R 0437 296 ~ i ::c ."- ~ C':> , :l;;.o . ~ fiBSOLUTION NO . 437 C') Resolution of the Cit7 Council of 'the C1t.t of Arro70 Grllhde Approving Amendment Number 1 to Agreement for maintenance of State Highway in the City of Arr070 Grande. WHmEAS, the State of valifornia, through its Department of Public Works, Division of Highwa7s, has presented Amendment 1 , , , Number 1 to the Agreement for Maintenance of the State h1ghwa7 - . in the Ci6y of Arroyo Grande, dated 2-25-60, . WHEREAS, the Cit7 Council has heard read said Amendment , Number 1 in full and is familiar with the contents thereof I 'fHEREFORE, be it re~olved by tWl City \louncil of the Cit7 of Arroyo "rande that said Amendment Number 1 is hereb7 approved and the l1ayor and the Cit7 Clerk are directed to sign the same on behalf of said City. ADOPTED this 22nd day of March, 1960. Mayor Attes'fl Cit7 Clerk 1 ---,. I hereby certify- that the foregoing resolution was duly and regular17 passed by the Cit7 Council of the Cit7 of Arraro Grande at, a "~~.!1I:I.n&'~h.~reo.r hele! Hl.lI'ci1::a2,,'19.60. Ci,l {,.I' .' '~'YO ro"'- ;" - ~. ~"" . .. Ci t7 Clerk _.