Minutes 1991-09-24 438 -- MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1991 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 215 EAST BRANCH STREET ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the city of Arroyo Grande met at 7:30 P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding. 1. AND 2. .FJ,..AG SALUTE AND INVOCATION Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag, and the Rev. J'an Armstrong of Arroyo Grande presbyterian Church delivered the invocation. , 3. ROLL CALL , I Present were Mayor Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete" ! Dougall, Cene Moots and B' Ann Smith. Absent was Council Member J Doris Olsen. Staff Members present were City Manager Chris Christiansen, City Attorney Judy Skousen, City Clerk Nancy Davis, Acting Public Works Director Dave Mulkey and Deputy Public Works Director Avelino Lampitoc. 4. ORAL COMMUNI9ATIONS None 5. PRESENTATION OF PLAOUE OF APPRECIATION TO BILLY HOWELLS. FORMER PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIONER Mayor Millis thanked Mr. Howells for his service on the Parks and Recreation Commission from 1983 to 1991. 6. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed to approve Consent Agenda Items 6.A. through 6.C., with the recommended courses of action. 6.A. September 10, 1991, City Council Minutes. Approved. 6.B. August 19, 1991, parking and Traffic Commission Minutes. Information. 6.C. Contract for Supplement to the Oak Park Acres EIR, K-Mart Addition. Mayor Authorized to sign. 7. REGISTER OF CHECKS It was moved by smith/Dougall, and the motion passed to approve Cash Disbursements in the amount of $612,095.37, as listed in the September 18, 1991 Staff Report of Finance Director David Bacon. MAYOR MILLIS REQUESTED THAT THE COUNCIL PASS OVER THE PUBLIC HEARINGS TO TAKE UP AGENDA ITEM NO.9. "REPORTS," BECAUSE THE CITY ATTORNEY HAD NOT YET ARRIVED AT THE MEETING. I 9.A. ROOK RAMPS AT CAMINO MERCADO j No Report. 9.B. UPDATE ON COUNTY PROJECTS AFFECTING THE CITY No Report. 9.C. UPDATE ON WELL NO.9: OAK PARK ACRES JIM GARING of caring Taylor Associates, Inc., consultant to the City, spoke to the Council about Well No. 9, located at Oak Park Boulevard and Meadowlark way. He gave a history of City wells No. 7, 8 and 9. He said Well No. 9 can produce 100 acre feet of water per year, but it has a high content of manganese. He said to build a manganese filtering system would cost approximately $150,000.00. He said the water from this well could be a very important new resource for the City because it is water outside the "gentlemen's agreement" area, which is a water source shared with other entities. He said that in order to gain the right to the -- - _.__...,._,,-_.._---,-----._--_.._-~._--- CITY COUNCIL MIIi ES 439 SEPTEMBER 24, 19~1 source in the future, the city needs to pump that source now. He said the City has the available funds with the state from the Safe Drinking Water bond loan program. Council members agreed that this water is important to the city. It was moved by Moots/Dougall, and the motion passed to build a manganese filtration plant for Well No. 9 in Oak Park Acres. THE CITY ATTORNEY ARRIVED AT THE MEETING, AND THE PUBLIC HEARINGS BEGAN. 8.A. PUBLIC HEARING - REOUEST OF ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL TO ISSUE APPROXIMATELY 1.9 MILLION DOLLARS IN CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION BY THE CITY TO FINANCE THE PURCHASE. BY VISTA HOSPITAL SYSTEMS. INC. . OF A CERTAIN 5.5-ACRE TRACT OF LAND ADJACENT TO ARROYO GRANDE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 'I....- Mr. Christiansen said the City had an opinion from the bond attorney Dave McEwen indicating that everything was proper and there would be no liability to the City in the event of default. He said if the Council wished to approve the proposal, there were two resolutions to pass. He said the health park located behind the hospital had been cleaned up. Ms. Skousen said she had reviewed the resolutions and they appeared to be in proper form and order. After being assured that the Public Hearing has been duly published and all legal requirements met, Mayor Millis declared the I hearing open and said all persons would be heard regarding the matter. When no one came forward to speak, Mayor Millis closed the hearing to the floor. Council Members said they agreed to the hospital's proposal, I and that many of the questions had been answered when the City went through the procedure the first time with the hospital. I I It was moved by Smith/Dougall (4-0-1, Smith, Dougall, Moots and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution NO. 2488 I Authorizing Installment Purchase Financing for Acquisition of Real property by Vista Hospital Systems, Inc. It was moved by Smith/Dougall (4-0-1, Smith, Dougall, Moots and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution No. 2489 Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Installment Purchase Agreement, Installment Sale Agreement, Trust Agreement, Acceptance of a Deed of Trust and Certain Other Actions in Connection Therewith Relating to an Installment Purchase Financing on Behalf of Vista Hospital Systems, Inc. 8. B. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF (1} ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT: (2\ ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW CASE NO. 90- 457: ()\ PARCEL MAP CASE NO. 90-490: (4) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CASE NO. 90-479: CENTRAL COAST BOWL. 1524 GRAND AVENUE: VICTOR AND BARCLAY MELLOUIST: ALEXANDER AND EDNA GAUSS: C.L. HENDERSON AND SUSAN P. READE. Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall said they may have conflicts of interest on this matter and left the room. Mayor Pro Tem Moots presided. Ms. Skousen said that since council Member Olsen was absent and Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall had conflicts of interest, there was not a quorum on this matter. She said the item could not be called or considered, and would be continued automatically to the next Council meeting on october 8, 1991. Mayor Millis and Council Member Dougall returned to the dais. ~-,----~---'--"----"'-_."'----"-'-- _..._-"-~ ..,-~--- 4 4 0 CITY COUNCIL MINL S SEPTEMBER 24, 1991 10.A. RECOMMENDATION OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION: "NO PARKING" ZONE ON A PORTION OF BRIGHTON AVENUE (BRIGHTON FRON'I'AGE OF 280 OAK PARK BOULEVARD) It was moved by Dougall/Smith (4-0-1, Dougall, Smith, Moots . and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution No. 2490 Establishing a "No Parking" Zone on a Portion of Brighton Avenue (Brighton Frontage of 280 Oak Park Boulevard). 10.B. REOUEST OF VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION TO CLOSE A PORTION OF SHORT STREET (OFF OF BRANCH STREET! ON SATURDAYS. 11:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M.. FOR FARMER'S MARKET Mr. Christiansen said if the proposal was approved by the Council, the market would be held in the parking lot between the City Engineering and Building Departments, and on Short street between Olohan Alley and Branch Street. He said the market would not extend into the Olohan Alley right of way. I , JOHN CLARK of 117 1/2 East Branch street, representing the JI Village Association, requested that Short Street between Branch Street and Olohan Alley be closed on Saturdays between 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. on Saturdays in order to expand the Farmer's Market. He said the market was becoming very successful, and approximately 30 growers were participating. He requested that the Short Street closure begin October 5, 1991. Council Members expressed concerns about emergency vehicles not being able to get through if the right of way between the proposed Short Street market and the City gazebo is blocked. He asked the Police to monitor that carefully. There were Council concerns about traffic circulation and parking for the market customers. Council Member Smith suggested that the market customers use the the parking lot behind the city Council Chambers. It was moved by Dougall/Smith, and the motion passed to approve the request to close Short Street on saturdays between 11:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. on a trial basis for the month of October, with a report back to the Council at the first meeting in November, 1991. 11. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 12. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 12.A. - JOHN ZIOMEK of the Grover City Planning Commission requested that the Council consider participating in a joint commission with the City of Grover City to work on problems concerning traffic flow between Grand Avenue and Brighton Avenue. 12.B. - Mayor Millis announced his intention to nominate , Robert C. Burt to the parks and Recreation Commission at the next I . . . , C~ty Counc~l meet~ng. 13. CLOSED SESSION It was moved by Smith/Moots, and the motion passed to adjourn J at 8:10 P.M. to a Closed Session on pending litigation concerning Kenneth Michael Ursu vs. City of Arroyo Grande: Superior Court Case No. 70552, and personnel matters. ADJOURNMENT The Council reconvened at 8:40 P.M. and immediately adjourned on the unanimously approved motion of Moots/Dougall. , ~;i J!t0 ~. tLIS~R ATTEST: ~;t-O. ~ NANCY A. AVIS, CITY CLERK ----.---------.------,-.-~-------. ... '__'. _.. . U.__ . '._ ___ u.