R 0416
A flelOluti1on of the City Council of the C1V of Ar.ro1o Orando a'tohor1l1SDa
'tbe 4IXtIOU't4on of an I "l~ 1'"10 Of the ep'MIIInt tor S'-ate A6Id.rd.Ilt.ratiOll
of Loeal ~~. and U.. 'ku and ntbariaSnc ~ IfII7oc' to a1gA for the
Cu.y ot Arro1o ONDde.
On MUon of Counc1].Jun "811O,*,. ~ b7 0<w~1.n Lee an4 tv
the 1'~ ...u 0111 \"010, ....t.
~I CounoilMn Dun. Leo, Jaeobe and 1:/a1'tw1c
IIoeaI None
Aba<iffits OOUftel1.!111U\ P..mce
the t'd1:'I!;.oUIg r(taolut.1cn .. adopted tilt 9th _ of Juna US9.
fiWo'i >: 1J'r CALlII'Oft.iiU )
COill41'rOF SA.!i LvI:': OBISPO i...
ern or .ARROYO \ilWlDE )
I;~ !!UfA M.. ~f.IS.LING, C1V 01.... of t.be CUy ot ~ UraDde,
Oowtq of :J.In Lu1a Ob1apo, State of c.l1t0J'21ia, do benIbT oert1fy that
the fweeo1nc flesolut1on Me. 1116 111 . trIMt, t1Ill end COI'I'eot OOPT of
eatd Iw~on pall. qd IIdopW b7 the Gi~ CooI~l of t.bo 1;;1\7 ot
ArTo1o GnIIde a1; . ft&\Ila1' Metag of .:l.d CouneU en _ ~ ., of
lu.ne, US,.
!!! I! 1: ~ J,.1I9' bud ud 'tbe ..1 orb C1'l1 of Arro,po oram.
affiXed the 9th day of J'UM, US,.
.' . ~..
.,,~ 1". ARROYO aCk
\c.. .'
~ ......,-: City of
Whereas, the City hereinabove designated, hereinafter caUed the City, and the State Board of Equa\.
ization, hereinafter called the' Board, h8;ve heretofore entered inco an agreement for scate admlniatratioo of
localaalea and-use taxes aa contemplated under Part 1.5 of Division 2, of the Reveoue and Taxation Code
aod are now desirous of amendIng that agreemeot in the manner hereinafter set fOtth,the City and the Boud
do hereby agree that such wgreement shall be amended in the following particulars, to wit:
Paragtaph C of Article II of said Agreement is amended to read,
C. Tranwmittal of money. Except as otherwise provided herein, all local ta:res collected
under the provisions of the City ordinance shall he transmitted to the City periodically as
promptly as feasible. A statement whall he furnished indicsting the amount withheld pur-
suant to Article N of this Agreement.
The purpose of the foregoing Amendment is to conform said Agreement to a plan for accelerated
transmittal of local sales tax collecdona as descrihed in a letter of /datch 12, 1959, wddreaaed to Mr.
Richard Carpenter, Executive Director' snd General C<>unsel, League of California Citi.., by Dlswell L.
Pierce, Secretaty, State Board oJ Equalization. For the purposew of this Amendment thlw letter ia incorpo-
rated in said Agreement by reference as though fully set forth therein.
By BY~~ rt 81MA';
SecteclUJ' - . .ture on ehie Une)
(Type neme 'hete)
(Type title here)
1- Insett name of the City at top of page. I
2. SiRn five copies of the Amendment, sending all of them to the Sec;retaty, State Board nf Equlizstion, ,
Sacramento 8, California. (IE the City desires to keep a file copy Of the .Amendment, an additional
copy shoUld be prepSied on the form which has been supplied for that purpose.) .,
3. Attach to each copy of the Amendment aent to the Board, a certified copy of the order, modon or reso-
lution of the City Council authorizing the to:recution of the Amendlllent.
When sn Amendment is submitted in accordance with the foregoing ine_cdons, it will be executed on
behalf of the Board and aubmitted to the State Department of Finance for apptoval. . If a copy haa been
retained by the City, it may then be conformed to ihe approved copy. .