R 0404 '..':;<,.' .. j'L' ) -.'f";"""" .." ?'- ') ~, '~~ ... );j. .. . .,; ; . RBSOLV'I'IO. .0. ,1./ tJ sL "'U!TI'. GIVII'G )J'OTICB OF PIt .. I:JtIn OF ~G a OF"" .ry JtBIe2iIBD b 8: .' ,.,. ' ,.. ..1,. AD GITlirG)fO!I mll.....1lGOF PROTBSTS. ' ,:},.> "'lTDJo1NBD BY 'I'D COWClL OF _CITI . A~.' "'11.1'" '.f Tltatp.....aat to the pr.Yiai... .r t.. "A1iII1..iJ'IIH,. "Ullia- " .of " . . .. .," . ,',,-." ' . .. \ baldt-C''!erritery Aet or 19It,. proe..lli... "YO i1I...~..t.. ..,. tll. . "', - eo...U..,t.. City or Arroy. Gra.., oa its ..a ..U"" 'h ....& to tlae CUr or Anoyo Graad., a11tllat IIDhdlabUe. t.rt>it...,....... 1. .< \ tIaeCe..tt .r SaD LIlia 01lispo, State or ca1irtlraia, ........ ~UJ(__itM u ...... tAD .0. 5,. aDd d.scrU..du roll.... ", '^'~ ; i.'~., -;:",,;:l,.1-t ,.,;;.~,;:~-:... .. ....j. .~~. .., .1.., t :~ ;\~i'~!j;~ ,j ~ .._li;ii';':J;~';'i,t~iJ~iIt:l~l,i:tt;,i. ;~,<i: _ . " ~~':I'" .'. ,. ,< j, ., '"' ,. '-" ..~ " , < ., .. , . '< ., .. ,,'" i- 1i .. ." 'i, ,.-, ,. ~.~ Road,' " . \, ,'.... ,.... --.- --. --~---- .~ " " " ,--. ) fI' . · . , i:'i . . . . J. Y_t tllie .aid Ci t'7 C....il ot tll. Cit, .r Mn.. II... ...ire. t. .... au" .....lIiteel. t.rrner, to tll. CiV ., ..F."1 If t.. t. t.l..... r_....: Said t.rritOl'7 18 ....U....t. *; ...., ...,. I "-1111"0, ... ita pr.,.... ...uati.. will e.._._ ......IIt.t. . .. .......11' .....0 a. dUel.,...t..t~" tfae Ci."'t ~....$J'. _'I.~' au" ....U...;. pr.,...eI. te '" ....~ will ~_U~J' on- .... C...", lar-lIt, ..i...., ..ait.... .........' ."".f , 1aIII .. ia...r.r.U, .Uta tu .....11 ~.. ,.........., au i. ... ~..~pr.,.... t. 111. ......d. . a. _*,,-.,... 'ill.., .t ....,., .....f.......' ....P._., .t ..id ..,.., i. th C....i1~_g;...., ia t ;. -...._,-".,.,_ . . .. tit, .t A<<.'. Gr...., c....t, tit su......,....rtt!!Ji1.J "J\, ia ......" tbed uth. ti.. .. pla.. ....... .....;__Ul.. li'.... ~ ......t, witlai. tII. ....~_i tad t.....U..." ....11.11'11. ..... ....,.... t. .. ....ad t. da.CitJ' tit An.,......l..lr~~.. .at. , j..U'" t. t... ,r...." ...ex.tie. .., ..,.....: Nt.,... ''11111''''1 ~,',1 lit .. ti_ tit An.,. k-..d. ..4 .11....... ..., ..... t':~Jn_. ...ti...,. ..."" ..t _ .. ..au.. t. ..id Ci17 .t .....~ .. '111I1f;."""4,..t _t.. :La withl, ., '" til.d .t .., t_ .........r..- ..,. ......... ."i-tie. t. tll. prep... .....t".,' ."J1IIIItlr 11.__ .. .... .. tw', fI t... ..... .r ...... .t ,...,...,. lit,..... _;;.. .i....t". .' ,,--. . . . ... ....1It .....pr.,..t, ia .....Id t..... .. Be st" Cl.,.1I: .f tll. Cit, .t 114.". ......... tli,:rmi. .It.v..... ... .,,,..... t.. ..... .. .." .t tlli. .....Jalti.. t4t. "ij~" .. ...t ....., Nt _t .fte... tba. ...e . ....11:; ia t... ..,...'.1..' ..-- ...... at '......1 caire.lati.. p..1i...... i...W!.., ";i..J.I.l1., . . .' , , ....... .,,-,...'.-. tll. fi.., . Wi.. it 11 pr...... t. an....t... ".......:'.I...~. ~ ... .. ...,........'l'ri...., a.......,.. .t .......' ,-fDP". . nUl.la. .d ....... tII. CU, tit Arr.,. ......., '.. ill t", ...d....... ..u.., .Ut.lIia, tb. C...t, i. ..11 -~.. "'1111"1"'., .. ~.... t. .. ~'J7." t.t. CitJ' .f .....,. ........ .-+' .......Q .... -- ,l.'ed at le..t. ....ty (20) cia,. pder t. tll. ..~ ....." urtJnI. . a .. '1, ~. . ..... - ') .". . .. .. ~ ~... ADd th. city Clerk i. tart..r ..tAorized aad dir..ted to 0.... .rit- te. ..tioe of .ucb propo..d aaDexatiea to b~ ...i1ed t. ...- p~.D to who. .ta...itltinth. territory propo.ed to b. aDaex.~ is .....M ia tla. l..t .qualiz.d county a...u..nt 1".11 ayaUa1tu .at... ..t. tJte alloy. .aU ,......diq. were initiat.d, at the addr". .... .. _:L4 ......_ ..at 1'.11 .. as lI:a..a to .aid Cl.rk, aDd to _ ,............. filM lIis .... aa4 a.dr... aad tla. d.sia_ticD of tit. ~... :La .... IUI .... aay tat,...t, .UIa.r 1.,a1 or .qdtabl., with .ai' CUrk, ....tift to 1te "aa ..t 1e.. thaa buty (20) cla78 1Mfor. taa. t~t .~""'iq .n tIae pr.,.... a..exatioD. Aa., iJt th. n.at th.r. is, upoa tit. .ta.. ,.......'.. M ..-uM, a .tr.et...l iIIprove...t owa.d, beiag ac,.ir.. 1>>1" 1........ . __1' ..ir. Prot..ti.. District, th. .aid Cl.rk i. .ir.c~ ... ~~J'. wr~tt.. ..tice I of ..... pr.,.... a..exati.. to b. ...il.. to ~. ,...... .... of ..eA i . , Dt.trt.t, ..ch .otic. t. b. .eat aot 1... t~ t..<at) ......ter. th. ftfttp.1t1ie heari.,. lip.. 8IIcb prep..." a....U... AM the .aid City Cleric is directed to .... ....t... _tU. t. be gho. te ..cb other p.rsoM as ..., II. 1..al1t eatit1llll nll'o., ia tile ,... :..,. ,.. ...I('Sr-eq&1ired by law. .. "'ti08.f c.uacilJlaa ;1~ " , ........ .. C....i~ -f~:t~ ." a.d ... Ue fo11owiq 1"011 call _"....:11. · ADI.~w.P-.Y~/P~~~, _. i'H>v-. ' V__T'~~~ ' , tJte ,....,.u. Re.olllt18. wa. ad.,ted ta.i. 6..~, 1158. At_1'. ".. ') - 4 -