R 0406 , , .. . . \. ,,- 'J .. '';' f.-'...., -~ .. . . ,- USeLUTIe>> >>0. ~, ""IoUTIO>> GIU)JG )JOTI~ OF. . . TWCXft 0' AUOTo "01' .....nTORt' DII.T. . '. .... MIS >>0. T, It AID GIn_ IOftdll.'" IIIItI,HWG OF PJiO'lWsTS. . IT BSOLYBD BY TIlE COWClL OF TB CIn ... ~ 1J. -n ~ 1. Tllat PIU'SIIut to tb. prni.b.. of tit. .JM~ nt!.. .t Vaia. - _)it.. territory Act of 1939,. proc...i... "y. ~..~itiat.. -, tit. C..aoil of tit. City of Arroyo Gruel., oa it. 0.. ..U... ,t. ....:It to ~o City of Jrroyo Graa.., all tllat ..1.lIabitoca t...i~ ait..t. 1a tit. c.uty ot .a Luia Obiepo, State of CaliforJd.a, tit'. --itat.. as -P.aXR GAlS II. T,. aad ca..cri).. .. foll".s - , I ;'Y!'~:':Ii</;~\-~I,,;,c,;4;i"~('<I;' <\..;:, .,' i;~-., 1 . . ;:l,iL:;'~':iwmi~;,:;i;'.:;oi~ \t<i;;..,:..t,;:~ii:i:;'U~;. i,'j.'.' '.; I ~ :) . Dlr:!CRIPTION or -FAIR ~ NO 7- m \hat. lM4 oont,1guou.e to t.h. CUr of ArNtro GrUlde. 111 t.be CoaD\1 of au LIIU ObUpo, :)'-aw of Cal1forn1&, 1noladect within. a:t.er1or bo1lDdu7 duar1M4 .. tollova. , ~1mU.nc 00 the W..terl1 DoIllldar1 ot \b. CUll of AnovJo ~ OD the ~ ..at.er11 line ot Br1000 Ro&d .t. . poat. lIh10h 1. looat.ecl ~ S6 SO' IIut. . d1.tuc. or 648.3S t.et. tr'oe tbe 1I1Wneot,1011 or th. N1d Sout.heutel'11' l1Ae of BrUoo Roe4 .Uh th. lIort.heJ'l7 line or QrancI A_. ~.... . y u. ..-s.e. ... .. ~ebt 8ftC111, to \b. lIaMbve.t.erl7 l1De of ea1d Br1_ Roe4~'II" 80Inb S60 SO' WIIIt to the 1nwr..et.1011 ot the ea1d Nortbrllt.erl7 l1De ot 00 Roe4 wi UI the 1Iort.herl7 U. of Qrand AnnulJ UI_ ~ t.h. N1d 1I.4't.bJ11' U.. ot Qrud A,,_ Narth 860 45' Wen . d:I..t.uc. ot 52. 9 t..t.&6 t.b_ s~.'~. JO 22' "11 ~ a cllIt.aAoe of 13S).60 tMt to a point.J u.._ North O)h',,1I Weet. a dUtuoo of 995.00 teat. to . po1At on u.. Norti>>&at. OOI'W of Traet. No. lo;.:oo.AI'41IIc M the -p t.hereot recorded 1n Book 5 ot Map. at. pap 107 leurde of !.aU 0bUp0 . COIIDt.7J ~ 1Iart.h ~ 22' )0. ~ to a ~ oa tbe 1ut.erl7 UAe ot a SO.OO ' toot. road II PCIIIn on ~ No. 46 aaocri1Jlc to u.. ap t.ba'lat ....CII'ded 1n Book 5 or Mepa .t. pap 64 Rooords or San La. '0bUP0 Coam,. ft'ca 1rh1ob tbe __ ----11' po1l1t. ot ClUl"ftt.ure ot Lot. 9. Blook 7 or MS.cI 'hut. 110. "6, ~ IIanh 860 37' )Oil WNt. J thence Narth 860 37' )0- w..t. to MS.d po1nt or ourwt._J u..,.... alAIIIC tbe 11'0 ot a cnIM'I to the nft nth a J'&d1u or 67.3 tMt., II' .. ~ of 18.o1a ' t.... ~ IIort.h nO 1 'v.et. a ~ ot nS.58 tilt, to u. ~rr"~ l1Ae of ea1d Lot. 9, ~ alOllg .~d Ve.t.erJJ' Une 8oat.h )0 22' ". Wen. a d1r-n of 122~ teet. to the Nort.berJJ' l1ne ot ~Id AftII1IeJ .~IT'" 80Inb ,. 1S' "-' . ~ ot 100.00 t..t. to t.be soaUwrl7 UDI of N1d I___~ Au I. ,tI-... j W..t.er~ alone the aaid Sout.herl7 UAe of INt4t. A'MIU t.o a JMd.-' wtd.ob 1a lo....t..1 3.nU. 860 45' But a d:I..t.&noe of "1.00 t..t. ft'ca to!>> .... oil .t...' .41 - of . Blook 110. 51 ot the TCIIIn ot ON'...., acoCll'd1l1c t.o t.he -.p ~Iat ..II.W 1a Book A at. ~ 6 a.corda or SaIl LId. 0b1.ap0 CoaDt,. t.b_ SoutIa )0 1S' Wen a <II..... I ot 483. t..t. to th. center ~ ot ~ A'MIUJ t.beao. alAIIIC MS.. 11 ,. l.1JIe 01 ~t.on AftmW IIorlb 86 45' 1Net. . d1at.aAoe of 3)6.00 teet. t.o t.be a l~ . 11111I ot n n. StrMt.J t.h-_ ~JO 1S' WII' a dUt.aDoe ot 919.81 t.... t.o the ScIII1t.berl7 liDO gt QnzId A__ \to_ aloqthe I&1d Sout.her~ l1Ae of -... A~)tICrt.b 86 4S' WIlt. . d1a ot 3Sl.oo teet. t.o . Iuter~ l1Ae of. SO .' toot nebt. ot .. .'CI'1~1n a deed\1'MOI'IW Muoh S, Uk7 1a Book 1&)6 of ett1c1Al a.oora a'~ 87 Rnor. ot SeD LaU ObUpo Coaat.n ."r -, .... ,. '"~ v..to a d1atulo. ot 5.00 teat.J ~ 8oat.b 860 45' ... . <II~- ... of 723._ bn.... t.o a po1nt 011 the "'t. l1De ot TraGt. 110. 10 ~ t.o U. .., ..., lit I'll . 1..11 in Boot 5 of .... .t. pap 28 re~ ot SaD I.a1.I 0b1ap0 C~~, ...,..- IICIIIUa ~ lJ' )0" Weet. alaq t.be N1d V.t UAe lilt ~ .. 10 t.o tbe S_ OL In . . ~ t.hwootJ ~-... Iutel'JJ' alcaa ,he SoIat.blr11':UDe ot eMd but. 10 t.o u. Veeter11' 11nI or I1.a s~..t. tbenoe Sout.herl7 alcaa t.he N1d Velt.er11' l1Ae of C1a a___ to \b. lIarther).y line or P1_ Beeoh QuodeaII aooOl'tt1nc t.o t.be ~ 'Inn a t ....Ul' ~ a Book ) of Hape .... pap 45, a-dI ot Sa La. 0bUp0 eoaa.,.. 'tt" ... SoGia 890 S8' 1511 We., a d:I..~ ot 2302.08 t..t, to a po1Jat 011 U. ~h....tf. a_ r- of Lot. 110. 16 01 Becket.t.'. 0nIId AYWD1Ie 1'ftat aonrUnc t.o t.be ~ u..-lIIIt no.W 1.11 Boot 1t or Map. at pac. 7S, DUOl'_ of SeD Lu1II Obtapo CIoaaVJ th ... ~11' &1.c>IIc the 1ut.er11l1.na 06 ea1d Lot. 16 to t.be tIort.b...teI'11' 001'.... ..,. -Nt. ~" "'\411'l7 alcaa the Sout.her17 Une ot N1d B.cIc.tt.'. Qrand A".1IIIe !Net M a IM'1D' wh10b bear. South 69'1 SO' Welt a d1.t.aMe ot 892.00 teet. troa the S __~.L"'t. ILl ... or MS.d Tnot No. lOA ~_ lIarth JO 1)' )0" ~t . ~ of f7S.1S t.. too a poat.J ~.. South 90 SO' Woet. to the 8out.heuteI'~ 11M of t.be ea1d f_ of QrO._1 - 2 - ~ :) . ....lIB OU$ N,). ." ~ DO. 2 th"ne" Al.J)ng ~o SOIlt.heuterly l1na or the fown or QroYW IIort.h .310 15' .n. ~1It.A.r!ce Qr :i 3.~S r.e~ ~ the Eut.e:-~ line ot 18 th. Sg...t.. *---. al.oD& a14 wt4rlJ' Un.. of 18 th. St.r..t. North) 15' lut. . cI1.t.IIDM ot 7$1.31 t..t. too . po1nt Yhioh 18 loat..d SOIl1.b )0 15' We.t. . clUw- ot 8.69 t_ ~ toM ~ _at. corne" 01 Blook: li$ ot Mid fown of Orv...r. ~ South 860 46' leat. . d1.lt.A.r!ce of 2<;9..00 1'"t, th&no. IIoM.h )0 15' But, . cI1Ift<<noe or U48.69 t_ w .. point. OD th.. NOZ"tberly l1Jw of GrUId 4...... t."'"~ Wutel'17 II1.GIIc tM .... Northerl7 line ot ()soOUId beDU. to t,h., 1ut.erl7 11M 01 18th 81:1'MtJ tb---. HoMJulrl7 along ~ Mi4 Eut.erl7 l1.ne of 18th S'U'Mt. too . po1Jrt. wb1e11 beuw Harth )0 15 I Eut .. dUt.-noa ~ 192.61. tMt. tJ"oa ~ BoIItareit. a.~... of BlMk S) ot th. .aid r""n or QroyerJ thenoe South 860 liS' But . clUtaftoe of 33S.oo rutJ then~ N-:>rth .I" 15' Kut.. diJltazIoe of 7li.73 teet,. !'bIDOI 8out.b 860 4S' Eut II tU.t.f.~. of J70.oo t.~t to t.M oent.erl1lll 01 20th 8Wed, ....v-e IlCII'th 30 1.:;' I!.ti8t along th_ Mid oanter11>> of 20th Stre.t, . cI1nuoe of 7Sl.80 teM to tn. ~"rt.h..rly llne ot Newport. A'WWIUJ tMnce SouUt..e6o 31' 30" IIut. aleac toM .N.crt.berl,y liruo ot Nwport. benue to 1.be Scnrt.mIN:t oomer' ot Lot.6, ~t I~t ~ Ho. 46 atOl1'-eN.1dt thenoa alCl\& the w..t.c'll' 11M of Lot. 8 to tM ~t.J t.t:.,..o!~ lh.:w. NorUl 860 37' )0. Wilt eJ.ong \be Soat.Mr11' l.1Dee of ~ 4 -e,. ~Ir 7 of oa1 d 1'r&ct. No. 116 . diat.aMe or3S1. 79S teet. to . JIOSJI'J ~- ~ .' 12' !!NIt t.o th" N~.....t.erly 11>> 01 H111arNt. ~ftJ ."-we 1iL0IIC t.be K.3rth.....t.rly l:..M ot Hill<n'ellt Dnft lIoMh$70 46' Wilt. . clUte_ 01 20.05 tNt f.t, the SoutJDt...t oC1"nc" 01' Lot. 4, Block 6 of t.be Mid 1:raot. 110. W. ~_ alorac t.h" Nor1.hw..t.erlj l1ne of Aid Lot. 4, 810011: 6 lIorUI)2o 12' Jut. . diet&DOo of 172.50 tM'. too ... po1.ntJ t.her.ce South $70 WI' f...;t. cI1It&Doe 01 150.00 teet. to the W..terly liM ot Lot. S, 11.1<1 Block 6J t.h_ Norlh )20 U' .... d1At.uee of 172,.50 r..t 1.0 t.h.. Soutberl7 lli. ot Sierra Dr1n, +.1141")000 8ou.t.b S7e 48' .... . d1.t.ano. ot 127.00 t.et. 1.0 Ute 1I02"t.b...t. OOM\U' ot N1c1 Lot. S. ~ SnUa )to 12' W..t. .. di.t.t.nc. of 172.50 r..t. th_ South S70 laB' ..... ~ of 31T.SO '--', ~ I/.o~ ~o 12' EMt.. d1It.anc. or 172.so t.et. too the So1dMa'11' l1Ae et aWN . tI!1."1 UI~.4.l~ 841d Sout.hilrl7 l1.De. 0181.... Ik-S..... . cI.1.8tueo of 269.90 ,...,. t.henc.. on t.h. &:'0 of a curve to the riFt. 1I1t.h . rac!1u of 20.00 teet. a .... ct1lt.Anoe ot 4.l.JQ taet. to . poiJlt. on t.be We.t.erl7 11M ot HUl...t. ~ft. -00 ..t M.&ht. &n&J... SOIl\b 290 31' Eut, .. cI1.t.anoe or so.oo t..t. to . po1Jrt. on V. E...~terly Un. ot !liliaN.t. Dr1n. theoce 1Ior'tbeut.c'l7 alone I&1cI Butel'l7 l1Ae of Hiller_to !)My. t.o a po1nt at O1Z!'fttar. vh1eh l.Ilooat.<<! ICIfth 600 "'Jut. a d.atanc. of 351.14 r..t IIlId Norib )0 22' JO- !&at. . cI1at.&ae. et2IU.8k teet. ~ th. _1. S",,-Uualy oorner at 1&14 Tract. 110. 116. t.heaoe troa 1&1c1 po1Jrt. ot ..... SoIIth .S70 48' F.ut .. cI1st.aDoa ot 229..n teet, thanoe IIorth JO 2S' JOI lion . d1.a~. ot n9.3S te.t., t.bAonce Sovtll 860)1,' JO. l!ut. . cI1duoe of ~.oo f_, t.heDOe Seuth )0 2$' )Ow ~ a dilt.aDce ot 2oo~ t..t.. u'rllu 80Inb )1&' )01' Eut. .. di.t.8nc. or 100.00 ,teet. t.Mao. SouUl S 26' Lb. lad . diatuce ~ "1'I,rr r..tJ t.h_. Sooth 560 SO' wen. . di.tane. ot 673.92 t.et. t.heaoe SooIt.h 60 SS' Ian a di.t.an..... ot )2t1. n het. to the lIortJwNter17 11M ot irUoo ...., _--1 ~ ,..t.erl1I11Cl"CI,. &-1.00 R.-1 to . po1Dt 011 t.be 1INteI'11' bo1lZldu7 of tM 01. of AftoJo Grande on t4. 5<Jut.h....terly 11M ot ~ Road, Mid poUlt he1IIIl00at.ecl1lGl't.b 56" SO' &ut . ~.t.anOI! ~r 780.85 teet tJ"oa the 1nt.erMot.1on of the aor"-utel'17 : u..... 01' Br1.l0<: Road V3.1:oh 1J'.. lIoM.her1,. l1na ot Grud ......... ~ 8oat.b S60 SO' W"st &.l.,~tI: t.h.. ..1 d Sou1.b8uterly Unoo ot Br1l00 Road and t.he ...t.er~ C1t.7 S.undu)' .dU1<ou-..:. ~t ~.SO teet to t.be po1JIt. or beC'lIlIi:ft -.ut 1Dolud1nc aU Lot... <iJ'~ 8100101 .)t Sutj.l~s1cna loo&t..sd t.bere1n, tocet.ber v1t.h pubUe ...., ~ line{ rtch '" of _,. ot r...."OI'd. . . '. . - .- ) , . . . . , . . , a. "t tlae said CUy Co...U of tit. CU7 .f .... "'rl"R .._ ..... " a._ Aid llaiallabU.d t..-itwr t. !tIM ..., ., .nl~ ....... E' ,., ......u.i-c r....... ..i. hrri1lel7 U ........ .. ... at ....... . r .tl, au U. pr...... .....ti.. ..1.1 ..1IIIIiIIIt.. tit .. r.dU- ,,\: 'i -. .... .._lr.....tIt a. ...e~..at ., ....,....... .1:0-" ..... ... taG torrU"'7 .r...... t. .. ...... .t..ln.... UtI _...... ...... ., .tre.t la7ollt, dr.,...., ....... ,."IIL ....._ "~I' ... .. 111 ."'wllit7 .UIt t... ......n ........ ....'III!!. _. ... 111 tile ...u...,. ........eI t. b. ......d. , .. llliat ..........a7, t... 1JtIt -1IJ~t Jill. at .. ..... .t ..It ...., .t .a1. .&J', 18 tlte eo...u Jm r.... .....a. ill .... Ct... ., ....,. ......, e...t7 .t Sa. LII18 ................ 1111'1" t.... .. tIM Uae a. .1a.. ... .. ..... ... ,iJUd"'-JlnlllLl.ftIa1 ...._ ...." _.Id.. tlae ...iD1lald.t.. ......U...7 ..... ......(jU.y....... t. , j ~ --na.. t. tit. City .t .......,. .. ... ... ..,... "'.It... to tIao ......... "TlE"'U.. ..,. iJrftl' w.. tie ....... ., ._".t .....- . .1 r. ... .... ca... ._ ~..It _lit It.... .......'.~.l._ .. .. a- ,'l.. to ..... CUI .t .....~ .....,' "'''..''''C.UU'' __*t.., . .. lie 11104 .t alltYUae ..t.... t... ..... lI.t ,. '\111111111111II ~iJ"IJI'. ,. t... .............U.., aM e.11 .ta't 'II'" ... -IIU'~_ ... ...r .....JII. ., ......rt7 att..tee ... tlte ........ti...~ln........ ..... ..., i. ,.....1 tor.. 4. he CU7Clerk .f t... CUt" .t......, nt;"~II"L'.'_"'Uo. ......t.. t. .a... a "P7 .t tide .......... ...'........... a... ...., Nt ..t .!te..r tlla. ...e a ...It, ..'. .. 11 rill !!lff! fI'., a ......... .t ......al c:ir..1ati.. ...u.... i.i.... _u....t~, _Iffi'.. I t_ .... .. .lti.1t it ie pr.....d t. .... '1t.!".1(llld./~'IIIIt.t'h.. ... '," " " '.' ,......:'."'- ',,', "::.... .,' .- ... .. ftl.......fri...., . ..~.,..... .t ....."'~...Jru ..It.It- .. -.... ti.. CU7 .t ""'.7. ......., INtt ia ..... ~r."r_ ..... .1.. ea..,...... tit. ;...t7 18.lticlt i. 1M.... t...~"lU... .. lire .....11 t. .. Cit7 .f Arr.7. ......, ..IA ....It+..W.. '~T"I." .t ...... ....i7 (18) Up' pri. t.t... ... .+t........ '!.i _ a - ~ ~ ' . .. , . . - . . ... t~ Ci~y Clerk is f~ther a.therised aDd dir....d t.. ....e writ- tea ...... .t ...It prop...d au.:ltaU.. t. It. _Ueci to ..... ...... to ..... ......tlld.. the territory pr.po..4 to ... ......, Ie ......... 1& t... 1Mt .'.'V.", c...ty . a.......t roJ.l ayaila"", .. ..... ......... 'eaiII. ........1... were i.itiatoel, at the addre.. ...... ......,..."....at roll.. .. k.... t. .aid Clerk, u4 to aQ' pen.., ... ... f'''' ..... _ alld ........ a_ tbe desigDatioa of tlte laHa b ............ ..,. bt....t, ei,,*bpl or ....italtle, with .aid Cl.,.k. ..... adU.._ ..... _t le.. t... ...ty (20) dayo betore tit. first ,.Uic ......... ......... a.....t1o.. ArIA,ia tit. oyeat there is lip.. tbe laa4I ;r.,..... .. ~ or u .., a .tr..~l :a..,r..e...t owned, lteiq ac..ired .. 1....i. .. II -. J'ire Pr.t....i.. .i.tI'1ct, tbe .aid Clerk 18 direct.. t. r.,......u.. ot ... _...... a..uatioa to It. .iled to the ...., Irt~.... .. ..... Di......., ..... .otice to be ...t .ot le.. ttaaa tea t_.... .. .,.. t~ fiNt ,._lio laeariag .,on suclt ,rope..d a..uatt... ... tlte.aid City Clerk i. dir.cted t. .....;....,........ to .. gi...t. ...It .tlter per.... a. aay be 1.gally ..tit..... Uik, .. tM ...... .....ir.. by law. .. ..ti.. .f C...c:ilMa ~. , ......;;.. tlll...&1iWA [!,AC.~. , an .. tlt.t.ll..,... iroll .. "'., ... C6..~~~ ~ ~/' ~#.A..lfQ.,~ )J..~. AI."', ~. tits t......... ....l..tioa wa. adepte. tlti.~'.f , 1.58 . A'I'BI'I - " -