R 0414 , , i I I ! H1,7IJiIL AID f\i$OLIJTIOH }lO. 1ah Wl:1tW, an agn!Vi!MI1I 11311 been pJ"N8Jlt04 ~ '\'.be S\ate of Cal1tornta, iJepDriment. of Natu:rel RqcIQ'CGa, D:i.v'181on of '--tr7, Clod '\'.be "Uq of Arroyo Grande. and w.il~, it appoaro to be tor the be**' in_eat. of t.he euy ot lrnoyo Cirande that oaid agI'IMI1IImt. be ..outed. NOW, T!11",:BF'0/t1>, 3l!: I'l R&'A1LVEJ) that. said qreement. ill -My apprlmld end the Mayor of tho C1 t.;y ot Anwo \1nnde 1a heeby ~ MIS directed to execute oaid .....nt. tw and on bIb81t ot Aid Cit.;y of Arroyo Orande. PA3;jJW fJiD AI'FROVB/J b7 the City ot A:rrfJ1O Or.. ~ 26th day of MaT, 19$9. AYi'.:51 CounciJJuen Ponce, ~ and MaJOI" B\u't.. Ji.)F~1 None Am>!lir. Co_.t:IJIIIIn Lee .lId .Jacobe. 10/ ~ tIrJ1.~~./Kj . C IT! OF Alc1O!O 0flAW)E