata, (4) 41agr8111 of d1.trlct, and (5) an a.....-
lIlent accorcl1n,; tooenetlta. all or whioh wu done 1n the f01'1II and
'1IIUme!" requ1r.ct by sa14 Aotl
------,.,-,.._" - _0-_____,---
WHE:JmAS, 8&ld Council tound that ..14 report and each and
.ver)' part. thereot waa .\&trident 1n eyery puttol.&lar and d.t.....ined
that lt. IiIhould stand as tnv report tor all oubaeql.&.nt proceed1nga
unl1er sa1d Aot, whereupon ..14 Council, pW'.uant to the I'Oql.&1re-
unte ot ilaid Act, appointed 'tue.day, the 23rd d&7 ot AliaSUat, 1960,
at the hour of 8: 00 I)' cloOk P. M., ot u14 cia)' 1n tho OOl.&no11
ChaII~I'., Clt,. Hall, Arroyo Gran4e, CaUtorn1a, .. the t1M and
place tor hearine; l>1"ot..t. 111 relation to eaJ.4 pJ"opoaed aoqI.&181t1on.
and improv...nts, and direotlng the Ctty Clerk ot ..ld Clty to
slve noUce ot ea14 hearlng a. requir.d by aald Acts
WJIJ!ftBAS, 1t appear a that notioea or a.14 hearlns "ere daI1)'
and re&\&larl;r po.te4" 1116ned and publ1ahed ln tho t1M, 1"Oft and
unnor required by ...14 Aot, aa evldenoe4 by tba affldavita on
tUe with 8ald C1ty Clerk, whereupon aald hear1ns wu dl.&1y and
I'eplarl;y held at the t1M and place atat.d 1n ..14 noUoes and
WHERJrAS . 4L p.rsona intor..ted, obJecting to .a1d ao-
qul~lona and iMprove.nts, 01' to the .xtent ot the ........nt di8-
trlot, or to tho propo.od a......nt or cu.asr", or to the UP'
and. de.orlptlone, or to thO sra40a at wbloh ..14 "oX'k ,,111 be clQne,
or to the Enslnoer'. e.t~te or the co.te and .xpena.. thoreor,
tl1eca written prote.ta wltb the City Cl.rk ot ..ld Clt7 at oX' ~.
tore tlae U.. .ot tor hearina, anel all per.au 1>>1:01'08'od dedr1ng
to be heard .01'0 11ven an opportW1it~ to ~ heard, and all _tter.
and thlngs portainlng to .&1d acqul.1tlona and t.prov...nt. were
tu.1l1' beard and conalderoca by eald Counoil, and. ..ld Councll haa
acquired Juri.dlotlon to or4er sald ao~ulalt1on. and. t.proV...nt.
and the oontlX'111&t1on ot sald d1...._ and .......nt to pay tbe
co.t. and expenaea thereot.
NOW, 'l'HEREPORE, .a1d Council <.too. hereby PIJa>, DI'l"ERMINE
and ORJ>m. u tollOW.i
1. That tho owner. of one-halt ot tbe ar.. to be .......d
tor the co.t of the proJeot dld not, at 01' prior to tho UIIe rued
- 2 -
---- -.-
tor ea1ca hearl~ t11e written prQtesta aga1nat the 8a1d propoaed
acqu1sit1ons and 1mprovementa as A whole, or asalnet the ..1d d1s-
triot or the extent tr~reor to be a....aed tor the ooata and ex-
pona.a ot sa1ei acq\1b1t1ona and improvement. .. a .holo, or aa to
the Ens1neor'. .st1ute ot ..1ei ooata and expen.o., or aga1n.t the
ups and desorlpUons, or qainst the cU.asram or ae......nt to pay
tor the coata and expenses thereot.
2. That the d.;1str1ot benefited b~ sa1d acqu1s1tions and 1.-
prove.nt. 41.11<1 to be a....GeeS to pay tho ooate aNI oxpenees there-
or, and the exter1Qr boundar1e. thereot are more part10ularly
de.oribed 1n sa1d Resolut1on ot Intention and _de a part hereot
by rorerence tMreto. That all public street. and h~ with-
1n ..14 ......ment district 1n us. 1n the perroraanco oj' a public
tuncUon aUI aucb shall be olll1tte<l 1'1'011I..112 I.U.atJ'iot eM 1'~OIll the
levy and coUection of the .peo1al t..xe. to be hero&tter levied
and oollected to oover the co.t. and .xpene.. of....14 aoqul.lt10n.
and 1mp~ov.ment..
3. That the plana ao4 .peoit1oatton. to~ the propo.ed ~-
p~o......nh, contaln$'d j.n .aid report # \')e. and tb., are hereb:f,
finally adopted aNI app~oved al the plana and Ip.oitloat1one to
which .aid wQrk .hall be don$' a. calle4 tor tn ..14 Ro.olution 01'
4. That the Enllneer" o.tiMate ot the It.."... and total
co.t. and expenaee of eatd acquisitlona and tMproveaenta, and oj'
the lnoidental expens.. 10 connection ther.wttb, contained 1n ...1d
report, be', and. 1t b h.~.b:f, t1nally ad-"ptecS and approved aa the
En&l~r" total and detatled .att.ate or the ooata and expen...
Qt 1.14 aoquisitions and improveMent..
5. That the map. and descrlpt1on. 01' the land. and ease-
ment. to be aoquu.d, a. cQnta1ne4 1n add report, be, and the
Dame are hereb7, finally. approved and oQnt~.
6. That the publ10 tnt.reat and conventenoe require. and
..14 COl1ndl do.. Mre1:>:1 order the aoqlUeUlona and tllproveaent.
- :3 -
----.- --
to be made &s de8cribed 1n and 1n accordance with 88id Resolution
ot Intention on ~11e in the office of the City Clerk of sa1d City,
referenoe to whioh is hereby made tor a ~ore particular description
ot sald acqui8itions and improvements, and also tor further parti-
culars pursuant to the prov1aions of' said Municipal IlItPl'ovement
Act of 1913.
7. That the dlapoam ahowing the aaseaaasent cUatrlot re.
(erred to and descr1bed 1n said Reaolution or Intention, and also
the boundaries and diMenslona of the re.peotive .ubdiv1s1ona ot
land within said district ae the same ~t.ted at the time ot the
passage of 8ald Resolution ot Intention, each of' which 8uodlv181ona
having been given a separate number upon sald diagram, as con.
talned 1n aald report, be, and 1t is hereoy, finally approved and
contirmed .. the diagram or the propertIes to be a..ea..d to pay
the coats and expenses or 'AId. acquId t10na ami 1l1\Provelllenta.
8. That the .....sment ot the total &lll0unt ot the coata
and expen.es of the proposed acqulaltlons and improveMents Upon
the aeveral subdlvision8 ot land in 8.1d d1strIct In proportion
to the e8timated benefita to be receIved. by said aubca1vI81ons,
re.pecthely,' trom said acqule1t1ona and Uiprovemente, aNt of the
expenses inoidental thereto, contained In aaldreport, be, and the
eam. 18 hereby, finally apprned and conftrMd aa the a".s.Mnt
to pay the coat. and expenses ot aa1d aoqulaltlons and ~prove-
9. That sald Engineer's report be, and the .ame 1a hereby,
finally adopted and approved .e a whole.
10. That the City Clerk shall forthwith deliver to the
Super1ntendent ot Street. the said .8s.....nt, togother with 8ald
diagram thereto attached and made a part thereof, as contlrllled b~
thla Council, w1th ber oertifloate of such oonttr.atlon thereto
attaohed and of the date thereot; and that sald. SUperintendent ot
Street. shall reoord sald 414gram and asse8sment ln hi. ottlce in
a aldtabl. book to be kept for that purpoae, and append thereto
- 4 -
h1. cert1ficate ot the date ot suoh recordlns, and such rec~r~
dation shall be and constitute the asae..ment roll herein.
11. That 1J81d Suporlntendent of street., upon the rel'Zord-
lns ot 8&14 diagram and a.a~$ament, ahall matl to each Q~ner ot
real property ~lthln the a8~ea.ment district at hl. laat known
ac1dZ'... aa the 8&11I$ appeua on the tax rolls Qf the CUy or on
tile 1n the ottlce o~ the City Clerk of aal~ Clt;, or to both
acldt'easee It' sal.d a4d1'ella 18 not the .AIDeI' 01" to the seneral de-
livery when no address so appoars, a statcment oonta1n1ng a
d.alcnatlon by street nu~uer or other d~acrlpt1on of the proporty
aS5eaaod .utriclent t<> fumble the OWTier to identify the &alii., the
lI.IIIIJunt ot the ...&8I5ment, the 101M and place ot p8.}I'IHnt tb.r~r,
the ettect of (.Hurt! to pay within sueh U.., and a statoment ot
the tact that bonds will be la&ued on the unpa1d &a.e.ament~ pur-
8la&nt to the Imp1"Qv'tment ~nd Act ot 1915. tho last 1n.ta11l1'1Gnt ot
whlch bondll .hall mature :tQt to exceed ,f1)W'teen (14) yeus t:rona
the .eoond day ot July next 1\100..411\1 toen CI0) ltConths h'oIII the1r
12. That Baid Superintendent ot 3t.reot8 ahall a180 g1ve
not10e oy publlshing a OGpy or a H~t1o. to Pay A.......nta by
tb:r.. auoo..81 ve 1ruaerUoIUJ 1n the liera14 Recor4er, a new.paP41r
pabll.bec1 1n ..14 Ctty that .a1d &88&8am.nt haa been reoorded 1n
hi. ottice, and that all &\\11I8 &......4 tMroon ..... .e and pqable
ll11111e41ately, and that tn. paJlHnt of aaid a.. 1a to be lllAd.e tb1rty
(30) days atter the dat.e of reoord1ng nle1 ........nt, wh10b <Sate
ahall be atated ln $Ald not1.oe, ancl of the taot that bonds will Qe
1..ued upon unpaid A$&es.menta as above ~roY14.d.
.. .. . .. .. .. .. .
_"n_ --- . -- -. ----- -------
.o' (' .~
1>: - I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by the City Council of
the City of Arroyo Grande, California, at a meeting thereof held on
the .!/d day of /,}~iuJ , 196~J by the following
vote of the members thereo :
AYES, and in fuor thereof, Councilmen: ~ ~ ~
NOES, Councilmen: ~
ABSENT, Councilmen: ~ ~ J~
C y 0 he ity 0 . YO Grande