R 0352
m'<:SOLUTION NO ._a's~
OIi' TEB Crry 011"1 AI<.ROYO GL~.ANlJB -:~S'l'AjjL.L3HING J\
tiE\} PAI6.(ItJGII Z0HE.
DE IT liBSOLVim by the City COUi1oU of the City of
Arroyo Grande, that a "No Parking" zone shall be esta-
blished on the easterly side of the 101 JIigh\;ay, in the
Citv of 1\.1'1'0'10 Grande, bet\;een Nelson and Poole Streets,
v' v
and the Chief Of fo1ice of the City of Arroyo Grande, is
herewith authorized and directed to paint said area red so
as to indicate "No Parlcing" at that point.
On notion of COUnCi1l1ian_.&c<I-~ , and 5 c -
conded by C0l1nCi111lan~. ., and on the follo\;-
ing roll ca11 vote~ IJ. ~ 9 ~.
hYES:~~~ ~/I
1\ i..i . '
lU3SENT: ~~e1?n
the fo1'e;;;oin;; I{eso1l.1tion !'as adopted this _.7~'daJ' of
~~'--, 1956.