R 0411
. . . " .....-...."..
MO. 12," and "FAIR OAKS MO. 1I.j., "AlJt G V . I'OTICE
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City 0 .Arroy. Gr....es
1. That pursuant to the provisions of the " naex.tion .f Unin-
habitedTerritory Act of 1939," proceedings han 'eD iaitiat... by
the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on its 0 ..tin to aa..x
to the tity of Arroyo Grande, all those certain p rc.ll of uai.habit-
.d territory situate in the County of San Luis Ob spe. State of
calU'ornia, hereinafter designated as "FAIR OAKS O. .'l1,."...'CMKS
. ~
~NO. l&." and "FAIR OAKS NO. 14," an<< whic. s i.. parcels are
....crib.d separately as fellows, te-wit: i
FAIR OAKS NO. 11 is described as fellows:
An that la.d CORUguous to the City ef arr..yo Gr .ie, ia tll. C.uty
.t sa. Luis Obispej State ef California, includ... with tlte exterior
beua"ary "escribed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Southerly line. Sierra DriY.
at the Northeast cerner of Lot 5, Block 6, Tut.., I.or-
ding h the lIap thereof recerdecl in Boek 5. ~..t '-*,e
64, rec:orjls of said Conty; thenc", south )2e 12f..t., along
the Southeasterly line ef saie! Lot 5 a'dista c,..t 172.90
te.t te the Southwesterly cerner of that ~o or" e....yed
to Alton Lee, et ux, by dud recorded fn V1)l " .)7 ot
Official Records at page 558, recor4s _f ..ic"-t.lj tb..ce
South 570 48' East along the Southwnttlrly 1.. ,~ tbepr.-
perty so conveyed and the Southea.ted" priol ,:~h. 'lI.n-
ef, a 4!stance of 317.50 feet to the S..utbIM.t."~*c~r.or of
the property conveyed to C. S. F18.iag. et.,ltti..i ne..
cerde. .in VolUDIe 805 of Official Recorcjs at .,e1h r.~ords
of said County; thence North 320 12' ~~stal .. Ute ,..t.b-
ea.terly line of the property so coavoted. (~~__c. et
172.50 feet to the Northeasterly cora., th1!,....
point on the Northeasterly Hfte of lat" Bl ,,\~It.......
South 570 48' East along the )fOrt.h..__~rlY 1.....i4
Bleck 6 to a point which bears Sout.1II .. 0 ~'...t a 4h~..ce
of 50 feet from the south.alterly _n4!r fd- .~.1.. ,Ihok 5
in..id Tract /46; theMe cresslag Sier1'aDt' ...al..g
the Easterly line of said Lot 1, Korth ')2e f II'..
di.taace of 398.17 feet to the Borthea.terly car .\her.-
or; thence North 570 48' West along th. B01't .U,. 11.. of
said Lot 1, a distance of 208.70 ,feet \0 ~be ..1'.......ly
corn.r thereof; thence alo.. tho Westerly 11 . ot ,"i Lot
1, South 320 12' West, a dUtaftC8 of 328.17 eetJ theaee
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around the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of
20.00 feet, an arc distance of 31.42 feet to. a point on
the Northerly line of Sierra Drive; thence a roaa Roblea
Road and along the said Northerly line of Si rra Drive,
North 570 48' West to a point which bears No t~)2o 12'
East a distance of 50.00 feet from the said ortheast.rly
corner of said Lot 5, Block 6 la Tract ~6; h.ace Seuth
320 12' West, a distance of 50.00 fut'to th poiat of
beginning, and including all lots and blocks of s1lbdivhiona
located therein together with all public roa s, alleys and
rights of way of record.
FAIR OAKS NO. 12 is described as follows:
All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo Gr nde, in tbe County
of San Luis Obispo, State of California, included withl. the exterior
boundary described as followss
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 2 of Piaao
Beach Gardens according to the map thereof r cord.d in
Book 3 of Maps at Page 45, records of said C aaty; th.nce
South 890 45' West along the Southerly line f said Block
2~ to a point from which the Northeast corne of Block
2 of said Pismo Beach Gardens bears South 0 15' East a
distance of 50.00 feet; thence South 00 15' a.t.acroas
Farroll Road and along the Easterly line of loeka~ aad
25 of said Pismo Beach Gardens a distance of l530.9~ feet
to the Southeast corner of said Block 25; th nee South 8,0
45' West along the South line of said Block 5 aad Block
22.of said Pismo Beach Gardens, a distance 0 598.75 feet
to the Southeast corner of Tract 180, accord g to the map
thereof recorded in Book 5 of Maps at Page 9 , racords of
said County; thence along the Easterly line f said Tract
180 North 00 15' West, a distance of 725.04 eet to the
Northeast corner thereof; thence North 890 4 ' Eaat along
the Northerly line of said Block 22, a dlst e of 76.75
teet to the Southwest corner of aaid Block 2 ; thence Borth 00
15' teat along the Westerly line of said Blo 24, and its
Bortherly extension across said Farroll Road, a distaRee of
806.3 feet to the Southerly line ef said Blo 23; tb.nce
South 890 45' west along the said South.rly ine of Block
23 to the Southwest corner ~'ereof; thence N rt~OO 15'
West along the Westerly line of aaid Block 2 , a lIistalll.ce
of 7~..20 feet to the Northwest corner there ; tl1..ce Xorth
8",t5 .';'15" .. East along the Northerly line saUlIleclt
23, a distance of 605.00 feet to the Northea cor.er there-
of; thence South 00 15' East along the Eaate ly l1ne of a.id
Block 23, a distance of 74.3.,00 teet to the S t,iae..t cor..r
thereof and the point of beginning, and incl lIag aU lets
'nd blocks of subdivisions locatlll therein t et.her wi th all
"blic roads, alleys and rights of way of re rd.
FAIR OAKS" NO. 14 is described as follows:
All that land contiguous to the City of Arroyo &r .41, ia tlM Conty
of Sara Luis Obispo, State of California, lnchded ithin the exterior
bfllluhh'y described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Rertherly ltne I) Gr."d
Avenue at the Southwest corner of tbat pro.. y deeded to
Richard J. and Vera T. Messier by deed Fec.r e. in '101_41
690 of Official Records at~ge 563J tbtftC8 .30 15' E.
along the Westerly line of the property so c .eyed.a
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di~tance of 819.8 feet to the center line of . Brighton
Avenue as delineated on the M4' of the Town f GrGver
recorded in Book "A" of Maps at page 6, reco ds of said
County; thence S. 860 45' E. along the said enter 11ne ot
Brighton Avenue a distance of 320.00 feet to the Wester ly
line of Tract No. 109 according to the map t ereot record-
ed in Volume 5 of Maps at page 107 records 0 said C..nty;
thence S. 30 .15' W. along the Westerly line t the said
Tract 109 a distance of 435.60 teet to the N rtbw.st. cor-
ner ot,Lot 1, Block 1 of said Tract. 109; t.he ce S. 860'45'
E. along t.he Nort.herly line ot said Lot 1 ac oss FaSrvhw.
Drive and along the Northerly line of Lot 1, Block 2 of
said Tract 109 a distance of' 333.74 reel to he Rhth..st
corner of said Lot 1, Block 2; thence S. 30 5' 1l.. along the
Easterly line of' said Block 2 a distanc~ ot 8$.00 teet h
t.he Southealt corner thereof; thence N. 860 !S' W. along
the Southerly line of said Tract No. 109 and the ..rtherly
line of Grand Avenue a distance of 669.74 te t to tb. preiat
of beginning, and including all lots and blo ks ot su-
divl.sions located therein, together with all p1lblic roads,
alleys and rights ot way of record.
2. That the said Council of the City ot Arr yo Grande desires
to aanex said uninhabited territories to the City ot Arroyo Grande
for the tollowing reasons. Each of said territor es is contiguous to
the City of Arroyo Grande and the proposed annexa len ot .ach of said
territories will contribute to and tacilitate the orderly growth and
development of both the City of Arroyo Grande and ot each of the
territories proposed to be annexed and will tacll tate and coatrlbute
to the proper and orderly layout, design and cons ruetion ot streets,
gutters, sidewalks, sanitary and storm water sewe s and drainage
taeilities both within the City of Arroyo Grande nd within each ot
the territories proposed to be annexed and will p ovide and tacili-
tate proper overall planning and zoning of lands ad subdivision of
lands in said City and in each of said uninhabite territories in a
..aner most conducive to the welfare of said City aad of each ot said
uRinhabited territories, and the County Boundary o_inion ot San
Luis Obispo County, CalifQ rnia, did in session du y ass~led ea March
19, 1959, approve the proposed annexation boundar es et each ot said
territories, to-wits Of .FAtft OAKS NO. 11," of ยท AIR OAKS MO. 12- anI!
ot FAIR OAKS NO. 14," each as above described, an as submitted to
said commission by the Council of the City of Arr yo Graade prior to
the initiation ot said annexation proceedings.
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3. That Tuesday, May 12, 1959, at the hour f 8 o'clock P.M.,
of said day, in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall ~n the City
of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis ,Obispo, Stat of Cal !fornia, is
hereby fixed as the time and place when and where any person owning
real property within any of the uninhabited terri oriel above describ-
ed and proposed to be annexed to the City of Arro 0 Grande, and having
any objections to the proposed annexations or any ot tbea, ..y appear
before the. Council of the City of Arroyo Grande ad show cau.e why
such .ntahabited territories, or any of them, sb. ld not be so aanexed
to said City of Arroyo Grande. Such protests mas be in writing and
may be filed at any time before tbe hour set for earing objections
to tbe proposed annexations, or any of them, an<< the name
or naaes of the owner or owners of the tected and the
desc~iption and area of such property in general ras, and tbe lo-
cation of such property wi thin the particular uni abited terr i tory
above described.
4. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Gra e is hereby author-
ized and directed to cause a copy of this be published
at least twice, but not oftener than once tbe Herald-
Recorder, a newspaper of general circulation publi hed in said City
ef Arroyo Grande, the City to which it is propose to annex the afore-
said territories, and also in the Telegram-Tribun Rew.paper of
general circulation published outside f Arroyo Grande,
but in the County of San Luis Obispo, State the County
in which is located each of the territories d to be anRexed to
the City of Arroyo Grande, said publication to be o.,leted at least
twenty (20) days prior to the date set for hearing and the said City
Clerk is further authorized and directed to cause rittea notice of
such proposed annexations and each of them to be iled to each person
to whom land within the or'atl.' territory proposed o be annexed is
assessed in the last equalized county assessment r 11 available on
the date the above set proceeding~ were initiated t the addresses
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shown on said assessment roll or known to said Cl rk, a~d to any
person who has filed his name and address and the deaignation of the
landa in which he has an interest, either legal 0 equitable with said !
Clerk, such notice to be given not less than twen y (20) day. before
the first public hearing on the proposed annexati n. . And, in the eveat
any land within the territory proposed to be anne ed i. owaed by a
county, the said City Clerk is directed to cause ritten notice of
such proposed annexation to be mailed to the Boar of Supervisors of
such county, such notice to be given not less tha twenty (20) days
before the first public hearing 08 the proposed a nexations.
And, in the event there is upon any of the 1 ad proposed to be
annexed a structural improvement owned, being acq ired or lea.ed by
a County Fire Protection District, thehsaLdiChtk t. directed to
ca... written notice of such proposed annexation 0 be ..iled to the
governing body of such district, such notice to b .eat not Ie.. than
ten (10) days before the first public hearing upo such propos.d .
annexation. And the said City Clerk is directed . ca.se written
notice to be given to such other persons as may b legally entitled
thereto, in the manner required by law.
On motion of Councilman seconded by
Cunei l..n .Jlztfl::t~ ' and on the foIl wing roll call vote,
to-wit: . n ~
AYES: ~~ I~~) ~.~. 'f '
HOES: ~.
ABSENT: ~-e:) )'/A.~r ~ '
the foregoing Resolution was adopted this ~ Y of ~J _ , 1959.
City Clerk
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