R 0332 I RESOLUTiON # ~ ~ A resolution 01' the City Council 01' the City 01' Arroyo Grande to cancel General Fund WarraJlil,No. 130 written Sept. 6. 1955 io.S 'liarJlant. 'lias dest.royed and authorizing warrant 1130..A to be written to replace warrant 11,30. On motion or Councilman ~-"~ , seconded by Councilman ~ ~~ and on the 1'oll.wing roll call vote, to~w1t: AYES: ~~ ~/~k ))~ ~~. I NOES: ~ ABSM:~~~' the 1'oregoing resolution 'lias adopted. I I i i I I I i , I I i , , , i , I i I i I , I