Minutes 1991-11-12 - 454 - MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1991 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7: 30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. 1. & 2. FLAG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. Larry Booker of UPC Gospel Lighthouse Church delivered the invocation. 3. ROLL CALL Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete" Dougall, M. P. "Pete" Gallagher, Gene Moots and B'Ann smith. Staff , members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, Assistant I ci ty Attorney Steve Barker, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Planning '-" Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Current Planner Scott Spierling, Acting Public Works Director Dave Mulkey, Deputy Public Works Director Avelino Lampitoc and Parks and Recreation Director John Keisler. I I 4. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Charles Mason of 602 Gaynfair Terrace complained to the Council about the amount of his water bill, and said he had a defective water meter. Mr. Christiansen said he would contact Mr. Mason the next day and try to solve the issue with him. 5. PRESENTATION OF PLAOUE OF APPRECIATION TO M. P. "PETE" GALLAGHER. FORMER PLANNING COMMISSIONER Mayor Millis thanked Mr. Gallagher for his three years on the Planning Commission, when the General Plan was updated and the Development Code written. 6. PLA~UE OF APPRECIATION TO HAROLD L.MOORE. FORMER CITIZENS' TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER Mayor Millis thanked Mr. Moore for taking the time to serve on the Citizens' Transportation Advisory Committee. 7. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed to I approve Consent Agenda items 7.A. through 7.G., with the recommended courses of action. Council Member Dougall requested that Staff require the consultant in 7.G. to print the Environmental Impact Reports on recycled paper. 7.A. Proclamation, "Voice of Democracy Week." Mayor Proclaimed. 7.B. November 6, 1991, Senior Advisory Commission Minutes. Information. 7.C. October, 1991, Investment Report. Information. 7.D. Installation of a Vapor Recovery Drop Tube and spill containment Box for a 2, OOO-Gallon Diesel Storage Tank; Public ~ Works Department; Budgeted Item. Awarded to Low Bidder. 7.E. Progress Report on the moving of a Fence at 903 Farroll Avenue to Reduce the Obstructed View. Information. 7.F. Request of Village Merchants Association to Place a Directional/Informational Sign at Bridge and Branch Streets. Approved. I 7.G. Revised Contract for a Supplement to the Oak Park Acres EIR for the K-Mart Addition; 1570 West Branch Street. Mayor Authorized to Sign. 1 , I , L ___ _____________ ___ m _ ____ .. ___ __.. ___ - --------- ----.---- '~"4 -, 4 5 5 I CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 1991 8. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed to ~pprove Cash Disbursements in the amount of $410,779.50, as listed ~n the October 16, 1991 Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. 9. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PLACED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON A PROPOSED OFFICE BUILDING. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 89-444: 122 LE POINT STREET: MICHAEL C. THOMAS Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall said they may have conflicts of interests on this matter and left the room. Mayor Pro Tem Moots presided. , Mr. Spierling referred to the October 22, 1991 Staff Report of the Planning Director, and said that the Planning Commission had recommended that the Council deny the appeal. He said the appeal was of Planning commission Condition No. 38, installation of a 12- inch water line from Miller Way to the west project frontage, and Condition No. 41, the installation of a fire hydrant. There were Council questions of Staff concerning a Reimbursement Agreement, the length of the lines and the cost. After being assured that the Public Hearing had been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Pro Tem Moots declared the hearing open and said all persons would be heard I regarding the matter. CHARLES CEBULLA, architect on the project said that the required conditions would cost $28,000 and it would be impossible to construct on that basis. He said the owner would be willing to put in a sprinkler system. He said the reimbursement program would take too long. When no one further came forward to speak, Mayor Pro Tem Moots closed the hearing to the floor. Council Members said they would uphold the Planning Commission decision in this matter. MICHAEL THOMAS, 244 Old Willow Road, developer of the I property, arrived at the meeting and requested that he speak. He said he was being required to carry too much of a financial load on this project. After discussion of the appeal, it was moved by smith/Gallagher to uphold the Planning commission conditions of approval and deny the appeal, and on a roll call vote Council Members Smith, Gallagher and Moots voted aye, and Council Member Dougall and Mayor Millis were absent. Mayor Pro Tem Moots directed Staff to prepare an estimate of cost of the entire water line on Nevada and Le Point Streets connecting to Branch Street. Mayor Millis and council Member Dougall returned to the dais. 10. A. HOOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO Deputy Public Works Director Lampitoc said a Caltrans senior project engineer said that bids should be awarded in two weeks. Mayor Millis directed Staff to contact Caltrans every day in order to get the starting date of the project. 10.B. UPDATE ON COUNTY PROJECTS AFFECTING THE CITY No Report. 2 ........ __.... _..._. ....__ .. ._0 ~".. --.-. -- ."'- -. ~~---_.__._.. --'-'~_._---~--.-_._-~ ...._~ .-. ----.------..- --".- .- 456 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 1991 10.C. UPDATE ON CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF SHORT STREET (BRANCH STREET TO OLOHAN ALLEY} ON SATURDAYS. 11:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.. FOR FARMERS MARKET Mr. Christiansen said the plan is working well, and there were no complaints from the village merchants. 10.D. DEVELOPMENT CODE STANDARDS REGARDING SETBACKS. CITYWIDE Mr. Christiansen said this item was brought up at the last Council meeting. He said with the adoption of the Development Code, a number of homes and vacant lots have become non-conforming " due to the fact that setbacks have been changed. He said setbacks for Rural Suburban are now Side, 5 - 10; Rear, 20, and Front, 25. He said setbacks for Single Family are now Side, 5 - 10; Rear, 10, and Front 20. Mayor Millis said the Rosewood, Pearwood and Sunny Gardens areas are now R-S, and he felt they should be S-F. Speaking to the Council was JIM MC GILLIS of San Luis Engineering, who presented a petition with 32 names of residents of Vard Loomis Lane, Ikeda Way and Larchmont. The petition favored R-1 zoning for Sunny Gardens, and said that if R-1 zoning is returned, the setbacks will be five feet on the side, 10 feet in the rear and 20 feet in the front: that corner lots will have 10 feet on the street side: that coverage allowed will be 50 percent, thus allowing the remaining lots to be built out, consistent with the previous lot buildout, and allowing for remodels to conform to the setbacks in existence at the time of construction. Also speaking in support of the homeowners in Sunny Gardens was MARK VASQUEZ, architect, Design Graphics. The Planning Director said rather than do a General Plan Amendment, some language could be created to insert in the Development Code that would indicate that either lots or lots with houses on them that were created prior to the Development Code could go back to a prior standard, and that would make it easier than going through a General Plan update. Council Members held an extensive discussion of the matter and decided to direct Staff to draft language amending the Development Code allowing the following to come under the old development code standards: 1. Existing lots that were created prior to the Development Code adoption. 2. Existing lots with houses created prior to the Development Code l adoption. The Planning Director said Staff also will look at new I language for the non-conforming section of the code. She said after the language is drafted, Staff would meet Mr. McGillis and Mr. Vasquez to get their input. She said this would be an ordinance change, two public hearings would be necessary, and Staff would work as quickly as possible. 11.A. REOUEST OF OTTSE. INC.. TO COMMENCE GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION OF TRACT 1994 PRIOR TO FINAL MAP RECORDATION: PHASE II (November. 1991 - April. 1992\ Mr. Christiansen said that representatives of Rancho Grande have requested that work be started on Tract 1994 during the winter months. He said that Staff is satisfied with the erosion plan on the western half of the project, but there are doubts about beginning work on the other half because of the possibility of 3 ..".. 457 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 1991 heavy rains. Mr. Christiansen placed a map on the wall and pointed out the area the Staff had concerns about. JIM GARING of Garing Taylor and Associates, engineers for Rancho Grande, requested the Council's approval to begin work, including putting in retaining walls, doing the erosion control measures for the walls, and building some construction roads. . Council discussed the matter, and on the advice of Assistant CLtr A~torney Steve Barker, agreed in principle to the developer b7gLnnLng work on th~ wester~ half of the project, but did not give fLnal approval untl.l a wrl.tten proposal is submitted by the developers. "- Mayor Millis said the matter would be placed on the next Council agenda. 12.A. APPQINTMENT OF CAMAY ARAD TO THE TEEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE: TERM EXPIRES JUNE 30. 1992 Mayor Millis nominated Camay Arad of 548 Allen street to the Teen Advisory Committee, and the Council approved. 12.B. APPOINTMENT OF R;J:CHARD FRANKS TO THE REGIONAL CITIZENS' TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTE~ (CTAC\: SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AREA COORDINATING COUNCIL Mayor Millis nominated Richard Franks of 879 Fair Oaks Avenue to the Regional citizens' Transportation Advisory Committee, and the Council approved. 12.C. APPOINTMENT OF JULIE GROVES TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION: TEEM EXPIRES JUNE 30. 1994 Mayor Millis nominated Julie Groves of 242 Rodeo Drive to the Planning Commission. Council Members Gallagher, Moots and Smith voted aye. council Member Dougall said appointments to the commissions are very important, and he hoped that in this selection the Council had chosen the most knowledgeable and upright person for this particular appointment. He said he felt very strongly about making an appointment based on a sheet of paper without a lot of background information on it. He then voted aye, and the nomination passed. 12.D. LETTER FROM ROBERT AND KARYN MONTGOMERY REGARDING REAR-YARD SETBACKS AS SET FORTH IN THE DEVELOPMENT CODE: 1130 VARD LOOMIS :t.AHE Mr. Christiansen referred to the October 29, 1991 letter from Robert and Karyn Montgomery of 1130 Vard Loomis Lane requesting that the Council reinstate the R-1 designation to the Sunny Gardens tract so that they could complete an addition to their home. Mayor Millis said the previous Agenda Item 10.D., would apply to this matter. MR. MONTGOMERY said he would like to make the addition to his home as soon as possible due to the low interest rates being offered at this time by the banks. The Planning Director said the City's variance procedure would be a possibility, and she would discuss the requirements with Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery. 12.E. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EOUIPMENT Mr. Christiansen read the title of the proposed resolution. It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed to dispense with further reading of the resolution. It was moved by Smith/Dougall to approve Resolution No. 2397 Declaring Surplus property and Donating 30 Bicycles to the "Santa Cop" Christmas 4 -- --------'--------.---..-- 458 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 1991 Program. Council Member Gallagher said the bicycle in Item No. 23 in the resolution looked suspiciously like the one stolen from his home recently, and the Council deleted No. 23 from the resolution until the matter could be investigated. On a roll call vote the resolution was approved with Council Members Smith, Dougall Moots Gallagher and Mayor Millis voting aye. " 12.F. CITY INVESTMENT POLICY REVIEW Mr. Christiansen referred to the November 8, 1991 Staff Report of the Finance Director, who requested that the Council approve the expansion of the City's geographic investment area to include banks " with offices in Northern Santa Barbara County as well as San Luis Obispo County. He said the number of sound institutions in the Five-cities area has reduced, impacting the City's ability to meet its policy of restricting the placement of available reserves to no more than 30 percent in anyone financial institution. It was moved by Smith/Dougall, and the motion passed to approve the Staff's recommendation. 12.G. RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MAKING VARIOUS TRAFFIC- RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL Mr. Christiansen referred to the November 12, 1991 Staff Report of the Planning Director, who wrote that after listening to numerous traffic concerns expressed by the public during the pUblic hearings on the Central Coast Bowl, the Planning Commission, on August 20, 1991, directed Staff to return with a resolution making recommendations to the City Council on various traffic related issues. Council Members discussed the seven issues and decided that Staff should pursue Issue No.1. Review the Backbone Traffic System to Consider Inclusion of the Oak Park/Grand Avenue Intersection, and Issue No. 2 Work Together with Grover City to Develop Some Type of Joint Powers Agreement/Arrangement for the Contribution to the Backbone Traffic system Along Grand Avenue and Oak Park Boulevard. Council Member Gallagher said if at the end of the fiscal year the City has not utilized for new State assessments the budgeted $30,000 for the update of the Circulation Element, the Council should implement Item 3. Authorize Work to Begin on the Update of the Circulation Element and Direct Expeditious Completion of the Update. Council Member Smith said the $30,000 should not be transferred to other budget areas in the meantime, and other Council Members agreed. 12.H. SENIOR DIAL-A-RIDE TAXI PROGRAM Mr. Christiansen referred to the November 7, 1991 Staff Report '1 of Mr. Keisler, who wrote that the Senior Advisory Commission, at the November 6, 1991 meeting, recommended that the City Council increase the budget for the Dial-A-Ride Taxi Service Program from $700 per month to $1,000 per month ($12,000 per year). NORM STEVENS of the Senior Advisory Commission said the City's outgo of monies is offset by money received from the sale of the taxi coupon books to seniors. After discussion the Council decided to continue the program, saying it is needed by the senior citizens, and with the understanding that $8,400 per year, plus revenue received from the sale of the taxi coupon books, was authorized for expenditures. (This sentence corrected at meeting of 1/14/92.) They advised Staff to watch for any abuses of the program. 5 459 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 12, 1991 14. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 15. CLOSED SESSION None 16. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Moots/Dougall, and the motion passed to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 P.M. to a Closed Session on Personnel on Thursday, November 14, 1991, at 3:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers; 215 East Branch Street. ~ C ~~. J>t(RK M. LLIS, MAYOR~ ATTEST: ~a.~ NANCY A. VIS, CITY CLERK 6 ~-_. ----~_._-- --- .