R 0362
. --
WHEREAS, Cornwall Avenue is no longer considered a street of Major
importance due to freeway construction in the area, diverting Major traffic
onto other streets,
NOW, TllffiEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, l-Ioney allotted to construction of Cornwall
Avenue be withdrawn from that project and allocated to other City project.
On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Counoilman Brenl?an and by the
following roll call vote to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Pence, Brennan and Mayor Burt
Noes I None
Absent: Councilmen Lee and Jacobs
the foregoing Resolution was adopted.
I, the undersigned, Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande City Council do
hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true, and complete copy of a
resolution adopted at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande
on December 23, 19~6 as the same appears of record in nw office.
. Ih.
- ----. ---- --- - ----------------
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State. of California Form LAD 20-54
Department of Finance (Rev. 11-15-51)
Withdrawing Application and Rescinding Resolution
(Where allotment has been made)
WHEREAS, the State of California, under Chapter 20, Statutes of 1946 (First
Extra Session), as amended, has appropriated f'unds to provide financial assistance
to local agencies, defined therein as counties, cities, or cities and counties of
the State of California, so that they may engage in a large p.1blic works construc-
tion program; and
WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande , hereinafter
(Local Agency)
called "Local Agency" has submitted to the Director of F:l.nance, under the afore-
said Act and :rules and regulations prescribed thereunder, an application for an
allotment in the sum ot OnA 'rhnnlCl"n~. ~.f~+ ~hnv11t:i~f F~~-:8 :'".n:t ~k/lee R"U~."
($ 1.SI.'5.OO ) as the State's share of the estimated cost of construction
for a p.1bllc works projeot, desoribed in sald application as (Title
Grnde. Drain and srfaee Cort1wl1 AVllm'f!I , which
of Project
appl1c4tiOIl. ill idontified under Application No. 201137' ; and
WHEREAS, the State Allocation Board approved the aforesaid application on
September 1. 1~50 and allotted to the Local Agency by Resolution No.
the sum ot OnB Thon~nnd, y.:1~ht. TT11ftA,..rI ~t\'Y9+jJ' 'Ii''''U'Ia ~,.,.,., "T~Ql)n n...."1'-(!f
(Amount) .
($1.&'5.00 ); and
WHEREAS, the Local AgEmoy desires, to withdraw the aforesaid application
because Cornwall AVf!nufI no 1nn""T' t!1"I1"'IIn4r1,,"""" It 11114-...dlft.... ""'.... u"j~7 ~.~y-:::-f:,J...,,""6. ;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE: IT RESOLVED, that Local Agency hereby withdraws the afore-
said application and rescinds its Resolution No. ?,?? , adopted A~., (IJa;;,,,,Q
, authorizing the submission to the Director of Finance of the
aforesaid application; 'and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Local Agency hereby requests the State Allocation
Board to rescind its Resolution No. 1'll3 , making an allotment to Local Agency
in the amount of enr ThrJuttnnd. :F.it'ht. rhmn"I'AA T>',..,..+~r t""'fPa ...,.,,1 .T~ I-Ipg f)..J:.1'.I.L ......
($1.&5.00. " ,...
I, , Clerk/Secretary of the (Local
fity of ~vo Grande , State of California, do hereby certifY the fore-
going to be a full, true and correct copy of a reso~ adopted by t~ govern_ing
body of Local Agency at a meeting held on the .() ,-' y of ':i1eea... . I't.:, b ,
as the SEllOO appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ha~d affixed~e Seal of said
Citv ni' A~ r...nnA. this 1. day of f >w '''-'''1' ;t1..!o 7 .
!n,A. ~ ~.< A hz, /J~g ~tJ -<< ~ ~
(SEAL) Clerk/Secretary ~
(Note I Submit two certified oopies to Local Allocation Division, state Capitol,
Sacramento 14.)
-- ----..---
154 . RESOLUTION NO. 362 ..~ r.o
" ,'-
WHEREAS, the State of California, under Chapter 20, Statutes of 1946 (First
Extra ~ession), as amended, has appropriated funds to provide financial assistance
to local agencies, defined therein as counties, cities, or cities and counties of
the State of California, so that they may engage in a large public works construction
program; and
WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande, hereinafter called KLocal Agency" has -
submitted to the Director of Finance, under the aforesaid Act and rules and regula-
tions prescribed thereunder, an application for an allotment in the sum of One
Thousand, Eight Hundred Forty Five and No/IOO Dollars ($1,845.00) as the State's
share of the estimated cost of construction for a public works project, described
in said application as Grade, Drain and Surface Cornwall Avenue, which applioation
is identified under Application No. 20/1872; and
WHEREAS, the State Allocation Board approved the aforesaid application on
September 1, 1950 and allotted to the Local Agency, by Resolution No. the
sum of One Thousand, Eight Hundred Forty Five and NO/lOO Dollars ($1,845.00); and
rnr&REAS, the Local Agency desires to Withdraw the aforesaid application
because Cornwall Avenue no longer considered a street of Major importance.;
NOW, THEREFOitE, BE 11' RF..50LVED, that Local Agency hereby withdraws the afcre- -
said application and rescinds its Resolution No. 222, adopted April 6, 1950
authorizing the submission to the Director of Finance of the aforesaid application; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVSD, that Local Agency hereby requests the State Allocation
Board to rescind its Resolution No. 1713, making an allotment to Local Agency in the
amount of One Thousand, Eight Hundred Forty Five and No/100 Dollars ($1,845.00).
On motion of Councilman Pence, seconded by Councilman Brennan and by the
following roll call vote to-Wit:
AYES: Councilman Pence, Brennan and Burt
NOES: None
ABSENT : Councilmen Lee and Jacobs.
the foregoing resolution was adopted.
I, Mrs. Edna M. Schilling, Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, State of
California, do hereby certiry the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of I
a resolution adopted by the governing body of Local Agency at a meeting held on the
~ 1~day of~...,I1:'-b, as the same appears of record in my office.
IN WI'fNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said
City of Arroyo Grande this ~~ day of J.""'AAA.-cv,l IQS' 7 .