R 0431 ~[--J -. ~,.~~ ' - (. i RESOLUTION NO. '/2/ ( _GLUTION OF THE CITY OF .umOYO GRANDE EST~Lum '& $~ ZOOS AND CQI'fDWING THE EXISTENCE OF PRESUTLY aISTDG W.... SIUS BDCTED BY fIB STATE OF (:j,LIFOUIA. ~M~~S, the State of Calif~rnia is abOQ t t , Gt'.... .treacly, reliaquisbed certain streets in the City of !Troy _.e to tbe Ci ty of Arroyo Grande, said streets be~ng hereinafter eNJ'tllled, aad ~~.'S said streets were formerly a part of tbt.~7S7.t.. of t_~ .'tate of California, and ~s SQch, there were ectt.d t......... Ar iOQS reiU14tory traffic signs controlling aad regulati . ~~ic tltereon, and WRRPRAS it appears desirable for the City of tin~e such signs in existence anca to continue sai ~...J.ati... aad all ....eI .ones and stop signs and other reiUlatory s ... ia effect. BOW 'fJSqll!iFORE, BE IT RESOLVIJ as fello1l8s Tbatthe following streets or PQ\lic hlghwa blrt1ef.,...iatained , by the State of California be and the saae are be '.~__"'1...ted a. 35 I mile per hoar zones, to-wit: I I (1) Traffic Way - from lQ)' High1l8.y overpas8 on th Swtb M Qrand8Avenue and Branch Street intersection on the lorth. 8. it further resolved taat.al1 re,u1a"ry s "",8P'ecl sLgns, and stop signs presently e~i~tia. eA the her-eiDat er ~...tecl etreets, be aad ttaei.8&Ile are herewith orcl.ed c.ati~ ia e._t.ce udor tlte provisions of the traffic ordinaace of tbe Oity- 0 ...... ".de, "iag Orcu.......ce ]1'0. ..:i..b...... Said streets ~e as tollAnf , t...i t. (1) Traffic We;y . frolll 101 HJ.ehwe;y overpae. on 1; South to Ormd Avenue and Branch Street intersection on the Werth. .\>~ 1. \) ..;i_~.~ '-'.-........:, ., ---,,----- --~.~~-,._------- [,.: / / . ""'\ -, t.. _ - On aotioa of CounQilaan !p~- , secoaded by C..'oi~an . ~/~~';:;' H.~'~l~~.rit. NOBS s )ur..e . ABSDTs ~~ ~~. . . The foregoing resolutioD was adopted the ~'~day of February, 1960. ~O~ , yor ., ATTEST: ~. ~ ht.l~'i yCer.