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B8 IT ~-G1NB]) ay '1\D.C~1L or .. cnor OPA.IMI'O """1
1. That pursuant to the provisions of the -~t1on of
uninhabi ted '!'erri tory, Act of 1939.. Prooeedin9- have been
initiated by the COUDcll Qf tl1eCity of Arroyo Gr&Dde'
on its own IIQUon, to &Mexto the City of.An;oyoGr"',
all tho_e uninhabited~rri tortes sU:uate in the CCluDt'Y
of 8anJ:.uis Obispo, atate of Cal1forn.1a, MrolIiy daa1gD&ted
as -'AU 0UC8 BO. 17w, arid 4e.cr~" fo110W1J\
All that lllDd cont1vuoue to the C1ty of AJ:4: GrllDd., 1n the
CO\mty of aan' W1. Obbpo, Stat<<i of CalUo%'n1a. lu404 with!n the
exterior boun4ary d..cr1bo4 .. follow I I
Bo1J1nn1A9 at a point 00 the ...urly 11M o~ BJ.llcr..t Drift
.. ...... o~ thO ... o. .no. ..~ .... _"'....~ thO... ...._.
ncor40d in 8oO]c 5 of Hap. at pap 64, sa1d poiD al80 boin9 tho
, ,
. '
mo.t "'sterly comer ot Lot 4 ot Block 6 .dd '1"r t 46, thence.
IIorth )2- .12' ...t a 41stanco of 172.50 teet to SOatbveaUrly
CClrDer of the property con.,eyed B.J. Hornor et
, '
ift Vol~ $38 of Off1c1al "cord. at pag. 520, '"~ 57. 48'
Ba.t along the South..tady l1De ot tho property .0 ccnveyood a
dUtaDco of 1$0.00 f.et", the lIO.t IkNtlWdy co or thereot, at,~
point OQ the NorthweUrly 11De ot Lot 5 of aaid "
lock 6, thebOO'
, IIorth J2~ 12' aa.t alon9 the .atdllorthw.terly 1 a 41.tuce.of
172.50 f..t to the .....Udy 11M of 81erra Drin, tboftC., IkNth
. . .
57. 48' Baet a 41.tuce of 127_00 f..t. to tho 1108 lIOi'tbody COm. I'
of Lot. 6 Block 6 of .aid 'tract 46, ~ IfOrth J · 12' aut a cSJ.8tanc:e
of 50 f.et to a potDt on tho .asUdy 11M ot .1. ra Drive, thonce
80IIth 51- 48'. a..t al009 the ..1d....Urly 11M 0 .10rra Dr1v...
41.t..- of 240.36 t..t to a u41\W poht on the
Lot 1 Block 5 .atderact 46, thOftOO alOftlJ tho_.
satd Lot loathe arc of II cw:vetoth. rilJht ha., 9 a nod1u'ot
20.00 feet, an arc cU.tanc. of 31.42 ,..t toa po t,. tlsenoe, IIIorth
, . "
32. 12' la.t a diat:uceof 197.80 t..tto the IOU rlyprolOftgat1on
ot the ...terly line ot Block 4 .....4 'h:act ;46' a10Dt .....d
Ka.Ud,,' U,.otalock 4 and tlwloUthedy..taU
57' 48' ....t: . cU.tance of 440.00 t..t, tb4mco 110
" ' .
_at a 41.taao. of 113.84 t..t: to dlllu_.t lIor:tho YcOI.'Mr:of 1>>t 4
, . , , . .. " ,. .. .. . .." " '.. .. .' .. ,', .. '0 .." .." ".. :' '~. ,,:
.&14 Block,fit ~lO\Ith 24- 20' ..et.alOftVtbe lIOrt:hetly11Do of
, ," .. ,
".. '" ....,' ! ...., ' .,' ", ", .. .. /:,':';"'- ,-,',,:..
..14 Lot ..a,d1.tance of 251.54 ,..t:to dW IIIHIt, .~rlyooI.'Mr
dWnof, ai;us. ~iDt Oft the IIorthody line of '1eX' tlsODCO
\ ',".', .>
" .... ,', ..'
Oft tho arc 'Of a cuye to the left be.,1nq aradJ..it<:i2'.00 t..t
aD arc.d1',tMco of 64.00 t..t, thenco ~th Jli,:tOh.t a;d1.t~.
i .
I" ,..' .' i '.,)Mi:;,!;"i;~i~' . "
'~"50.00f..t to . po1Dt. the Ioutherly u"<>'.1e~~.i:~t~~;~b .....,
thelaM al0D9 the. J:IoundUy l.t.u of Block 6 Mi4 ' '
. '\.,' ", ,:.' . "'.
follGWiD9 16 COUM.aD4 ti...."._. (1) Iouth' · 40....' 140.86
tMt, thoaco. (2) on the arc of a cune to tho 19bt With a rad1ue
of 70..00 'eet . arc cU.tanc:o ot111.58 'Mt, DOlI, (3) 1IoZ'th
30. 00' ....t '''.78 f..t, tbGoe, (4) 011 the arc of a CNJ:YtI. to the
, .t.
dgbt Wi~ a'Z'Acuue of 14'.00 'oot _.~ cU. '. Of.l06.59 toot;
thODOll,(,) 1JoZ'th 12. 10' 'aut adbteJ:l.otl ~30lea~, t'Iaeace,
(6) OD. the arc of a CUrNto the left . with a .' ... of io.oo lea,
· arc cU..tan. of 31.42,..t,' theDCe,:(7) IJo . 77' SO' ....t
5i.oo. ,..t,_tb~...(.~_ 'd"d~o~ the.l.ft With a
~ ., ",
.~ .' .
ra4.t.ue 01122.93 foot u arc cU.tQce c>f M.tO ..e, theQcie, (')
..011 the arc of a CUZ'ft to the le't with a ndiu Of 2U_a! 'M".
. ;.'. i. \'
,arc: dUtuce of 93.71 'Mt, t1\osaco. (10).011 tho
',ith. le.' With . racUu of 222.23 'Mt . arc tuo. of M.06 too"
theaQe, (11) Iouth 21- 26' ...n a 4iat.ne. Of 7 .26 E.." theMe~. .
,,(12) on the arc of a ~ to the .left with &
aD arc 'U.t.aao 01 67.61 f..t, tb_C'l, '. (1)) 011 .rc of& 'can..
to tbe1en with a racUu of 72.05 fMtaD arc tuceot n.58f..t,
'. <,
theaoe, (14) 80IIth 66. 40.' &aat 121.06 f..." . (15) on the, arc
of &eunetothe r1.t with a ra41u Of~07.5tt _ .Ue"imtiaDco t
,c;f 111.1'>,oot, thenco, (16) Iouth57. .,....t
'jOl.,j';f'" to ~lIOlit__terl_;oome~~f ..14. t 4 Block' . '. ." (.
u4;tbe 'point' otbe9~""."9, aD4 "~1wUDv allJoo""'.l~'it j
. : ' '.' ~ " " " '. ," --: ,: ~.
Ofilub41Y1.1on located tb.rein,~thor With al public ."~i, j
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2. That pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Unin-
habited Territory Act of 1939," proceedings hav~ been initiated by
<the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, on it. own motion, to
annex to the City of Arroyo Grande, all that un~nhabited territory
situate in the County of San Luis Obispo, State (of California, here-
by designated as "FAIR OAKS NO. 18", and descri~ed as follows:
-------- ~.._---
3. That the said City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande de-
sires to annex said uninhabited territories to the City of Arroyo
Grande for the following reasons: Said territo~ies are contiguous
to the City of Arroyo Grande, and their proposep annexation will
contribute to and facilitate the orderly growth I and development of
both the City of Arroyo Grande and the territortes proposed to be
annexed; will provide the proper control of str,et layout, drainage,
sanitary sewer design and proper land use in cO*formity with the
overall zoning plan of the City and in the terr~tories proposed to
be annexed.
I) :AbL~~:L
4. That '/(.ItM.' .~ ' the.!. _ day of ..:, ' 1960, at the
. hour of 8:00 P.M., of said day, in the Council ~ambers in the City
Hall, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of S~ Luis Obispo,
California, is hereby fixed as the time and plac\e when and where
any person owning real property within the uninhpbited territories
above described and proposed to be annexed to tpe City of Arroyo
Grande and having any objections to the proposedi annexations may
appear before the Council of the City of ArroyolGrande and show
cause why such uninhabited territories' should npt be so annexed
to said City of Arroyo Grande. Such protest or ~rotests must be
in writing, may be filed at any time before the;hour set for hear-
ing objections to the proposed annexations, and $hall state the
I affected and the
name or names of the owner or owners of property description and area of such property in generaliterms.
5. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Gr4ndeis hereby
authorized and directed to cause a copy of this ~esolution to be
published at least twice, but not oftener than o~ce a week, in the
Herald-Recorder, a newspaper of general circulat~on published in
said City of Arroyo Grande, the City to which it jis proposed to
annex the aforesaid territories, and also in the ~elegram-Tribune,
a newspaper of general circulation published outs~de the City of
Arroyo Grande, but in the County of San Luis Obisk>o, California, the
County in which is located the territories propos~d to be annexed to
the City of Arroyo Grande, said publication to be] completed at least
twenty (20) days prior to the date set for hear~ng.
And the City Clerk is further authorized an~ directed to cause
written notice of such proposed annexations to ~e mailed to each
person to whom land within the territories proppsed to be annexed, is
assessed in the last equalized county assessmen~ roll available, on
the date the above said proceedings were initia~d, at the address
shown on said assessment roll or as known to sai~ Clerk, and to
any person who has filed his name and address an~ the designation
of the lands in which he has any interest, eithe~ legal or equit-
able, with said Clerk, such notice to be given n9t less than twenty
(20) days before the first public hearing on the 1 proposed annexa-
And, in the event there is, upon the land pr~posed to be annexed,
a structural improvement owned, being acquired o~ leased by a County
Fire protection District, the said Clerk is dire4ted to cause written
notice of such proposed annexations to be mailedfto the governing
body of such district, such notice to be set not iless than ten (10)
, days before the first public hearing upon such p~oposed annexations.
And the said City Clerk is directed to cause ~ritten notice to
be given to such other persons as may be legally ~ntitled thereto,
in the manner required by law.
On Motion of Councilman i~_ , seconded by
fJ h].A- ~_ ,
Councilman , and on the following r~ll call vote,
to wit: l ~ l N Ii, ~ N:v;;t \
t"V ~
AYES: i_~ e i'~-..e-YL- !'o&, , ,--~ I . ~e.:.I~~U 'V V-l~ .
NOES: h-hvL.
r~, ,
ABSENT: ABJJ.I~..I.I...~1) ~
VQ!l'~NEt:' '
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this ~da~ of ).j-I.I.-IA.d ,
19~ "';!" ' .,' (i" St
\",'L~.1-q t:. i{' '0-L-U; , '.
M~or : ~/
"" 2 ;' '/ ' ) t/ '
;/J; " . ~ ?t,,_i! .l:-t- <-< '
City Clerk, City of Arroyo ande
. '\
__'I '
"AIR 0NC8 1If0. 18 ,
All that land C:Oftt1guo~ to the C1 ty of Graftct.. 1ft the
CoW\ty of 'aft Lu10 (l)1opo.. ltate of Cal1fom1a lu&t4 wLthtn.tho
exterior boundary de.cdbod ao follOW11t
8eg1N\1D9 at . po1ftt. Oft the lIorther1y 11M ..wport Aftftue.
. !~
at the Iouth ...t. conwr of Lot 7. Bloc:1c 7. of
ec:cord1ftll to the Map theroo.f recorde41ft, BooJc 5 0 Hapo at. pa~c .
64, thence aIOrth 86- 31' 30. "otalcmg the IOu rly l1D11,of .
Lot.o 1. 6. and 5 of .a1d Blodk 7 . 410t.ance of 59 .95 foot to the'
thence . aIOrth 3 -16' .a.t :~l
Southw..terly corner of ..1d Lot 5, l,
'. ','t
alcmg the "oterly l1ne of oaid LOt. 5'a41otance f221.Mf..e:
to the IIOrthweaterly conwr thonof, t1\eDCe IOU
'But aloft" the aIOrtherly l1fte of. I.ote 5.' 6 &ft41
593.37 foot to the lIortheaaterly corner. of .a1d theDCe
SOuth 3- 22' 30. ...ot .10ft9 the .a.terly 11M tho fa 'iUotaftCtl
of. 221.54 feet t.o the Southe.oterly C:OrMZ' thoroo &1\4 tho point
of beg1M1ft9 aftCS 1ftclud1ft9 all LoU and 810cke of aubcU.v1e10D8
located therein. tQgether with all '~l1c roada, lleyo &l\e!
ripU of way of record. I