R 0389
I1i THE COUNCIL OF THi em 01 .&IItqtO ~or
~IU$, a Gen8ral MooI>4"",..) eleC~ 1fQ b81d. in the C1. of ....1 u,Jo C1raDda
011 f-.V"'., April 8, 19S5 .. 1'~ . __
AID 1oInI:R~q, 1t appeII1'l tha.. _tae of IIII1c1 eJ.ec1;1ta... 4u1:r 1III11'.,"y g1~.
that '"'tiIIg pNCiaW wezoe .~U'~LIJ Mtr>-'t-L_II" \l3&t .1..11\'. ~....
appo~ IID.Ci 1i1ecti.oJ1 .,.,.,..... ,.. I' ., ad .t iJt aU n q uw -.w. eleoUAm
we Iw1cl .. <leJ'tliqo....d a:nd. tile ...... oat. ...... at ........ aU ~ n III l1li1 the
re.. 'toIIerMt .. aDd ~tl'__ Sa...... Aft_ .W"IO'" .. 14411(_ __ lD of
aixth elUa CI'1t1e8.
AD 1oIB"'~W, tha 00 Il.u ., ..._. __ at tbI C" 111...." ~1 _U t.l1_.t tII1
...'u_.. UtA _ fIt.lprU"..... II ,UN" re.... of..u ~ and
illata1l * -17'~ ~ _~... ,t...t" It...... .. oo\lDC11
tiads _t VIe "11W- of wte. ..... tM ..... ...t the,.-.... ......" fw 8Dd otba-
_10.... NqUiNd . _. _ be'. ~ ......... .... ~
BE IT B.1!IiIOLVED, .. t.n .1 .. ... JIIIkl q .- I~ .11'1..... heUand
""-'W in the City of ~V.1. _.. .. 1'r~.1It" the 6th _ et Apr1l. usa 1a
tiM. 101'11 lUll! -..... .. ~ ...laWt \bat tber. ... ODe YO'" ~
. .
..tabU."""'t.. the JNfP." 01 ",~~I AU j!IS r~;I_ ~ et a ur~'ida~
of the I'eCtdAr ~icID",inl__"" ,~ L t.t. tAe .....,M.. of ~. 1 ita.... ad
Counv ~ .. f~ll JU (ft. ~~ A) ~ Ita'\i.e .... CfIIIIitIY ~
~ one, _. thne. 1M ... A..... aM .. YOti!1g p1ue .....at .. t.be eil.. Ball.
That. the 1tbI>le I1UJiber of YO_ .... in .w GUy .. )J1,. 111&11 tile _. of
t.b. peroone 'tOW tor, t.be ~ tor ~ 1Ibq .... ...w, \be ". of the
'"'tea g1ven in eaob prM1an .. ...h, ..r ... ~ II <\WWI ""Jl.J'r"r with t.he 'IIbole .......
or '"'tell 1Ih1eh t.he7 HIte'1w4 ia _ ..... a.V ... .. t."'. 1
J. O. Pace C... n- Pull T.... J1$
w:nHa.. G. Bright ~ Pull T.. 70
H. .Allan DaZ'11ng 011. 1e4': . h1l T... -
Hu-rln 1. Hartwig O.......~ NI.l T... 261
RESOLVED THER;;r'ORE, that at said General Municipal ElecUon -
J. O. Pence t1QS elected Councilman of the City of Arroyo Grande for
the full term of four years.
Marvin K. Hartwig was elected Counci.lman of the City of kI:royo Grande for
the full term of four years.
The City Clerk shall ir.1mediately make and deliver to each of such persons
elected, a certifica.te of election, signed by him and duly authenticatedj he
shall also impose the constitutional oath of office and have them subocribe
thereto, whereupon they shall be inducted-into the respective offices to which
they have been elected.
On motion of Councilman S.P.A.A/?otDA,..(- . and seconded by Council1Mn
t".:> . and on the following roll call vote to-wit:
AYF.s:~~~ ~~/~Y~'
NqES: ~ '
the foregoing resolution was d y and regularly passed by the City Council of
kI:royo Grande, California.
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