R 0433A { --------- - , . . . . RESOLUTION NO. tJ.3811 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNctL OF' ! CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, OVERRULING THE RECOMMENDAT1!oJrl ,OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AGAINST RE-ZONIN~ THE ftWILLlFORD PROPERTY" WHEREAS, the Pla~ng Commission of t e CJty of Arroyo Grande did on the /.2". .,day of ,1960, re- '~' commend that the City Council of Arroyo Grande deny the request of Aafton Williford to hav his property r"'zoned from "R-l" to "C-2", and WHEREAS, the sa.d Aaron Williford did on the~day of ~'_"J~ ,1960, file an appeal fro said recommendation of the said C t; Planning Commission, and WHEREAS the appeal of said Aaron Will ford was referred back to the City Planning Commission so th t said Commission might prepare and file with the City Counc 1 a written statement setting forth wherein it failed to find th t the public necessity, convenience, welfare or good zo ing required that said request for re-zoning be granted, and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission fil d its stdBment with the City Council as required by law, and WHEREAS, said City Council did on the 8th day of March, 1960, hold a public hearing in connection said appeal from the Planning Commission's recommendation a in connection with the request of said Aaron Williford that hereinafter described property be re-zoned from "R-l" to "C-2", d WHEREAS, the City Council did conside the report and state- ment of the Planning Commisston, and did he r all of the persons , desiring to be heard in connection with the requested re-zoning, I I and after having considered all of the matt rs presented to it in connection therewith, and good cause app aring therefor, the City Council of the City of Arroyo Gran e does now find as follows, to-wit: / ) ;1' I ) / / . _U ..---- L_____..__ __u_ --_._-~.. ...--.. ~. -l I' . . . 1. That the recommendation of the Ci Planning Commission that the requested re-zoning be denied, a its finding that no public necessity, convenience, welfare r good zoning practice were present as a basis for the r quested re-zoning, are in error in the following respects: That the property which it is reque ted be re~zoned is ~ approximately t:1J'~: of a block and faces oni,. \~l'jr .'.,.. Street and Street in the City of Arroyo Grande. That it is presently zoned "R-I" a d a variance has been issued under which a Motel may be constructed thereon. That the blance sa d:~ Street and also is zoned "C-2". i 5t ree I , That Aaron Williford Is the owner of both of property, (parcels in the sense that there are two d zones) . That it is contraey to good zoning practic to leave portions of ablock fronting on a common street, zon in two different zoning categories; that the change in zoni here request.ed would be in the best interests of good zoni g practttej and that .the,tequest for re-zoning should be gr nted, and the recommendation of the Planning Commission sould be overruled. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the C ty Council of the City of Arroyo Grande as follows: That the recommendation of the City PI nning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande against the gr nting of the request of Aae'on Williford that his propert.y be re- oned from "R-l" to "C-2" be and the same is herewith overruled and That the request of Aaron Williford fo re-zoning of his property be and the same is herewith grante , and the following described property is re-zoned from "R-l" t "C-2", and the City Attorney is directed to draft an ce to accolllp 1 ish said re-zoning. The property to be so re-zon d is described as follows: --"'- _..__.._--,-,...~_._,_.~--~--- ---~-- ----.-- ----.-.-......---- --~~- ----_.~-' -- ........, .- ~ . . . , I I , ~0 .,: .,~/<<I,., .~,,< ..~ / ''')~. ,",~[~r.' "...'frIi ~ hJ~d", .~15~r~ a.~. On motion of Councilman ~R-'1- ' seconded by Councflman p~~~, and on t.he following roll call , vot.e AYES'~~' ~_.:~ k, r...x. NOES: ee:.; ~ ~ I ABSENT: NONE the foregoing resolut.ion was ddopted this 8th day of March, 1960. ~C,~ ATTEST: IiffJlr./it jpva..,