R 0372 I mWOLUTIO!1 No.8 7,,)... Rl,soLU'IION OF' l'UE CITY COUHCIL OI~ TIlE UI'lY OF' AllilCYO GRANDE, TO AI-lEND PAItAGRAPH 6 OF RE30LUTIOlI HO. )('3, TO READ M l''OLLOWS I Be IT F'JRT!IER RESOLVED, that. Local AgonC7 heroby cert11'ios that the total estimate of cost to be paid for the construct.1on of IlUll81111 Road wiater Lino for which Local A~enC7 is mald.ng application undor said Act is ~:::J.even Thousand FoU!' Hundred Seventy Six and 9O/JrX) Dollars ($11.476.90). and seconded by Counc1lm!ln , and by the following roU call vote. to-witl AYT~31 Coun01lr.1on Lt./ ~/~I ~ V ~~- NOli81~' AIJ5F.NTI ~ ' the foregoing rosolution \IQQ adoptod th:.1a 6th day of Au~st . 1957. ~f::J.~ ~ J ' I, ~'" . Clcrk!S,,,,;,. vif.!!';,- of the (iv,-::t: --- .. -. - stato or C"it"""", do h:'~ ,oruty "" ~~ ..... "'" ,_,to ';"" ,r ~'''''''n ~ the l ot the e o erning ~o~y 1 ~c ~ pllOSed at a meeting held on the 4:> 4- clny ot~19 .$.71' , as ths Dame appears of record in 'If'J' ofl'icc. IN WI'I'NW3 1I1HmEOF, I have hereunto 52 hand nnd artixed the :Jcal of ,.,. ~(~ ~~ thi,--k .~ day'~ 19.u. . JuM.,tL A/~ ~ Clerl-'/";" (SEAL) _ By, iJl:!puty - -----------------..-.. --......-...-