R 0435
. ,.-
. . , , .....
~-.." ' '
"""OW'fXQ1( JIO. ~~ -
BE It JtUOLVBD by the C;l.ty l!ou1lWi,l of the City .f ArroyG Grande
as follows:
ht'suant to the proyis10D8 ofGrfH, ~ _./<i 7 .1. the
City of Arroyo Grande, that certain ..C....t _tiUed ,..~"V ,
JUlGUIA'J'ZORS ~ .ncIPICA'1'~1fI" ~'I1Wft '1'0 8~~'7i11T ... ...
CQMTJWC'1'IOJrOl! WATBR I)IB'1'U8Wlfa ...... ,.... _I n...:A.L ~P-
JIBJI'1' I. '1'BB CITY ()lI' ~ 'l'f'r r1J(,. !lU'ee (3) copie. of *.1d1 are
on file in the office of the CityCI.B, of the Clity 01 ArNYO
Grande, be and the SIUl!e is herewith a4Gp'te<< .. theft"'-." JIjIp.tO'Ye- I
lllent Specifications for theeoa.t.r1Ietion 'of ,"ur ~t.r1bu.U_
Sys~ for Residential De.,el~K in the City of Arroyo Gran4e. ,
On motion of councilmal1~ ~4 ' , seCODMd by ~il-
- .^"4 '. "" ... foOJ._ ",11 c.ll -.
to wi tt
._1 ~,
~:~~~u&I. .
the foregoing ResolutioR ".. ailop~ tJU;a ~.2.~ of.~ !
-- ---- -- ---------... .___.._ om.u
. .
at' III """".... ..- --...... ~
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. .
. .
'. .
1 - 2 ~
tbe K~~i~ Dea1gn 8pecificat1oneae be~1D&fter .pec1f1ed will
'be 11804 .. tho Ma1. of 40.191' of water .41atr1kUon fadl1t1.. for
all ~.1cs.nt1al davelopaent within the jur1a41cUon of the City of
Arroyo Oru40.
1 - 3 -~
ttw a..19D of oac:h devoloA Tat. 18 1A 1tHlf . .pec1al c... and
tho a.ve~r .hall not conat.ruo the.. "1",,1~ De.1p 8pec1ficaUona
to be the _wh.W" reqW.~4 a..19D on all or aDY.. apparate ph... of the
ccmeUuctJ.oa. '1JDa.r c:ertain eondi Uone, aDY or all ph.... o' the
plaame4 a.vel~Dt "y,be requ.i~4 to axc::..4tbe.. .ifti-- apec1f1-
. 1 - 4 ' I'IDL ..lRWft1ITft
'1M C1tyllD91neer .bell'be tu f~ authOritL oa.all'CI\&O.t1ona
Wh1Ch ..y ad.. ae. to tho interpntat,iOD of the.. .191' criteria
, ttw aD91nHr'. a.c1.101i 1Iba11 be fiDalu4 lie. aall have
O;JtOcuU". authodty to uforce u4 -*- effecU". nch "181on.
~ j,
" .
. ,
. I
-1- i
_._u,_.__" _,'__
.~c. '!lID
~ ~ IqitI5
2 - 1 pit 'l'O .. DCa
'Ihe won eball inclua the fumJ.,,\h'9 uti ~ta111D9 of a CCllpleto
water d1,tr1J:N1:1",. .you. lnclwU", plpe, 9.~ val".., Ut1:1ft9., fire
hydran~, H'n1c.. and, appgn.ft&IIcea, 1.Dalud1D9 .-1D9 .tet1one and
.tor~o t-..,.-,.
, .
2- 2 ~IJ ~ 01 ~~1~.'" -heCT"'~
. PI""!.". ..y be e!"thor cut iron .01' ....toe co-ont except a.
othoa:w1.. 1Dd1cateeS on tho plau and iDthod .peciUcatione.
2 - 3 lID ~ D~s..nRU'l'I~ PIn
All new wate; cUetribution pipe. eha11 be aa1ft~ pf .1X 1nches
(6-) in eSi...ter. 'ftIa cU.tr11lut1on .yot....s ita aupply 11na. to the
exi.t1Dg city water .y.tea ehall M dee1gM4 to provide at least 15
9allOl\8 per lliftuto per cu.taer at peak "v--'14 iD addition to prov1s10n
for proper Ure flowe at u..hl n.i4ua1 preanru . to each hydrant,
Line voloc1t1e. .hall DOt exceed e19ht. feet (8') perMc0n4. ~aulic'
cOIIIpUtat1one and other deta .ufUc1ent to IIhoW .~t the propoeo water
.y.tea will be .-quate to Mrvo new deftl::" .hall be .um1tteeS
with the workiD9 pl.. iDall cue.. All and hydraulic CCIIIp\1-
ta1:1one IIhall bear ~ .ipature and -1' of tbe nfl.tered en91neer
who prepared thea. .
, ..ce..ary appUrtenance. to water ...t,,~. 'eba11 M. conet1'UCted as
ehOwft and delineateeS on the .ppr~4 water aiD layout for the propo.ed
devolo~nt and eha11 confom to the appUcabl. p'l'OYi.101U1 and x.-qu1re-
ments of the.. .pec1f1cat1one. In 9'Oneral, ...... water ..1u ehall have
at oachp1po intersection 0118 10.. valvo than the ...".-1' of branch..,
on .tra1ght 1'UD8, a 11ne valvo for each eitht hlm4red feet (800') of
II&J.n or "Jor fractJ.on thereof. All IIa1ne eball haft a blow-off
...8llbly at each dead end on the ..in and a Ure hydrant ..Hllbly for
each four hundred (4001 l1neral feet of .treat frontage.
2 - 5 VOQJo&'1'IOJr
All cout1'UCt1on of, connection to and WIe of water cU.tribution
..1ns, .ither new or ~.t1D9, i. rogulat04by the C1ty of Arroyo Grande
water .OrCUnaDCe uti the.o .pec1ficat1ou an 1B addition thereto. .0
valve or other copuol'onthe ox.t..t1D9 .yrtu...aha1l M operated for any
pu.~ by othor than author1u4 water depuMnt apl"YM.. 'lWnty-four
(24 hOlU'8 DOUce in wr1tiDg eball be. 91.... to the. water Superintondent
wben any ph-- of the work neceae1tato. the operaUon of valve., hydrant.,
blOlifllOff. uti Cum .~. ~tiOlUl ehall be ... at tUies ~.ich will
cauao tho l.ut J.tic:oJ:Wen~ence to the water cone_re and .hall be planned
2 - 5 aGIIi.ATIQJI (Con't)
in ouch a IllaftMr that the .x1.t1ng l1neo will be .hut down for minimum
10ft9th. 'O~ tJae. Cout:ruction work to be doDo w1th1n the right. of
way of agofttj:1.. other than the C1\:y of Anoyo Grande eha11 conform
to tho nqu1r- ~~te U oot forth by 014 AgeDC100 for ouch work.
Upon the final caap1etion of all Water cU.tributJ.on fac1l1tJ.o., a
up drawn to ocal. upon o.otat1al paper or cloth, ehow1ng in detall
the type aDd final 1ocatiOD of all water _t"." val".o, fire hydrant.,
..nice eonMCtioaa. aDd all other vatll*l' fac111U.o 1uta11e4 ahal1 be'
auJa1tte4 ,to the water Departaent befon eccer.",ce of the water
cU.tdbuUon oyatea by the City 1. ftlPMta4. 'ala ,-.p ahaJ,1 ehov
all.uureMnu aDd refe~ ti.o ad AaJ,1 be of auff1c1.nt clarity
that 'all c-. ~& CIt~nte of the water ax-tea CD, lie :S1d1Y located in
the field. !!a1o up ohall _ IIUke4 .U ~. ohall bear the
n... aDd a4i!reoo of tho penon Who pn~ it.
, . ,
3 - 1 . GpJ:R:AL
All pipe, valves, fittinq. and apecial. .hall be .teated in strict
conformance to the applicable .pecificationa contained.hepein. TheBe
te.ta ahall. be conducted within tho,conUnent:a1 11Jaita of the united
Statea by the material manufacturer or a recognized test1nq laboratory.
All pipinq and accesaories .hall be new and UDuaed. ' ,i
3 - 2 PIn
Pipinq for all water maina ahall be bell an4 .piqot cut iron pipe,
Clao. 150 confor.m1ng to ~.dera1 Specification ~P-421a, coated outBide,
lined ineide with one;"half thic:Jcne.. .eal coated cement lininq. Joint
'f1pe. ", II or III may be Wled. Type II jointa .hall be -Tyton" as
manufactured by the United State. Pipe and ~oundry Company, or approved
equal. At the option of the developer a.beatoa-cement preuure pipe"
C1as. 150, conformin9 to American Water WOrka Specification C-400-5~T
or it. recent revision may be used.. 'lbe in.ide 4iameter of the aBbestos
cement shall not be le.a than the ncillJ.na1 diameter When measured three
inche. (3M) from the end of the pipe.
Aabeatoa-cement pipe .hall be -ltin9-'1'ite- or MPluid-Tite". If pipe
end mac:hiniu9 does DOt provide fo~ autc.attc end .eparation, mechanical
.pacinqdevice. muat be uaed. '!'ho.e .paden ..t be.u.p10ye4 on both
.ide. of each couplin9 for five pipe lug1:J&e. If caulked lead fittings
are uae4, ahort longth. of pipe ahall atu,b out frea oach riqid connection.
011 cSi...tera throuCJh au inch (6M) the .tu .hall be no 10nger than
three f.et .Ul inche. (3'6M). on eight 1nc:h (8M) an!! lU'lJOr, the .
atub' ehall be no 10nger than au feet .uinche. (6' 6M).' .
All valvoa, fittift9a or othor .pecial. U8'eCI with ube.toa-ce...nt
pipe that have hu enda to aco "-date rub})or rinq. .hall .pecifically
be of the .... joint deaign ao the pipe be1ng' uNdo If "Itin9-'lite-
pipe i. ued, -Ring-'liteM valvea &ftCI fitting. ..t 4180 be uaod, if
. M~ll1i4-'litaM pipe i. uaod, Mp1v.1d-'1'itaM valye. &ftCI fitting'. Jllqt be
und. Interchange will DOt be per.m1ttad.
3 - 3 SIBCU~B AXD 'I~~
8pecial. and. fitting. lor ca.t iron pipe .hall be Cla.. 250 and
ehall <:onfona to .tho roquinMnta of tho ~rit:an _~r WOrks Aaaocia-
t10n 8pecif1QaUon Cllo-S2. Special. aDd f1t.Un9. for .'l'yton" joint '
pipe or _chanical joint Pir eball confon to Pederal Specification
1IMP-421a. paragraph. au (6 and. .even (7) and to the ~rican Water
WOrka Aaeociation 8pecification Clll-53. ' 'peciab and fitting. for
aebo.to.-ceMnt pipe ehall be c::~... D and confon to tho .AlDer1cu
water WOrk. SpecificatioD C::lOO-54'1'.1D all x..pecta except fittin9.
ehall haw hu onc!a to ace r1Sate the ....toa-~nt pipe. Specials
and fitting. may be ca~ed .ttt:1Dg. bf. cu.ttiDg or aill1Dg down the
end of the pipe, or by other ..~ aQ1l Dot. be plraittod. ,
. .
3- 4 cam VALYBS
Gate valves ehall be A. W. W. A. iron body, fully bronze lIIOunted
doUble disc, parallel seat valve. with 0Dde to acc< :ldate type of pip-
ing used. All valves shall be non-rising etea type with .0. ring seala
and two inch (2W) square o~rating nuta. All g'ate valv.ee shall open
to the left. Bach valve shall be eet plWlb.
3- 5 oJqJ]l'!'IJIG _'1'8- u. UI
Por bell and spigot pipe joint. the yuri1ncjuterial ehall con-
sist of either asbestos rope or rubber ringe. "'~r ring's shall be
either M1th-Blair waterlock dn9a, Byde-Io ringe, or approved f/qual.
A8:oeatoa rope shall be Johns-Manville or approved equal. Lead for
caulking' shall be Cc.lllOD desilvori..d lead confonl1ft9 to A. 8. T. M.
8pecifioatiQD B-29-40T.
~re. quarter inch (3/4W) ed ~ 1Dch (1"), eerviee fipe ehall
be '1'ype It eoft copper ~iD9.OM and OM-half 1nc'h (llsW and two
inch (2"), aervice pipe shall be '!'ype It hard cOpper pipe. Larger
size seriice pipe shall be .. ahown on'1:he approved plane.
3- 7 'B1tU8 8IRVICII, PI'lTDGS
Corporation ,CocJI:s, curb stope, connectione,. and _ter couplings
shall be Mueller, James Jones or approved equal ae 'ehown on the
approved plau.. .\
3- 8 rIll RYDIWITS
Pire hydrants shall be Greenberg No. 76, all (ire hydrants
Ihall be as followst
SiZe of hydrant foot valve Pour and one-fourth inches (4.W)V.0..
&umber of hose nozzles Two (2).
.ize of hose nozzles' Two and one-half inches (21s " ) . . S. T.
1IuJIIber of pumper outlets One four-inch (4.) N.S.T.
8ize of inlet connection 8ix inch.e (6W)
Direction of opening Counter-clockw1ee .
Leng'th of 'bury porty-twO inchee (42.)
3 - 8 PIU t(JPJWft8 (cont,'d)
Hydrant.. .hall be eet plU11b and 1ft11tailod .. Down on the draw-
1I1g.. !f~an~l ~ eot.~ lOC~. ~1 not conflict
ift re..1.......:c:.vowg:. '!he 11 ant ~ct1onto the street main
1 be U. OD e drav1nge. ' '
,3 - 9 ~va ~. , .
All gate valvo. 1utallod IIhall be pr091dedw1th val.,. boxoe in
the .."-r detailod on the plane. Val.,.~. IIhalll _ U lI&nufact-
ured by Broab l'rOducU, IDe., Figure 1-1' or approved equal. 'the
valve bo:Itee ahall be cc:aplote with exUneiODll and cover. and .hall
be eot to ..tnet. gra4e wlth aoncrete collar pede.
3 - 10 :RIJII.1\i8'f BLOOD
Concrete. 'aruat blocks u mown on the plane lIhall be provlded
at all, horiaontal or vert.1cal J:>>eJl~ or brancbee. ' Can eha11'be taken
to aesure poe1t1ve and adequate bear1J1ge for the pipe. and fitUDg'8
. to prevent l8OV...nt of the ,pipe whon 1JDd!Ir preeeun. COncrete for
thruet Nack. eha11 con.let of atleut. five (5) eac:Jte of cement
to tho yard of concrete.
. .
. .
IBC'1'lOlr roua
CQf@1'JWC'1'IOIf 18- ~UI
.. - 1 GUBItAL :C"WU.&~OIr. ~~BJP".-
.All water ma1fts ehall be laid with. a ..i'l1-wa depth of thirty-six
inche.' (36W) of cover over the pipe.. and in.ofar a. practicable. shall
be laid ~D qradeswhich will avoid .u.a1te and yall.y.. 'l'he water pipe
ahall not be laid closer horiaontally than ten f.et (10 ') froll a sewer
exceft where, the bott.cm of the water. pipe w111 be at leut twelve, inches
(12- above the top of the .ewer pipe. 1n wh1ch 0... thewatef pipe
.hall not be laid closer hor1aontally than six f.et (6') froll the sewer.
1I1ere water 11nes cros. under qravity.OWIIIr 11",;, both the water line
and sewer line shall be constructed ofca.t 1~ pre.sure p1pe~ for a
di.tance of ten feet (10') on each side of tho crc..inq. Where sewaqe
force maiDe or inverted .yphons ',c~oss water 1I&1nai tho water ..ins shall
in all cases be installed at least two feet (2') above the .ewer mains.
'l'he water pipe shall not be laid <:lo..r horiaonta11y than twenty
feet (20 ') frOll any leachin9 fi.ld. " .
Pipe ende l.ft for fut1U8 connectiOftll ehall be valved. pluqqed
or capped; and anchored a. mown on tho ~aw1D9.' .~. interior of all
piP1n9, .hall be thorou9hlY cl....d of foreiC)ft utter before being
lowered into the trench and when worJI 1. not .in proqre... open ends of
pipe and fitt1ftqs lIhall be .ecurely cloa.d .0 that no trench water,
earth or other .u1I.t.&nce will enter tho pipe or fitting.. 'l'he full
left9th of each section of pipe mall :re.t aol.1cUy upon the pipe bed
.with rece.... excavated to accO""Odateba11. and 'Jointe. Defective.
.,....984. or uneound pipe .w111 be rej.c~. Lead Jointe ahallbe
fill.d to a 4epth bot le.. than two and oae-half .iDC'M. (2'-W) back of
tho face of the ball.
.. - 2 UCA~'I':CqJI
(a) All .acavaUon Mce..ary or required for tho'1ruItallation of
pipe 11M. and .t1'llcture. .hall be perlo~d .. ehown on tho ~awings.
bcavatioD ehall include the removal and ti.poaal of, all _terials of
whatever nature enCOW1t:.end. including all ob.t1'llcUoneof ev.ry nature
that would interfere with the proper execution and ~lotion of the'
work, and ehall include tho furnishiDg, plac!n9 and _intaininq of
tialbering where nocoseary to saf.ly .Upport tho aide. of the excavations.
'1'hi. work ahall al.o include tho dilip08al of all excavated materials in
exce.. of that required for backfill, all PUllP1n9, d.t.tch1ng' and other
required ...ures for the re.oval or exclu.iCID of water.
(b) 1I2are t:1ie bottca of the' excavation 18 1n rock or other material
which by reuon of its harible.. canJiot be excavated to provide a uniform
bear1D9 for the fipe. the uterial ahall,lIIo rnn-:YOd to a lI1niJIwD of
three 1nc:ho. (~. below tho grade of tbe bottca of tho pipe, and the
trench refilled with sand or .u1Uble..terial. ,
" - 2 ~qT~ (cant.)
(c) Jlak1D9 bell hol.o 01' ncu..o for -/.:iAU ~ 4eopen1nq ~e
treJU:b wLth the tnach.1l19 uch1M 1Iba11 DOt. ,.m1 te4.
. .
, .
(4)" 'Bw ai"i-v- wielth of'tJs,e ~ *-11. at the dJ."ntion
of the cJnelop1r prov14ec1 that ouch w1l!th *-11 . 1ft the opiaton of
the City _1Mer adequate to conl!uct the' work of lay1119 tJIe pipe,
-*1A9 tho joints an4 COIIpaction of the backfill below u4 adjacent
to the p1,..
4 - 3 "'WI' ..... _avra:
. All Cou~r water ..niceo .,..]1 W pl~ act coutructod as
ehoWD D4 del1Matel! em th., approvocl p1... tMnfon act 111. otr1c~
coafora1,ty With thoa. opec1ficaUou. JIO tap for a couW!l'r ..'n1co
9nater thU t:hreo-fOQ~ 1II.ch(3/4.) free watezway w111 . allowed
in uboatoo-c:..nt pi,., cona_r ..niQea luver thU thio shall re-
qa1n auetiplo tapo or tho .0. of a. opadal tappal! cut-iron fUt1n'1'
Iro tap in .caot 1ron P1r' for a cona_r "1'"I.t00. 9nater tIaan ODe inch
(1.) for four 1nch (4'''p1pe, OM ani! cme-fourth (1"") for six 1nch '
(6.) pipe, one ani! one-half 1ach (1".) for a to 1II.ch(10.) pipe and
two 1II.ch (2.) tor a twelvo 1nch (12") ,pipe oall be allowed. Taps
luvel' than tho allowablo. lIhall req1ain the .. of It. 0,.c1al caot iron
tappoct tee. Ifylon buehin90 *-11 be uocI em all copper ..n100 ,pipes
CO"'aect.e4 to cut 1ron waUl' pipe. 'lbe tutaUation of' cou_r water
..niooo ohall be coapletel! .fore' the ~tIt,tJ.c teat, ani! the '
"",100 l1Ma ohall be 1nc:lu4ed in the taat. A ouitOlo valve and
.wll oall be 1nata110d wLth1ft _1ghteu 1ncheo (18"). of the .ter
outlet, the operation of which Will coatr91 tho utin water oupply
treat.tho oon1ea. "'Uro ohall be located beaMen tho aidewalk and
the curb .0 mown em the draw1ng'..., Bio cJnel0p0r shall furn1eh and
1Uta11 a .ter ):)aX w1th oach "rY100~ 110 tap for a cona~r .erv1ce
will . allowed 1n aeboat.oa ~nt .pipe ~pt through the u.. of a
oen-.tce cJ.AIIp. .onice cllUlpo to be lilith-Blair w1th c. C. tap or I
approvod oqual u ehown em tho. plana. .
4-4 .......:lLL
aadkfl1111\9 . of ail oxcavatiOa .-ooaaery. for tho' wtallat10n of
p1pe11neo anI! otructure.llhall . perfoa.cl .. foI1ewer ,
, . j
. (a) All Mc!kf1ll uUrial IIhall._...s. fI'M 'of rocb, . debris,
and other cOarH _t:or.t.alo pr.tol', to .t~ .j.ntzOdlacUqn into tho exca-
vation. '
(b) aac:kfl1l . 01\al1be laiel IiIn 1ayen of DOt 9reater than four
1DdI.o (4.) iA depth u4 lIOiotenecl u4 1WI4 t ... lito provide n1nety
per cent. (9o,Q COIIpactiOb up to . 4epth equal to 01X inch.. (6W) above
.tho bell of tho 'p1,.. , ' '
,(c) hc!kfill eball b4p la14in la,.n of not gnater than six
indioo (6.) depth an4>>uitAi1tlo ~..t:ecI to provi4e . 1I1n1aua ofn1nety
per cent. (9~ ~~,..A tiem by lIOiot~\"9 u4 tallp1nCJ fl'Cla 1:11e height
deocr1bo4 in, (b) abOve to tho "t"f-- he1qbtof the earthen backfill
, -8-
. ,
4 - 4 BACJCI'ILL (Cont.)
(d) In lieu of the above requirement (c), ,and where perIIIJ. tted in
" writing by the City Bngineer, backfill lIbove a plane six inches (6"),
Uove the top of the ,pipe III&Y be III&de 1n layers not to exceed thirty
inchoe (30") in thickness Where t=d with COIIp&ction equipment equal
. to the wHydra H"-r" or "Mighty Mi o.t" ~Clllpactors.
4 - 5 PIn t. T1IIt '1'B8T8
(a) After the pipe has been laid in' any isolated section and
after the trench hae been baokfilled and tamped eufficiently between
oach pair of joints (all jointe ehall reaaia exposed during teltli)
to prevont JIOVement of the pipe and fittinge under pres.ure, the pipe
11DO ~all be slowly filletS with _ter.
(b) ,All air must be ,expelled from the pipe119 during filling.
If hydrants or blow-offs are not available for expelling air, taps
ahall be made at points of higheat elevation before any teata are made.
After teata have been cOlllpleted,pluga .hall be inaerted in the pipe
tape. Afte:r filling the pipeline ahall 1N allowed to stand for thirty-
e1x (36) houre, during thie eOaking period the p1pe 11ne and fittings
'ehall be 1nepe~teGl by the City Bngu.eer or h1e duly author1Hd repre-
aeDtative. After thie inepection and after the required longth of
tiM baa ~iI.d, the pipe 11neehall be e\lbjeeted to a DM JuMred
and fifty (150) ~ per aquare 1nch, ten and held with1n ten (10)
p,ounc1e per, equare inc:h of this preeeun for at le..t tvo '(2) hours.
After all viaible leak have been .ati.factory repured, a teet for
leakago shall be made at One hundred fifty (150) poun.da per .quare
, inc:b held for four (4) houre. .0 pipe 1.Jiat:&ll~tion shall be accepted
until tho leakage is less than the number of gall one .. determined by
the following table I
Allowable Leakago Per 100 Jo1nt:ll in ,U.8. Gallone for varioue Pipe D1a-
, _ten. '
v- Dl...tar. in !Dcb.U
'feat Preeeun 6" s. 10. 12" 14. lDftches Dia.
"I ~
150 p.s.i. 3.97 5.30 6.62 7.94 9.27 Gallona per hour
. Ihe allowable leaka98 for a pipeU... 18 calculated by IIUltiplying
the ~..ap per hour per 100 Jou.t:e at the teet pre.e\,1n ,and for the
cU_ter of pipe teeud .. ~ta1Aed frta the Above tablo, by the dura-
tiOb of th4a teet in houre and the total --r of jo1nte in the 11ne
cUv1~ by 100. If the eect,1Ob undIIr teet, c:oa".1~e J01nt:ll of vu10ua
cl1_tere, tho allowable leaka98 will be the eua of the ac.puted leak-
-9- foro-=:h e1.. jo1nt,l
.. - 5, 'I" LID 'l'UT8 ( r.:ont.)
(c) by cracked or, de~.ctivo plpes,. f1tt~D9.', valvee, hydrants,
or coneWBer' wator _nicee di.covored duriD9 tbee. teet. shall be
nIIOVed and repl,l.ced with eound Murial and the teeu repeated until
eaUefactory.' .
(d) 'All c,onSWBer water .."lce pipes aDd fitt1ft98 shall be in-
.talled 'prior to and ~ 1Dcludod 1ft tho.. tate.
.. - 6. ,~"f.1IA'fI~
,Uter ,1411 p1p1D9 hae beonfu11y U4 acapletely inetalled, te.ted,
flU8bed, ,~nepected and approved and .fore u.o by the cODauainq PuDl1c,
tho utJ.:re .yetea ,1DClucUn9 cuatal8~water .."lcee and, allappurten-
ant f~11iti.e 8hall be d1elnfect.ed ~ dhloriAatioft 1D accordance with
~r1c::an WaterWorJt. atandard'. C60l-'8, exCept that ifa chlorine
bearirJ9 cCllllpound i. used, it .ball be <:alci\lll bypochlorite comparable
to coanercial products known as -BTB-, -Perchloron- and Pittchlor".
!'be calci\lll hypochlorite, 1oib.ther in. powder or tablet form ahall in'
110 caee be depoaiud in ...in .. laid 'blat ehall be .ppl~ed a. .et forth
in, aection 'l'hree of the Alllerican Water .Iforka Standarcle. All con.umer
w"ter ..rvice pipes .hall be in.talled prior to and. be included in all
~ieinfection proce..e... .0 Dba.e ot the di.~f.ction orocedure ahall
~lMI perfox.ed in the abaence of tho City bqineer or hi. duly authorized
repreaentative. .
Should the developer elect to use frCllllCity maine he sball make
arran9__nt. with the City water DepartMnt for obtaininq same and
will be required to pay for such water at preval11Dq rates. 'l'his
.hall apply to all w~ter u.ed for whatever purpoa.. Arrangements
aut be IIII&de before u.. of any water eCillDenc.. and u.. shall be in
. euiet conformity with ,Water J)e~raent' l'e9ul_tion..
.. - 8 _m. PmlPIJI~ '~'I'I0if8
(a) ft1e site tor a propo.ed wat.r pwapinq .tation ..hall have
adequate etre.t fronta90, fully developed with such d.pth as required
by tho design of the water pwapiD9 station.
(b) 'l'he water pumping .tation .hall be con.tructed of incombust-
I ible material and .hall.be orected abOv. ground.
(c) 'The control circuit p'rovided with the water pumping IiItation
8hal,1 be _ thre. wire eyst.. with'_ lOW voltage prot.c;t1on circuit.
'lbe conuol equipraent prOVided e!tall be autcaatic control equipment
designed f9r electrode actuated'circuit.. All circuits shall :be
eloctrode actuated. '
(d') ft1e 'protection equipraent: provided with the water pWnping
etation shall include a ...tinqhoue AD (J:II-LOII- cirCUit bre~.r
1II&1D d1sco~ect switch of '1'ype JC fr... or la~q.r. All three phase
IIOtore ahall be provided with three e1...nt protection..
(0) 'Pumpa provid.d with the, water pwip:l.ng .tation shall be those
-10- i
4 - 8 .WA'ln PUMPING STATI~S (Cont.)
",' ."i,:",,:.,,~;(e) (Cont.) manufactured by DeLaval 'of the a1zo and type required
'" "'))Y:"\li~..dea1\J1\ of "the pWllping atation. '
',,'.'J..,~::;, ",':I).'
4:;~!I;;i9:"~"~1U",r AJIJ) DUTIU OP InPBC'fO.
":., Inspectors employed by the Clty .hall be authorized to lnspect
a1t work done and all material furnlshed. such inspection may extend to
,allor, any part of the work and to ,preparation, fabrication or lIUI,I1ufac-
ture of the ...terials to be ua.d. 'l'be In.pectorl. DOt authorized to
revoke, alt~r or walve any requir...nta of the.e .poclflcationa. Be
1. author!zed to call the attentlon of the develpper to any fallure of
the work or materials to conform to the.. .pec1flcatlcme. Be ahall have
author1ty to reject mater1als or .~apend the work until any questions
at 1..ue can be referred to and decided by the C1ty bgiMer.
,'l'be insPector shall in no ca.e act a. foreman or perfomqther
dutio. for the developer nor 1ntorfa"e wU:h the unaV...nt ofth4i::.work
by the latter. ,Any advlce whlch the lMpoctor _y V1v. the driet.r
.hall in DO way be construod a" bindinc1 frea' fulfllling all the roquire-
..nta of th..e sepelflcatlona.
, '
If the ~.".loper refu.e. to auapoa,d oporaUona on ver1N.l order,
the .inpoctor Whal1 1..ue a written order Vi"iDV the reaeon for ehutting
down the work.. After placing tho I:)rder 1A the b.'\4e ,of the -.an in
ch&1'9o, the 1n8poctor ~ha11 ~diately 1..". the job~ . *n done dur-
lnv the Irbaenee of the illapoctor ehall DOt 'beacceptecl.
._,,',{.' . '
/'i:.... ",.
'.~. .
. -11- '
. .