R 0364 156 , t:O " ....... .", .. to''''- i,j') Resolution No. 363 P'1ge 2 :r;;. (') On motion of Councilman Pence, by the following roll call vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Pence, NOES: None ABSENT: Councilll'ten Lee - the foregoing resolution was adopt Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, State of California do h eby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and complete copy 0 a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grand passed at a meeting held on the 28th day of December, 1956, as the sam,"- ppears of record in ~ office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ~ hand and affixed the Sea of said City of Arroyo Urande this 28th day of December, 1956. CLERK RESOLUTIO~64 / APPLYING FOR AN ALLOTMENT UNDER CHAPTER 20, Statutes of 19L6 - 1. WHEREAS, the State of California, under Chapter 20, Statutes of 1946 (First Extra Session), as amended, has appropriated funds for allotment to provide for financ:ial assistance to Local Agencies, defined therein as counties, cities and counties, or cities, so that they may engage in a large public works construction program in order to prevent and alleviate unemployment; and 2. WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande hereinafter designated "Local Agency" desires to apply for an allotment of State aid for the construction of,a public works project under said act; and 3. WHEREAS, an application to the State Director of Finance for such an allotment has been prepared and presented to this Legislative Body for consider- ation; and 4. WHEREAS, Local Agency has made provisions for paying that portion of ...... I the cost of the project not requested as an allotment from the State; ! 5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Local Agency submit the aforesaid application for State aid for construction of a public works project to the Director of Finance, requesting an allotment of One thousand eight hundred forty five and No/lOa Dollars ($1845.00) or an allotment of such amount as may be allotted by the State Allocation Board; . ~ 157 - , -RESOLUTION No. 364 Po. 2 6. BE 11' I"URTHER RIiSOLVED, that Local Agency hereby certifies that the total estimate of cost to be paid for the constr1~tion of Repavement of a portion of Valley Road for which Local Agency is making application under said Act is and /100 Dollars. ($ ); and - 7. BE IT rURTHER RESOLVED, that Local Agency hereby requests the State I to pay the State's share of the total actual cost of construction of the project for which Local Agency is making application for aid; 8. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for the purpose of this request J. E. Anderson, Jr., Director of Public Works, 214 E. Branch St., Arroyo Grande, Calif., be, and he hereby is designated as the authorized agent of Local Agency, 'and is hereby authorized and directed to sign the herein mentioned application of Lo~al Agency and to submit the same to the State Director of Finance, together with a certified statement of the total estimated cost to be paid for construction of the project herein mentioned and such other information as may be required; and said authorized agent is further authorized and directed as representative of Local Agency to conduct all negotiations - and conclude all arrangements, with either the State Allocation Board or the ! Director of Finance, including requests for payment of the State's share of the cost of the construction of the aforementioned public works project. On motion of Councilman Brennan seconded by Councilman Penc'!! and by the following roll call vote to-wit: AYES: Councilmen Pence, Brennan and Burt. NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmen Lee and Jacobs. the foregoing resolution was adopted. I, Mrs. Edna M. SChilling, Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, State of California do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande passed at a meeting held on the 28th day of December, 1956, as the same I appears of record in ~ office. I ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ~ hand and afnxed the Seal of said City of Arroyo Grande this 28th day of December, 1956. Clerk - . ..t.to of ~:Rl!.r(Jr"ia 1'01"/11 LAl) ,"0.102 l1epart"'.6nt or finanee 36'1 (9.1".~1) lto/Jolu1l1on Jlo. App1y1uR tor an Allot./llBnt. undol" CMpLer 20, :JtatuLoI or 19LI6 (~ubm11;rwo Certifiod G(~ie/J) 1. filll'.RIWJ. t.ho :>t.nte of Cnl1torn1a, un(ktr CbAptllr 20, l.itlltutu of 191.,6 (Fir!!t i.xtr" 1.111 II 1:110n) , l1li IIl:I(Indod, hila IIPprorlrll1tod fundI! ror ftllotr.l~nt to provide for tinnnr.1Al ",dlltalnee to 1.0cal ^e"nclu, dllf1ned thordn na cowlt.1.U. clUI'!. IInd ooun\.la., or cUba, 110 tlult thl'1 "., IIt/uaall in II 1M'?,!! puJJl10 works oon.truotion progr.. in ordl'lr to preYlnt and~ll/JYifttll unD~'lo~ntJ and ,. "~"'. ~~ '{~ J 111'10 . J..oOII Ageno1 h<lr,tl\llnor ue.l(!11at.od " I A<<ono," de.1J'eI t.o IIPJI~ tor In .Uo~nont ot .\it.dt.e Aid for thll lIonlltruot101\ 01' a publiCI "ol"ku project under ollid Mt.J nnd J. \,lmlt:A.:}, IIn applicl1t.lon to t.1I1I :.Itat. Direotor ot Fj,\1IIncll for "11011 an lI11ot....nt bas bOGn prer,ored nnd preDentCld to thin Lep.81atiYe Body for eonllider/Jl:.lonJ and h. "ll1,~'\t:.A:>, 1.00..1 "Rltney hllD mada prov1111nno tor pllywg t.hl1t. porl.1on or the 00111'. of !;'he proj,,"t. not rnq\loeted oa IIn dInt.,,",nt. rrol~ the !.otatllJ ~. I/O"'. ),!H!.JL.'J'C!U:, !lj~ 1.'t IlI::JOLVW, t.llllt J.ooll1 "!;nney lIubl'l1t. t.hu IIl.'oree/lid ""plioation tor :Jt.ate aid tor eon8t.ruot10n of 11 publio \lorkfl projoet. to t.he lI:\r'lotor or f'1n11now, r.,cIUltllt1nl[ Itn nllntJ!lnnt ot , 'A" . and 1100 !JollRrll ~t\ j ~~.s ~) or an nllot.clllllt. n1' ,,\lob Itt1/)unt. !tD 1'1IIy bll ellottltd by thl! Stlttl) Al1o~at.lon 110ftI'd, t.ho ror "ht~" Local ^1t"11l11 i. , /loo l'oll~r. (~ ), and 7. UF'. r'r f'UIt'tIIP:R R~:BOLVRI). t.hat Looll1 ^ae"o)" hfll'oby roqllo!ltu t.hll .:Jl.llte to pny tho 3t.at.o'o ahara ot t.ho :t.otalnClt.III\l (1(1110 oroon.mlction of tho projoot for whloh Loanl AUenay ill ""kinK 1I,,~,l1C1l\tion rol' a~d, t.hl\~ tor the purpone of thtll roq~n~t ~'fe'~d . Ad 111111 be, and ho h.,'roby 111 de!lll:natl1d UII tho IIuthorilll'ti al;OIlt. or Lonnl J\;~~';CYt ..nd i.II hftreby IIlIthoriud And d!.rtool...d to llilfl\ th.., hllt'ct.n ,'nnt.1onp.d np"Ur.',1t.ion of l.oclIl Agonoy And to auu",!.t tl\t!I !llImtI to j.hfI ~lt.IItlt ]).h'ltc1.or cr Firwl1co, t.o!~,!t.hl!l" !lith II cort.lt1ed atnt(lT:"!1t or the total ftBttmat<ld omIt to hI' j'>,,-"Ii fl'r oO!llltr'!ot.l('n oI j.ho J>roJuot berdn 11ItI11\;.loned Alld '\Jeh ot.bnr informltli1r.n II/! llAY b!l rI.H/uirl"d, "lid add ollthorhed 1I1If.'lIt 111 turt-bllr ButhQrbau IInct d1T<lotod 11/1 r(!pr<<,aontltth(t or. .LocAl ARono)' to oonduot, al1nollotill\.iul'l' IInd ooncludo 1111 Ilrrl\n(,~I'ltlrttu. ~1th dther thel St.nt<l AUoontf.on 1Jonrc! or t.he JJ1rMCltn1" Df Jlln:IMllt lncludln~ rf1qunut,,, .for paY'II<mt or t.he aLate's aJlllTe ot the 00111', of thll oonlltl"1Iot10n or Lhl' I\!'<:>r",.. "''',nt.lol\"d publ1r. \lork. l>ro.1nct.. . ~' ~~' Clt!t'k/SecrCltp.ry 01' tltt! _~ '~,~ ~4' " :.itnt" of GnlHcrnin \ Loc.l.I/1l1no,y do he lib)< t:rrtlty thu 1'01'"[10 to ~ Gnd t:or.r,Jluto copy of 3 r'."olut.ion adoJ>t"d 1>1 t.he . or thll pUIJ",d !It " (M(!t.ing held on "he dllJ" ot~ .19C~, RII tit" sal~ nppcarD of rucord in MY ofrice. }I IIIT 1'1' ~i WIIMJ'JJ I hI! hllt'ounto ftnt V\1: ~ ~l'Id att.l.xIlIWho [;en). or , .C eaid th.l.s :1 i " dill ()f~ 19..:12.- (W;ru.) UIN'Jc/~ ~.) .'~ ,,' -' ,.'},) ,~/,., H l' /, \) (--~~,.'-h'.~.e.-rl NJ. :." t...Y ,I. ...... 1. --~---- ----,.-.---- -".--