R 0447
KWHW;$18h 7/1/60
PRO.mc'1' NO. 60-1
RESOLVED, by t1l0 Cit1 CQunall ot the ity ot ArI'oYQ Grande;
California. that
WlII::R:&AB. on the lath day 01' July, 196 , 118.1d GouncU d1d
adopt ita Reaolutlon <if Intention N.:;,. C/t/t o aoquire and con-
struot .\.l1tp1'Ovements in StUd City, arill d1d .
ac~18itlon. and improv~tD to tlle Engln ot Work. he being
the orticeX' having cbAX'6e and. control or t
construction of public improvements in and r said City ot the
kind described therein and belt1B a ca\IIPOten
aa1d City f'or that pUl"POse, and did thoreln
01' Wort! tQ malte and file with the City 1::1 ot Mld City, a
J'e1)ort in ilfrlt.11)g all as therein mo1"l$ parti ularly desoribed,
under and pursuant to the Municipal I1I\prov t Act or 1913. as
\!iHEl\EAS, said Englneor of ~Jork has . <1e IU'Id fUed with
the City Clerk of I:I<I.1d City a repo..-t in wrl 1ng as oall84 tor in
said Hesolution of IntentJ.on and under and pursuant to said
Act, which report haJJ been proeentoo to thi Council for oons1d-
WlfEREAS. said CQunoil haa dul;.1 conal wed 6&:1.<1 NPOrt and
oact! and every part "hereof, and ti21QS that ..an and ffNez"'J part
of said report 18 $Urf.J.c1.ent, and that &aid rflport, nor any part
thereof requires 01'" uhou.ld be IIIOd;U'.1~d in a' respect;
~_. -~
- ---_..__.-_.,-~--
1. That toe planB and Bpec11'ioati proposed
improvements to be mad.", contained in a&1 be, and they
are hereby, preliminarily approved and co
2. ~q~t the Engineer's estimate 0 the itemized and total
ooate and expenses of sald acqulajtlons d improvements and or
the incidental expensos 1n connection the with, contained in said
report, be, and each of them are hereby, rel1m1narily approved
and confirmed.
3. That the diagram shoWing the IS ae8sment district re-
ferred to and described in said Resolutio of Intention and alao
the boundaries and dl1>1Emslons of tho ros ctive subdivisions of
land within said assessment district as iii same existed at tho
time of the passage. of said Resolution 0 Intention each of which
aubdivielonu have been given a separate said diagram.
as contained in said report, be, and it 8 hereby, preliminarily
approved and confirmed.
4. That tho proposed assessment upon the several sub-
divisions of land in said assessment dis rict 1n proportlon'to
tho cst1ma.ted benefits to be roceived by such subdivisions,
respectively, from aald acquisitions and improvements, and of
the incidental expen3cs thereof, as cont ned 1n said roport, bo,
and they are 11are\);I, prel1n'L1narily appro ad and confirmed.
5. That tile map$ and desoriptio of the landa and
easements to be acquired, as contained i said report, be, and
the same are hereby, preliminarily appr
6. That said report shall stand the Engineer's report
tor the purposes of all subsequent proo 1ngs had pursuant to
said Resolution of Intention.
t-- ----_._~-
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I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fUll, true and correct
copy of a resolution duly passed and adopted by the City Council of
the City of Arroyo Grande, California, at a meeting thereof held on
the /,:J~, day of ~ ' 196~, by the following
vote of the members th~Of:
AYES, and in faMor thereof, Councilmen:
ABSENT, Councilmen:
~ ;~~ tZ I..?u.~
or .