R 0427 ~7U i '-0 t~ . t" _c J -:.... RESOLUTION NO. 427 ,,~ :J;:.. () ~E30LUTION GIVIN) NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXfI'.L'ION TO WE em OF _ro GRANDE OF ""'-'IN T'" TmRITORIES DESCRIBED HFREIN AND DESIGNAT AS "FAIR OAKS NO. 19", "FAIR OAKS NO. 20", "FA OAKS NO. 21", AND "VAU.EY ROAD NO.1" AND GrvIN NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF PROTESTS. i . BE IT RESOLVED BY :I.'HE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~OYO GRANDE: I 1. That pursuant to the provisions of the "Ann~tion of Unin- ~ habited Territory Act of 1939," proceedings have bee1 initiated by I the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, on its own jJllOtion, to I azmex to the City of Arroyo Grande, all those uninha~ted territories situate in the County of San Luis Obispo, Statjj of C :i.fornl.., here- by designated as "FAIR OAKS NO. 19", and described a+ follows: All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo ande, in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California inClu1ed within the exterior boundary described as follows; Beginning at a point on the Southerljr line of Ne~(,rt Avenue i said point also being the northwest corner of Lot 7. ~lock 3 of Tract No. 109 according to the Map thereof recorded ~ Book 5 of Maps at page 107; thence South 30 15' West along the esterly line 0' said Lot 7 a distance of 150.27 feet to the Southw sterly corner Wi thereof; thence South 860 4$' East along the Souther line thereof I a distance of 66.74 feet to the Southeasterly corner ~ereof'; thence I North 30 15' East along the Easterly line thereof' a 1stance of' 60.00 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 8, Said Bl01k 3; thence South 860 45' East along the Southerly lines of Lots ~,9 and 10 \ of said Block 3 a distance of 200.25 f'eet to the westtly line of Lot 11, aaid Block 3; thence South 30 15' West along ~e Westerly line of Lot 11 a distance of 60.00 feet to the SOUthW~t corner I thereof; thence South 860 45' East along the Souther~ line of said Lot 11 a distance of 66.75 feet to the Southeast corndr thereof; ! thence North 30 15' East along the Easterly line of sfd Lot 11 and the Northerly extension thereof along the Easterbj line of q J a 50.00 foot Road to a point which bears South 860 37'130" East ! from the Southeasterly corner of that property conveye~ to J.J. Zogata et we by deed recorded in Vol\U1l8 931 of OrfiC:!al Records at page 472; thence North 860 37' 30" West across saidI50.00 foot road to the Southeasterly corner of the property conveted; thence i ----.-.----- -- ~- L .'61. North 710 18' West along the ::>outherly line of the! propert.y so conveyed and the Westorly prolongation thereof a ~stance of 275.$8 feet to a point on the \iesterly line of Lot 9 of Block 7 of Tract No. 46 according to the map thereof recorded in Bo~k 5 of Maps . I ! at page 64; thence South 30 22' 30" West along the !rlesterly line - of said Lot 9 a distance of 122.44 feet to the ::>ou~huesterly corner f thereoA; thence continuing South 30 22 I 30" West acjross Newport Avenue a dist.:,nce, of 100.00 feet to a point on the loutherlY line of Newport Avenue which bears South 860 42' 1$" F.a a distance of 15.30 feet from the Northwesterly corner of sai~ Tract 109; thence North 860 42' 15" \-lest a distance of 15.30 ~et to the . Northwest corner of said Tract 109 and the point ofl beginning and incl~ng all Lots and Blocks of subdivision locatertherein, together wi tJ1 all public roads, alleys and rights of way of reccrd. i 2. That pursuant to the provisions of the "Anntxation of Unin- I habited 'l'erritory Act of 1939," proceedings have betn initiated by the C01Ulcil of the City of Arroyo Grande, on its 0WIj. motion, to I annex to the City of Arroyo Grande, all that uninha~ited territory , - situate in ~he C01Ulty of San Luis Obispo, State of qalifor~, here- I by designated as "FAm OAKS NO. 20", and described 1s follows: All that liind contiguous to the City of Arroyo qrande, in t,e C01Ulty of San Luis Obispo, State of Califor~i8 inc14ded within the I exterior b01Uldary described as follows: , Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of lI~llcrest , Drive at the Southeast corner of Lot 2 Block 3 of '~ct No. 46 according to the map thereof recorded in Book 5 of ~ps at page 64; thence North 860 37' 30" West a distance of l64~~ feet to I the Southwesterly corner of said Lot 2; thence Nort~ 30 15' 30" i East along the viesterly line of said 'l'ract 46 and t~ Northerly extension thereof 'a distance of 1056 feet more or l~S LO the - Northerly line of the ,>ortion of the right of way rfinquiSk....ci the State of Californ.ia to the C01Ulty of San Luis otspo, described in Parcel Four of thl! resolution of the State lIighl:ay Conunission dated September 19, 1956, recorded in Volume 863 of ~fficial Records at page 135; thence running Easterly along the said ~ortherlY . right of way line to its intersection with the Uorth~rly prolongation of the Lasterly line of Lot 1, Block 1 of said 'l'racti No. 46; --_.~ --. -.-.....- -- ......... c."':) :;:-.. (') thence South 90 42' W~st along the said 'iasterly line of Lot 1 and its Northerly extension to the Southeast corner of said ~ot 1, Block 1; thence North 800 18' West along the Southerly line of said , ' Lot 1 a dis~nce of 53.54 feet to its intersection wi~h the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of Lot l~ Block 4 of1 said Tract Iio. 116, thence South 90 42' West along the said ~sterly - , ! line of Lot 1, Block 4 and its Northerly prolongation ~ distance , of 257.80 feet to the ~orthwest corner of Lot 2, said tlock 4; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 2 and Lot of said Block 4 the following 4 courses and distances;(l) sout, 80' 18' East 85.70 feet; thence, (2) South 760 46' 10" East 105t61 feet; thence~ (3) South 690 02' 40" East 126.52 feet; thence! (4) South ! 63050'40" East 27.26 feet to the i'lortheaso corner of s4id Lot 3 DlodIc 4; thence South 240 20' West along the Easterly fne of said Lot 3 a distance of 251.54 feet to the Southeast dfrner the:eof~ and a point on the Northerly line of Sierra Drive; therfe on the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 125.oP feet an arc distance of 64.00 feet; thence across Sierra dri~e - , , South 310 20' East a distance of 50.00 feet to a point ~n the Southerly line of Sierra Drive; thence along the boundah, line of Block 6 said Tract No. 46 the following 16 courses atd distances (1) South 580 40' West 140.86 feet; thence, (2) on the ,rc cf a curve to the right with a radius of 70.00 feet an arc ct4stance of 1ll.58 feet; thence, (3) North 300 00' West 96.78 feet; Ithence (4) on the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 1145.00 feet , , an arc distance of 106.59 feet; thence (5) North 120 10 'I East a distance of 113.30 feet; thence, (6) on the arc of a ~ve to the left with a radius of 2Q.00 feet an arc distance of ~1.42 feet; thence (7) North 770 50' West 5~.OO feet; thence ~8) on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 122.93 f~t an -... arc distance of 66.90 feet; thence (9) on the arc of a c ve to the , I left with a radius of 212.21 feet an arc distance of 93.11 feet; I I thence, (10) on the arc of a curve to the left with a ra~us of , 222.23 feet an arc distance of 94.06 feet; thence, (11) ~outh 210 26' West a distance of 79.26 feet; thence (12) on thJ arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 98.36 feet an ar1 distance I -- --~ -- --.-----'..----,.-- I 2'7i of 67.61 feet; thence. (13) on the arc of a curve; to the left with a radtus of 72.05 feet an arc distance of 6l~58 feet; thence, (14)South 66. 40' East 121.06 feet; thence. (15) .n the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of 707.59 f4et an arc distance of 111.15 feet; thence, (10) South 570 44' l::ast a distance , l.- of 321.68 feet to ~ts intersection with the ~orth1asterlY pro- longation of the uoutheasterly line of that properfy conveyed E.A. Bello at UK by deed recorded in Volume 919 oflOfficial Records at page 328; thence along the said Southeafterly line and its Northerly prolongation South 320 12' West to a pOiit on the South- erly line of Lot 3. Block 7 said Tract 40, thence ~orth 860 37' 30" (lest along the said Southerly line of Lot 3 an4 the Southerly I line of Lots 2 and 1 said Block 7 a distance of 24575 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 1 Block 7; the e North 30 16' East along the Westerly line of said Lot 1 Block 7,'B51stance of 223.00 feet to the Southeast corner of that propertt conveyed to Raymond K. and H.D. Jensen by deed recorded in "'ook! 84 of Official - Records at ,page 297; thence North 860 37' 30" j{est tlOng the South erly line of the property so conveyed a distance of:loo.oo feet i to the Southwesterly corner thereat; thence North 3t 22' JO" : East along the Westerly line of the property so conteyed to a point on the Southerly line of Hiiblcrest Drive; theice North 66' 40' West along the said Southerly line of Hillc~est Drive to the Southeast corn~r of said Lot 2 Block3 and th~ point of beginning. and including all lots and blocks of SU+iviSion located therein. together with all public roads all~. and rights of way of record., 3. That pursuant to the provisions of the "Annefation of Uni~- habited Territory Act of 1939," proceedings have bee~ initiated by ,\ the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande, on its ownlmotion. to I ''- annex to tae City of Arroyo Gr4\1lde, all that uninhabtted territory situate in the County of San Luis Obispo. State of (,;~iror7l.ta, here- by designated as "FAffi OAKS NO. 21, and described as !rollows; , i I ----._- ---- , _.--.----- . "",'" .....-. ~~ "J:~ FAIR OAKS NO. 21 () AU that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo prande in the CO)U1ty of San Luis Obispo, State of California inclu~ed Within the exterior boundary described as foUows; Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly corne],l of Block 53 of the Town of Grover, according to the map there9f recorded in Book A of Maps at page 6; - thence Along the Northerly line of said Block 53 South 86" 4$' East a distance of 335.00\ feet to I a point; thence South 3" 15' West a distance of 192;6+ feet to a point; thence North 86' 45' West a distance 01' 33$.QO feet to \ the Easterly line of North 18th Street; thence North ~o 15' East along the said Easterly line of North 18th street a d~tance of , 192.61 feet to the point of beginning and including a* Lots and j Blocks of Subdivision located therein, together With a~ public roads, aUays, and rights of way of record. 40 That pursuant to the provisions of the "Anne~tion 01' Unin- habited Territory Act of 1939," proceedings have been $nitiated by , the Council of the City 01' Arroyo Grande, on:its own'mqtion, to, I annex to the City of krroyo Grande, aU that uninhabite\1 tl!rritoI7 --, situate in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. here- by designated as "'TALLEY ROAD NO., 1", and described as roUows: "V1ILLEY ROAD NO. 1" In the "ounty of San Luis Ouispo, ::itate of Ca1ifo~, aU that portion of Lots 101, UO and 109 of the SubdivisiO~S tJf the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo and Bolsa de Chemisa1, *cording to the map thereof filed for record in the office of thel County Recorder and aescribed as foUows: , Bel!inning at a point on the Easterly line of County\jload No. 28 (VaUey Hoad), distant thereon "outh P 00' West, a 1stance of 697.54 feet from the North line of said Lot 101, said po~nt bein'g the , i Scuthwest"rly corner of the property. conveyed to John W. \Dougherty, ~ by deed dated February- 24, 1893 and recorded February 28,j 1893 in Book 19 at page 105 of Deeds; thence North 870 35' Ea+ along the Southerly line of the property so conveyed, a distanc~ of j 1568.90 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence ~orth 350 31' 43" West along the Southeasterly line of aforesai~ property , a distance of 109.21 feet to a point; thence North 58" 40~ 02" East, (record North 5~4.~~st), a distance of U42.47 feet.to the most Easterly corner of that property conveyed to Arthur t Runels, , .._u__ __~_____. _. ~'n; et ux by deed recorded in Book 132 at page 405 of Deeds; thence North 350 45' East along the Northeasterly line of said property' of Arthur V. Runels, a dist.. me of 551.70 feet to the J.'Icrth line of said Lot 101, and the (;i ty Limits of the "i ty o\f Arroyo urande, thence along the said North line of Lot 101 and th~ City Limits of . " i the City of Arroyo Grande, North 560 JO' East to a! point which , bears North 350 30' West from the most Northeasterty corner of that "- property deeded to James B. Padgett et ux by deed ~ecorded in Book 1006 of Official "ecards at page 106; thence South \350 30' ~st along the ~ortheasterly line of the said property ~nveyed to , James B. Padgett, and the Northerly prolongation tifreof to the most Easterly corner thereof and a point, on the ~ou~h line of said , I Lot 101; thence South 560 22' 15" lVest (record Soutr 570 West) , along the said Southerly line of Lot 101, a distanct of 175B.03 feet; thence leaving said Southerly line North 670 *1' 15" West a distance of 617.03 feet' to a point; thence South j20 42' 15" ! ,lest a distance of 237.59 feet; thence South 560 22115" West ( record South 570 West), a distance of 76.69 feet ~o the most Easterly corner of that property conveyed to B.W. C<j1burn, et ux \ I by deed elated September 1, 1957 and recorded Octobe~ JO, 1957 in , book 914, at page 125 of Official records; thence ~orth 420 18' West, (record North 41040' 1$" West), along the Nortpeasterly line of the property so conveyed a rJistance of 469.3r feet to the most Northeasterly corner thereof; thlmce North 890 ~, West (record ! North 880 22' 15"vlest), 274.11 feet to a point; thete South 1" 00' r/est, (record South 10 37' 45" West), 221.00 eet; thence North 890 00' '/est.(record 880 22'15" \/est), a distan.e of 312.57 I feet; thence :)outh 10 West a distance of 24:00 feet ~o a point on the Southerly li{,e of said property conveyed B.W. co~burn et ux; thence North BB 022' 15" \vest a" distance of 290.66 f1et along . , said Southerly line to a point .on the Easterly line said County Road No. 28; thence South 10 00' West along said Fas rly line to I - its intersection with the Easterly prolongation of t "ortherly line of that property conveyed Horace J. Seely et al ~y deed i elated April 4, 19.1.4 and recorded April 21, 1916 in Bork 110 at page 50 of Deeds; thence leaving said road North 890 45' W~st along the North line of the property so ccnve:red and the Easterty extension thereof a distance 01' 1525.84 feet to Stake S-2 at cofner of lands I -.-------.---- ---- , - - ------ - - - ~.- '..". ........ c,-.) -.. ...J ('J of H. Bosse and C. Reynolds; thence North O' 30' Eas~ along the Easterly line of said vosse Property, a distamce of ~3.96 feet to a point on the North line of said Lot 110; thence!East along said North line of Lot 110 a distance of 1h75.84 fee~ to a point on the West line of said County ~oad No. 28; thence ~on& said West line North l' 00' East to a point which bears N+th 69' 00' - West a distance of 50.00 feet from the point of begifing; thence across said County !toad No. 28 South 890 00' East a c4-stance of , I 50.00 feet to the point of beginning and including a~ Lots and Blocks of Subdivision located therein, together with *1 public roads, alleys and rights of way of record. 5. That the said City Council of the City of Arr~o Grande de- , sires to annex said uninhabited territories to the Citt of Arro;-ro Grande for the following reasons: Said territories ,are conti~oUS to the City . of Arr<:Jyo Grande, and their proposed annexation will c~nthibute to and , facilitate the orderly growth and de~lopment of both ~he City of Arroyo Grande and the territories proposed to be annexf; will provide the proper control of street layout, drainage, sanita1 sewer design -, and proper land use in conformity with the overall zonipg plan of the City and in the territories proposed to be annexed. 6. '.l:hat Tuesday , the 23rd day of Feblluat'Y, 1~60, at the hour of 8:00 P.M., of said day, in the Council Chambers lin the City I Hall, in the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis ~bispo, Calif- ornia, is hereby fixed as the til11e and place when and w1ere allY person owning real property within the uninhabited territories ~bove described i and proposed to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande !and hating aJIIY . I i objections to the proposed annexations ~ appear beforelthe Council I of the City of Arr<:Jyo Grande and show cause why such unitmabited territories should not be so annexed to said City of Arr1Yo Grande. Such protest or protests must be in writing, may be file at allY time , --, before the hour set for hearing objeJctions to the proPOs4d annexations, ( and shall state the name or nar'les of the owner or owners lof property affected and the description and area of such property i~ general terms. 7. The Gity Clerk of the (;i ty of Arroyo GTande is reby author- , ized and directed to cause a copy of this Resolution to bp published at least twice, but not oftener that once a week, in the l!erald;..\ I I , i 277 i . . ~ j Recorder, a newspaper of general circulation PUbli~hed in said City of Arroyo Grande, the City to which it is proposed to rnne4 the aforesaid territories, and also in the Telegram-Tribune, a mtspaper of general circulation published outside the City of Arroyo Gr~nde, but in the I County of San Luis Obispo, Cali~orTlla., the County i~ which is located the territories proposed to -Je annexed to the City f Arroyo Grande, "- said pUblication to be completed at least twenty (2~) days prior to the ! date set for hearing. And the City Clerk is further authorized and ~ected to cause wri".. not... nf ,ooh ,.npn,nd ,.....,.... in to ~ in ...h p,.,on to whom land within the territories. proposed to be exed, is assessed in the last equalized county assessment roll aVaila~e on the date the I ab... ,old ,.<<..din" "'., ini"",d a' tho ad,""~''''' on ,'" assessment roll or as known to said Clerk, and to a person who has filed his name and address and the designation of tht lands in which he has any interest, either legal or equitable, with satd Clerk, such notice to be given not less than twenty (20) days before th1 first public hearing on the proposed annexations. And, in the event there is, upon the land propo+d to be annexed, - , a structural improvement owned,' being acquired or le~ed by a County Fire protection District, the said Clerk is directed ~o cause written , , notice of such proposed annexations to be mailed to tfe governing body of such district, such notice to be set not less than\ ten (10) Says be- fore the first public hearing upon such proposed annefations. And the said City Clerk is directed to cause written notice to be given to such other persons as roay be legally entitle4 thereto, in the manner required by law. On Motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Counci~n Lee, and on I the following roll call vote, to-wit: AYES: PENCE, LEE, JACOBS, AND BURT NOES: NONE I ABS~AINED FROM ,_ ABSENT : NONE VOT NG: HARTWIG the foregoing Resolution was adopted this 12th day of ~anuary. 1960. ATTES1': I J1AYOR ! , CITY CLERK --._--- ,- ------ \