R 0379
.; ...-'...111 -
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I ' / /,1:0(." RESOLUTION NO.8 '1?
,I ,~
1. That pursuant to the pro,,18iona of the "Annexation ot Uninhabited
1'.rritory Act of 1939", proo..dings he"e b.en initiat.d by the City
Council of the City of ArroJ'O Grand., on its own .otion, to _0 to
the City of Arroyo Grande all .r those c.rtain s.parat. paroels of
uninhabited territory situate in the County ot San Luis Obispo, State
of California, the Firat of which said parcels ia d.signated aa "FAIR
OAKS NO.2", desoribed as tollews, t.ww1t:
Thos. portions ot BIQP 2 and 5 ot tb.e Pair Oaa Tra.t 111 the
Count,. ot SaD Lu18 Ob18p.il_te ot CaUteraia, e.coor41q to tbe III&p
thereof r.corded in Vol_ .3 .t Mapa at page 82, 1'.001'0 .t ..lei C01lllt,..
.ore partioularl,. described as followa:
Beginning at the Southeast oorDer ef Lot 1, Blook 5 ef .aid Fair
Oaka Traot, thence West along 'the lellth 11.. otLet 1 a db.... or
255.4.0 teet to a point; thence North and pralld with the Bast lin.
of Lot 1 a diatance of 90.86 t.et to a p81nt ... the. South 11.. ot Lot
2; thence Bast along the South li.e ot Let 2 a clbtaaoe ot 58 teet to
a point; 1;._.. Ban aleas __ 8utal1....J.. JJ..L I _ JlIiJH[t.J..IL 4f j8
1'... h .. &J,J.kL, tlMnce North &ad parallel with the Baat 11M ot Let 2
. distance ot 120.87 t.et to a poillt on the Nortb line of Lot 2; thence
Weat along tlM North 11l1e et Lot' 2 a distance ot 133 t.et to" North-
_at corner thereot; thenoe South &lcmg tlM "at l1ne ot Lots 1 anlll
. di.tance ot 211.73 teet to the North line ot A.h 8tHet, thence
South aoroe. ~h Street a di.tance ot 60 te.t to the Northeast corner
ot Lot 7, Block 2 ot said Pair Oak. bact; thel1o. "at .bag tlte North
line ot Lot 1 a distano. of 120.10 re.t to the North_st COrDer thereot;
thel1ce Southelong the Weat line of Lot 7 a diatance ot 327.50 teet to
the Southw.et corn.r thereot', thence Bast along the South line ot Lot
7 and the South line ot Lot ot .aid Block 2. a distan.e otlSe.l0
t.et to a point; thenoe North aad parallel wUh the ...t U... et Lot 4-
a d1atanee of 118.31 te.t to a point oa the South ls.. ot Let Sf tbenc.
Baat alOl:lg the South 11M ot Let 5 a distaace .r 135.20 t.et to a point;
thence North aad paralld with the "at 11l1e .t 14' S a 41,taa.. of
104..615 teet to a po1l1t; tbea.....t aa4 pualldw~th tbe ~th line
ot Lot .5 a eliataae. ot 165.20 t..t to a ,.iRt .n tbe z.st 11.. 01' Let
5 and tae W..t 11M of 1.1401' StHet; the... JJwth aloq t.. z..t U.. ot ,/
Lota $ aad 6 a 41..taaoe et 104..61$ t.et 1;0 the Nor..... C01""'1"' ot Lot
6; thence North aor..a Aah Str.et a cUataace .t 60 t..t to the p.1I1t ot
the Second or said a.para~ pucela ia de8igPted as "PAIR OAKS .0.341,
described aa followa, to-wit:
, .
That portion of Lot 106 of Stratton's ~urvey of parts ot the
Ranchos Corral de Piedra, PislH and B~de Cheadsal in the Ccnmty of
San Lu1s Obispo, State 01' Calitornia" ccordtng to the map recorded in
Book A of Mapa at Pas- 65, records 01' aaid County and that portion 01'
Lots 9 and 11 01' the FolaeDa 'fraot, County 01' SanLu1s Obispo, State 01'
California, acoording to the map thereot recorded in Book B ot..ps
at page 7St records 01' said County, Daore particularly described as
Beginning at Post G 31 at the Sout~sterly corner 01' Lot 9 ,01' said
Folaom. Tract and on the Northerly line ot Grand Snnue, thence South'
68055' East alons the Northerly l~ ot.raade &?Onue, a dlatance 01',
29.80 teet to a :point; theno. North 21008' bstaad parall01 with the
Wester,l.y line 01' said Let 9 a d1atance .1' 263. teet to a poiat; thence South
6805S'J: Eut and para11'.1 with the Southerly line .1' sd4 Let 9. a dis-
tanc.of 3~9 t.et to a point on the Easterly line 01' sdd Lot 9.;, thence
North 2100 ' Bast aloas .aidBasterly 11ae a distance 01' ~3 teet to
Poat G 10 at the north.a.ter1y corn.r ot#tid Lot; thence outheasterly
along the Northerly line 01' said Lot 1, to post G 11 at tlae ..rthea.t.r1y
corner thereot; Tbenc. North 3l!.o,04' Baat a d1a1:aDc. 01' 197.10 t.et; theno.
South 89051' Eaat to a point 01t the Eaaterly line 01' Haleyen Road,
which aaid fioad ia alao known as Ci..... Road, which aaid poiDt 1s OD
the Westerly boundary of the City 01' Arroyo Granaw; thence N.l'theasterly
along the Easterly line 01' Halcyon Road, to the point 01' inter.ection
with the Southwesterly rigbt 01' way 1i.. .1' Oalitol'nia state Hithway;
thence Westerly along the sdd right 01' way line 01' Oa11torn1a tate
Highway to the point of interaectio. with the Southeastel'ly 11ne 01'
Brisco Road; thence Sout~sterly along the aaid Southeaatel'ly Ii.. of
Brisco Road a distanc. of 576.36 Fe.t to a point; thence South 33010'
Eaat a d1stanc. ,of 328.73 te.t to a point; thence South 56o$OJ West,a
d1stance 01' 748.20 1'eet to a point; thence North 33010' Weat a diatance
ot 318.73 teet to a point on the souta.asterly line of Brie co Road;
thence Southwesterly along said Southeasterly line of BI'i8cO Road a
distance of 132.50 1'eet to a point; thence South 33010' Eaat a d1stanc.
01' 328.73 t.et to a point; thence South 56050' We.t a 4i8tanoe of 411.73
teet to a ~oint on tbe Northerly line or Grand Avenue; thence south 680
55' Eaat 28.10 teet to post G 31, the point 01' beginning.
2. That the aaid City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande desil'es
to annex said separate parcels 01' uninhabited territory to the Oity or
Arroyo Grande for the 1'ollowing reasona: That each of .aid separate
parcels of uninhabited territory is contiguous to the City 01' Arroyo
Grande, and the proposed annexation of each will oontribute/and tacilitat.
the ordel'ly growth and development of both the Oity of Arroyo Grande and
each territo~ propo.ed to be ann.xed; that it will pl'oYide better
development 01' fire"and police servic.s both within the City of Arroyo
Grande and in each of said separate parcels of territol'Y propoaed to be
annexed; and will provide and tacilitate proper over-all planning and
zoning ot lands and subdivision 01' landa in said Oi ty and in each ot
said parcels 01' un1nhabited territory, in a lllanner moet conducive to
the welfare of said Oi ty and each ot 8aid parcels 01' uninhabited ;.,
-,,--.--. ----."..__.,-_._~
. ~- --,
3. That Tuesday, November 19,1957, at the hour of eight (8)
o'olock P.M. of said day, in the Council Chambers 1n the City Hall in
&be City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo,State .r California,
is hereby fixed as the time and place when and where any person owning
real property within either of said parcels of uninhabited terr'tory
above described and proposed to beannexed to~e City of Arroyo Grande
and having any objections to the proposed annexation .ay APpear before
the Council of the City of Arroyo Grande and ahow cause why either ot
said parcels of uninhabited territory should not be so annexed to s.id
City of Arroyo Grande# Such protest must be in writing, and may be
filed at any time betore the hour .et tor hearing objections to the
proposed annexationj and shall state tile D&IIIe or Da..s of tbe owner or
owners ot property affected and the desoription and area of such pro-
perty in general ter...
4. The City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande ia hereby author-
ized and direoted to cause a copy of this Resolution to be published
at least twice, but not oftener than once a week, in the Herald-
Recorder, a newspaper of general circulation published in said City or
Arroyo Grande, the Oi ty t. which it is proposed to annex the aforesaid
separate paroels of ~~phab~~ed territory, and also in the Telegram-
Tribune a newspaper of general circulation published outside of the City
of Arroyo Grande, but in the County of San Luis Obispo, California, the
County in which is located the separate parcels of uninhabited territory
propo~ed to be annexed to the City of Arroyo Grande, said pUblication
to be completed at least twenty (20) days prior to the date let for
And said City Clerk il further authorized and directed to cause
written notice of such pr...... al!U1exatien to be mailed to eacla per.Gln
to whom land within either of said separate parcels of *ninbabited
territory propo.ed to be annexed is asse.aed in the lalt equaliaed
County a.s&.sment roll aTailable on the date the aboTe proceedings
were initiated, at the address.. shown on said assessment roll or
known to 8a1!i Clerk, and to any per.on who bas filed his name and
address and the deslgnatlon of the lands in which he bas an interest
--.., ---. h___.__" .______
either legal or equitable, with said Clerk, suoh notice to be given
not less than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on
the proposed annexation.
And in the event any land within the said parcels proposed to be
annexed, or either of them, is owned by a County. that said City Clerk
is directed to cause written notice of suoh proposed annexation to be
mailed to the Board of Supervisors of such County, suoh notice to be
given not leas than twenty (20) days before such first pUblic hearing
-on the proposed annexation.
And said City Clerk is directed to cause written notice to be
given to such other persons as may be legally entitled thereto,
~ the manner required by law.
On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Counoilman Lee, and
on the following roll call vote, to-wit;
AYES: Councilmen Burt, Lee, Pence, Jacohs and Brennan
NOES: None
the foregoing resolution was adopted this 15th day of Vctober, 1957