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fiBSOLUTION NO . 437 C')
Resolution of the Cit7 Council of 'the C1t.t of
Arro70 Grllhde Approving Amendment Number 1 to Agreement
for maintenance of State Highway in the City of Arr070
WHmEAS, the State of valifornia, through its Department of
Public Works, Division of Highwa7s, has presented Amendment 1
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Number 1 to the Agreement for Maintenance of the State h1ghwa7 -
in the Ci6y of Arroyo Grande, dated 2-25-60,
WHEREAS, the Cit7 Council has heard read said Amendment
Number 1 in full and is familiar with the contents thereof I
'fHEREFORE, be it re~olved by tWl City \louncil of the Cit7 of
Arroyo "rande that said Amendment Number 1 is hereb7 approved and
the l1ayor and the Cit7 Clerk are directed to sign the same on
behalf of said City.
ADOPTED this 22nd day of March, 1960.
Cit7 Clerk 1
I hereby certify- that the foregoing resolution was duly and
regular17 passed by the Cit7 Council of the Cit7 of Arraro Grande
at, a "~~.!1I:I.n&'~h.~reo.r hele! Hl.lI'ci1::a2,,'19.60. Ci,l {,.I' .' '~'YO
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Ci t7 Clerk _.