R 0361
RESOLUTION NO. 361 ~, 153
1. .ffiEREAS, the State of California under Chapter 47, Statutes of 1944, (4th
Extra Session) appropriat~d funds for allotment to local agencies, defined therein
as cities, cities and counties, or counties, for the purpose of aiding in the
acquisition of rights of way and sites for certain postwar public works projects
in which there is a State interest, all as set forth in said Act; and
I 2. WHEREAS, Chapter 1455, Statutes of 1945, which amends the aforesaid Act,
authorizes a Local Agency to use monies allocated to such Looal Agency, under
said Act, for acquis~tion of rights of way and sites, to be transferred and
used in preparing surve~s, plans, and specifications for a specific project; and
3. WHEREAS, City of Arroyo Grande hereinafter called "Local Agency", has had
allocated to it by said Act an allocation for the acquisition of rights of way or
sites which allocation contains a sufficient balance to permit Local Agency to
apply to the ~tate Allocation Board under the aforesaid Act, as amended, for the
transfer therefrom of the sum hereinafter mentioned to be added to thp. amount
allocated or assigned to Local Agency for the preparation of surveys, plans, and
specifications for a specific project as set forth in said Act; and
4. WHEREAS, an application for such transfer has been submitted to this
I governing body for consideration;
5. NOW, THEREFORE, bE IT RESOLVED, that Local Agency herein named applies to
the ::>tate Allocation Board pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 47, Statutes
of 1944, (4th Extra Session) as amended by Chapter 1455, Statutes of 1945, for
the transfer of the sum of Six hundred fifteen and 21/100 Dollars ($615.21)
from Local Agency's allocation for acquisition of rights of way or sites, to be
',' added to the amount allocated or assigned to Local Agency under said Act for the
preparation of surveys, plans, and specifications for a specif:l,c project; and
6. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that J. E. Anderson, Jr., Director of Public .lorks
is hereby authorized and directed to sign said application on behalf of Local Agency
. and transmit the same to the State Allocation Board and that two certified copies
be forwarded to said State Allocation Board.
r On motion of Councilman Brennan, seconded by Councilman Pence and by the
! following roll call vote to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Pence, Brennan and Burt.
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilrnan Lee and Jacobs
the foregoing resolution was adopteo.
City Clerk ~yor
-..- -- ---'--'---~'---""'-
Form LAD 41-1.48
Resolution No. ~ (. I
1. WHEREAS, the State of CaJ.ifomia under Chapter 47, Statutes of 194h.
(4th Extra Session) appropriated !uncle tor allotment to local agencies, defined
therein as cities, cities and counties, or counties, tor the purpose of aiding in
the acquisition of rights of way and sites for certain t)oatwar public works projects
in which there is a State interest, all aa set forth in said Act; and
2. WHEREAS, Chapter 1455, statutes of 1945, which amends the aforesaid
Act, authorizes a Local AglOncy to use monies allocated to such Local Agency,
under Daid Act, for acquisit~.on of rights of way and sites, to be tranater:red and
used in preparing surveys, plans, and specifications for a specific project; and
3. 1rHEREAS , ........_.._......__...._........Q.!~;r..,.2LA.!'!EZQ....P.r~I.1~!...__.._......_.... ~......._..__M...._...
(Local Agenoy) hereinafter oalled "Local AgencY", has had allocated to it by said Act an allocation
for the acquisition of righ'~f] of vr~ or' sites which allocation contains a sufficient
balance to Permit Local Agency to apply to the state Allocation BaLrd under the
aforesaid Act, as amended, for the transfer therefrom of the' sum hereinafter
mentioned to be added to the amount allocated or assigned to Local Agency for
the preparation of surveys, plantl, and specifications for a specific project as
set forth in said Act,; and
4. iYHEREAS, an application for such transfer has.been submitted to this
governing body for consideration; .
5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Local Agency herein named applies
to the State Allocation Board pnrsuant to the provisions of Chapter 47, Statutes or
1944, (4th Extra Session) as amendod by Chapter ]45S, Statutes ot 1945, for the
transfer of the BUIll Of.......~.~....h~.ck!.!.~Lf.:g:Y.!.!!l_.!ffig._1.tD.,9.\t]?QJ1!!,r..!!!......(i__..6i~:.2i. :::"=:=::::r
f'rom-LOCu....Agency.'s.....ii:Iloca'Ei'on""ro:;nicqiifiItiOii....Ol'.'ii:glits.-O/"'W8."" or../jlteij;.....to . be
added to tha aDDunt allocated or assigned to Local Agency under s aid Act for the
preparation of survey!!, plans, and spec1fications for a. speoific project; and
6. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ....__ J. r.:~ And.!J.t.!I!1.I4..1.r..............._._____ _..__.'.......
(Name and T1 tle )
......_.P.Jroctor oL!ub,lic "orks __ ,............18 hereby authorized and
directed to sign said 8pol1oation on behalf of Locai Agency and transmit the same
to the state Allocation Board and that two certified copies be. forwarded to said
State Allocat.1on Board.
....~,-~:..~~~:,~~~,~~o~:yce:::=:~~::;:o be"
a tull, , and COOI?lete cop7 ot a resolution adopted at a meeting of the
".-- City Council ,....___..__.._ __. of the _9.Uy_of..Ar..ro.Y!L.Qr.a.n.de.........,........_..........................
(Governing Body) on~~!~...t....c...Lo.,l~/~~ the same
, (Date)
appears of record in m,y office.
~-~,~l!i~ret~ ........-....................
(Instructionsr Enclose nth application (Form LAD 47-149) and mail to the State
Department of F1naru::e, Local Allocation Division, Room 319, State <k'.pit.l '
Sacramento 14, Califomia.)