R 0450
~1HW&S.ah 7/1/50
lU/.:.'WLt11' ION NO. 4,3 ?J
PltO'1'B3TI3 IN R1t:f.ATION: TO mof'"J8En AC ITIOtlS .A.ND
UNA. 8T.ftiJi."1' m'EN$ION
PROJKC"l' NO. 60-1
RESOLVJm) by tuo City CounQU ot the c;:.ty or An'oyo
Orunde) Ctl.lit'Qrnla# that
~. pursuant to Be$oluU.::.1i1 of IntPnt10n No. ~~
adopted on July J.g# 1960, by the O:lty Cound~ 01: sald C1t}'~
pUJ'/Juant to tblt Mwtioipa,l Imp1"OVlllaattt A,at of '1913. aa amcmded.
the Ena1n~Utl' or Worlt of: said City hU tiled If1th the (;1t1
Clerk ot thll!J City the written repc1"t <:&11ed iroX' under Baid
Act and b;r aa1d aoaolution fJt Intent;i~n.. Wh1~h repOrt h&u bMn
preunted by aa.1d Cltlrk to this Counail fQr ~onAJidoration. .and
this COllnoll iiu uonlJidered. at\d prel1m.1nar11~ approved jlnd
aon.1'.11'1i1cd Baid report and OMOM tha.t the ~ atan4 &II the
l'eport for the p.ut'p('\oe ot all aubaeq!lI.tnt pro'.,adinsa ha4 pur-
.want to aaid Rltsolution ctlntent1on;
NOW, 'l'l18RIUPOBE, rr IS ORDB.IUID, th...::. 'r''!Ie;:;~'. the 23:rd
clay 01' August, 1950. at tho hour of 1!!JO otQ~ook t.M., iu tho
re&ulaft meet ins plaoe of Baid Counoll, CQunO+l Cham""" C1ty
Hall. Ar1:<o"Jo Grande, CnlJ!'o:mJ.a. be.. and tile GidII.& ;;J.!'(; hereb;,r
$ppo1nt;4iJQ and tlxe4 ...3 the t1me and pla(:~ wJ'~ an4 Whex<e N1d
Cour.c11 Will cOns1dQr and r1nally act upon t~ Bngine~'a report
under said a.solution or Intention.
IT IS ~mR ORD!RED that the City C~erk of t~io City
be, and he ia hero~J, directed to give notlo~ of :;<lid h&&rins
onoe III week foro two weeks 1n the Herald Racotder, a newaP&PGr
published and circulated in said City, and by conspicuously
~-,._._- ,
posting iii. notice thereat' a.long all the open Btreete within
the aasEl8S1nent d,1stri<;;t, at !'Jot mQr~; than tJp."ee hundJ'ed teet
apart, And nut leiH! t1!a.0 three .1.n all. said. postl~ and first
publ1catJ.Qfj tQ b\i ;!4d and coapleteC'l at, lea.$t twenty days before
the dllto here.\.n eet; for hearing of protest..
IT IS FURTHER ORDEI\Jm trn\t IH\.1d not}ceB shall be headed
"Notice of' ImprovOInent" in letters ot not he. than one lnch in
heignt and shall, 1n legible chzu"actera,' a~at. tne tact and date
of the paaa88e 01' sa1d Resolution of Inten~lon and 01' the tilil1g
of' said report and of' the. date, hour and p~aQe aet tor tr~ hear- '
log ot sa:ld protests, and brle.t'ly deaol'ibej the aoqu1a1tlons and
1mprovementa proposed to be made, and rerer to aaid fteeolution
of' Intent10n and :t>eP01't for further pa%"t1CJllal'e"
IT IS FURTlIER ORDERm> that the Clt;,! Clerk 01' hid City
shall 11I8.11 or cause to be. 1I1a11ed notice 011 the adoption or sald
Resolution of' Intention and tne filing of' !sa1d report, postage
prepaid. at least twenty days be.fore the ~to "10 1"01" hearing
of said protesh, to all persons Ottn1nt1; ~al property to be
assessed, whose names and addresses appealf on the laAt equalized
assessment roll .for City taxes prior thel'iio or aa known to the
City Clerk, Which not1ce shall contain a .tatement 01' the tj,mo.
place and purpose of the hearing on said ~eBolut1on ot Intention
and report and a statement 01' th. total e4tiJUated cost of tht;
P1"opoeed aoql.lla1t1ons and 1II1pl"OvementsJ t#te 8IDOW1t as shown by
said report to be assessed against the Patticula.r paroel oovered
by the notice. tOg~ttlGr With a statement 'hat any percon inter-
outed ilia;{ rilc a protest in writing aJ! pr+Vided in said Act.
1/. C8
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by the City Council of
the City of Arroyo Grande, California, at a meeting thereof held on
the /~ day of q~ ' 196 ~ , by the following
vote of the members ~eof:
AYES, and in f~or thereof, Councilmen:
JIkd ~ ~ ~~~~)~.
..- /' -"t7 ..-
NOES, Councilmen:
ABSENT, Councilmen:
- ~o{2 L?~