O 512 C.S. ORDINANCE NO. 512 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTERS 13 AND 18 OF TITLE 9 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW PORTABLE SIGNS WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande has found that it is necessary and desirable to regulate sign standards to promote the general welfare and public interest of the community; and WHEREAS, the City of Arroyo Grande Development Code, adopted by the City Council on May 14, 1991, currently prohibits portable signs within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered amending the Development Code Chapters 13 and 18 to allow portable signs within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that portable signs could conform to most of the general provisions for signs within the City, with the addition of some special regulations; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed Development Code Amendments in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines and the City's Rules and Procedures for Implementation of CEQA and determined that the proposed Amendment is categorically exempt under Section 15311 of CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held by the City Council on January 25, 2000, at which time all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard on the proposed Development Code Amendments; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the information in the proposed documents and staff report, as well as public testimony presented at the public hearing,and makes the following findings of fact: A. The proposed revisions to the Development Code are consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and programs of the General PI.an, and are necessary and desirable to implement the provisions of the General Plan. B. The proposed revisions to the Development Code will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare or result in an illogical land use pattern. C. The proposed revisions to the Development Code are consistent with the purpose and intent of the Development Code. D. The potential environmental impacts of the proposed revisions to the Development Code are insignificant. Ordinance No. 512 C.S. Page 2 NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOllOWS: SECTION 1: Development Code Table 9-13.040-A also known as "Standards for Signs Requiring Planning Permits" is hereby amended as shown in Attachment "1" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2: Development Code Section 9-18.030 also known as "Definitions" is hereby amended as shown in Attachment "2" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 3: If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Ordinance or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence or clause thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, or clause be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 4: Upon adoption of this Ordinance, the. Director of Administrative Services shall file a Notice of Determination. SECTION 5: A summary of this Ordinance shall be published in a newspaper published and circulated in the City of Arroyo Grande at least five (5) days prior to the City Council meeting at which the proposed Ordinance is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed Ordinance shall be posted in the office of the Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk. Within fifteen (15) days after passage of this Ordinance, it shall be published once, together with the names of the Council members voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. On a motion by Council Member Dickens, seconded by Council Member Runels, and by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Dickens, Runels, and Mayor Lady NOES: Council Members Tolley and Ferrara ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted this 22nd day of February, 2000. Ordinance No. 512 C.S. Page 3 MICHAELA. LA~a~ ATTEST: i/~ , ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR! DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 TABLE 9-13.040-A EXHIBIT 1 STANDARDS FOR SIGNS REQUIRING PLANNING PERMITS A. Residential Uses 1. Single Family Two (2) wall; or 6' 20 sJ. for each At major Limited to name and logo of Neighborhood sign entrances neighborhood. Maintenance Identification one (1) ground 4' responsibility shall be that of an appropriate maintenance district per major entrance or homeowners' assodation. 2. Multiple-Family 2 of the following: 20 sJ. for each At major Minimum of 11 units to qualify Complex Identification wall; or 6' sign entrances as M.F. neighborhood. Limited to name, logo and address. ground 4' 3. Apartment Rental 1 wall; or Below roof line or top Total area not to or Leasing Office of wall structure exceed 12 sJ. 1 ground 4' 4. Temporary Model 2 of the following: Below roof line or top Total area not to At public street Sign shall not be illuminated. or Leasing Office wall; or of wall structure exceed 12 sJ. frontage with Sign must be removed after all direct aCcess to homes are sold. ground 4' model 5. Mobile Home Park 2 of the following: 20 sJ. for each At major Limited to name, logo and Identification wall; or 6' sign entrances address of neighborhood. ground 4' Effective June 13, 1991 285 Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 B. Commercial Uses 1. Commerdal 1 ground; or S' Total area for all Wall signs to Administrative Sign Program Business not within signs, except be separated required if total sign area commerdal complex 1 projecting Below roof line or top portable signs, by 6' minimum pennitted according to fonnula within General of wall structure 7' shall not exceed Portable signs exceed 100 s.f. Planned Sign Commerdal or Office dearance required. 2 s.f. of sign Program required if total sign Professional zoning area per linear shall be located area pennitted according to district and more than and one of the foot of building on private fonnula exceeds 150 s.f. 300 feet from HWY following per public frontage for the property, and Maximum of 4 signs per site, 101 right-of-way street frontage: first 25 feet of shall be and maximum of one ground or building frontage prohibited in projecting sign per site. combination canopy Below roof line or top then 1-1/2 s.f. of the pUblic right- and under-canopy of wall structure 7' sign area for of-ways. Ground signs shall be located in (see illustration in dearance required. each linear foot a landscaped area equal to a Definitions chapter); of building minimum of 2 times the area of or frontage for the the sign. next 75'of wall Below roof line or top building Portable signs shall not of wall structure frontage, then interfere with building ingress 1/2 s.f. of sign or egress or with traffic sight OR 2 of the area for each distance at intersections, shall following per public linear foot of not obstruct onsight parking or street frontage: building frontage pedestrian drculation, shall be there-after. removed after daily business combination canopy Below roof line or top Each sign not to hours, shall not be internally and under-canopy of wall structure 7' exceed 70 s.f. illuminated, and shall have no (see illustration in dearance required. electrical and! or other Definitions chapter); Portable signs connections to any building. or surface area shall not exceed wall Below roof line or top 6 s.f. per side of wall structure with a maximum of 2 sides per sign. 2. Commerdal 1 ground per public S' 70 s.f. Parking area or Planned Sign Program required. Complex Identification street frontage listing adjacent to Ground signs shall be located for Commerdal the complex name access drive to in a landscaped area equal to a Complexes with 9 or only. parking area minimum of 2 times the area of more tenants within the sign. General Commerdal or Office Professional zoning district and more than 300 feet from HWY 101 right-of- way Effective June 13, 1991 285-a Amended March 11, 1997 Amended January 25, 2000 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 3. Commerdal 1 ground per public 8' 50 s.f. Parking area or Administrative Sign Program Complex with 2 to 8 street frontage that adjacent to required. Ground signs shall be tenants within General lists the complex access drive to located in a landscaped area Commerdal or Office name and/or tenants parking area equal to a minimum of 2 times Professional zoning and street address the area of the sign. district and more than 300 feet from HWY 101 right-of-way 4. Commerdal 1 ground; or 20' Total area for all Wall signs to Administrative Sign Program Business not within signs, except be separated required if total sign area commerdal complex 1 projecting Below roof line or top portable signs, by 6' minimum pennitted according to fonnula within General of wall structure 7' shall not exceed exceeds 100 s.f. Planned Sign Commerdal or Office dearance required. 2 s.f. of sign Portable signs Program required if total sign Professional zoning area per linear shall be located area pennitted according to district and more than and one of the foot of building on private fonnula. 300 feet from HWY following per public frontage for the property and 101 right-of-way street frontage: first 25 feet of they shall be Ground signs shall be located in building frontage a landscaped area equal to a combination canopy Below roof line or top then 1-1/2 s.f. of prohibited in minimum of 2 times the area of and under-canopy of wall structure 7' sign area for the public right- the sign. (see illustration in dearance required. each linear'foot of-ways. Definitions chapter); of building Portable signs shall not interfere or frontage for the with building ingress or egress next 75' of or with traffic sight distance at wall Below roof line or top building intersections, shall not obstruct of wall structure frontage, then onsight parking or pedestrian 1/2 s.f. of sign drculation, shall be removed OR 2 of the area for each following per public linear foot of . after daily business hours, shall street frontage: building frontage not be intemally illuminated, and there-after. shall have no electrical and/ or combination canopy Below roof line or top Each sign not to other connections to any and under-canopy of wall structure 7' exceed 70 s.f. building. (see illustration in dearance required. Definitions chapter); Portable signs or surface area shall not exceed wall Below roof line or top 6 s.f. per side of wall structure with a and 5' to indude the maximum of 2 1 portable sign supporting structure sides per sign. 5. Commerdal Com- 1 ground per public 20' 120 s.f. Parking area or Planned Sign Program required. plex Identification for street frontage listing adjacent to Ground signs shall be located Commerdal the complex name access drive to in a landscaped area equal to a Complexes with 9 or only. parking area minimum of 2 times the area of more tenants within the sign. Highway Commerdal zoning district OR within General Commerdal or Office Profess-ional zoning district and within 300 feet of HWY 101 right- of-way Effective June 13, 1991 285-b Amended March 11, 1997 Amended January 25, 2000 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 6. Commercial 1 ground per public 20' 50 s.f. Parking area or Administrative Sign Program Complex with 2 to 8 street frontage that adjacent to required. Ground signs shall be tenants within Highway lists the complex access drive to located in a landscaped area Commercial zoning name and/or tenants parking area equal to a minimum of 2 times district OR within and street address the area of the sign. General Commercial or Office Professional zoning district and within 300 feet from HWY 101 right-of-way . 7. Commercial 1 ground per public 6' 36 s.f. Street frontage Planned Sign Program required. Complex Identification street frontage or adjacent to Signs in D overlay districts shall within the Village access drive to comply with applicable Design Commercial District parking area Guidelines. 8. Business 1 wall; or Below roof line or top Total area for At building To be consistent with Identification within of wall structure eadltenanfs frontage. Administrative Sign Program or Commercial Centers sign shall not Location of Planned Sign Program, if any. 1 combination Below roof line or top exceed 1-1/2 s.f. signs for Signs in D overlay districts shall canopy and under- of wall structure. 7' of sign area for businesses comply with the applicable · canopy (see dearance required. eadllinear foot without building Design Guidelines. illustration in of building frontage to be Definitions dlapter); frontage for the determined or business for the during Sign first 100' of Program review 1 projecting Below roof line or top frontage, then of wall structure. 7' 1/2 s.f. of sign dearance required. area for eadl linear foot of per public street building frontage frontage there-after. Individual sign not to exceed 70 s.f. 9. Major Tenant 1 ground and 8' Total area for At building To be consistent with Identification within eadltenanfs frontage Administrative Sign Program or Commercial Centers 1 wall; or Below roof line or top sign shall not Planned Sign Program, if any. of wall structure exceed 1-1/2 s.f. Signs in D overlay districts shall of sign area for comply with the applicable 1 combination Below roof line or top eadllinear foot Design Guidelines. canopy and under- of wall structure. 7' of building canopy (see dearance required. frontage for the Ground signs shall be located in illustration in business for the a landscaped area equal to a Definitions chapter); first 100' of minimum of 2 times the area of or frontage, then the sign. 1/2 s.f. of sign 1 projecting Below roof line or top area for each of wall structure. 7' linear foot of dearance required. building frontage there-after. per building frontage Individual sign for eadl business not to exceed 70 s.f. Effective June 13, 1991 285-c Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 10. Business Major tenant: 2 Below roof line or top Major tenant: To Planned Sign Program required. Identification within exterior wall and 1 of wall structure be determined Shopping Malls interior wall per during Planned interior store Sign Program entrance Minor review Minor tenant: 1 interior wall tenant: 1 sJ. per each linear foot of building frontage in interior of mall 11. Business Directory 1 ground per public S' 32 sJ. In pedestrian Signs (for multi-tenant street frontage access area sites 12. Automotive 1 of the following: Total area for all Wall signs to Planned Sign Program required. Service Stations Signs signs shall not be separated Price sign can be combined ground 8' (SO' in Highway exceed 300 by 6' minimum with other signs a long as no Commerdal Zone) square feet. single sign exceeds 70 sJ. Each sign not to Signs advertising such projecting; Below roof line or top exceed 70 sJ. accessory uses as food of wall structure 7' markets, car washes and dearance required. automotive repairs are induded in permitted sign area and and number. 4 wall Below roof line or top Ground signs shall be located in of wall structure a landscaped area equal to a minimum of 2 times the area of the si n. 13. Fast Food 1 ground, and SO' Total area for all Wall signs to Planned Sign Program required. Restaurants, signs, except be separated Restaurants, Motels, 1 ground; 8' portable signs, by 6' minimum Ground signs shall be located in and Mini-Marts within shall not exceed a landscaped area equal to a the Highway or 1 1/2 sJ. of sign Portable signs minimum of 2 times the area of Commerdal zone or area for each shall be located the sign. within the General 2 wall per street Below roof line or top linear foot of on private Commerdal zone and frontage or wall structure. street frontage property and Portable signs shall not within 300' of HWY for first 1 00' of they shall be interfere with building ingress 101 right-of-way and S' to indude the street frontage, prohibited in or egress or with traffic sight 1 portable sign supporting structure ten 1/2 sJ. of the public right- distance at intersections, shall sign area for of-ways. not obstruct onsight parking or each linear foot pedestrian drculation, shall be of street frontage removed after daily business there-after. Each hours, shall not be intemally sign not to illuminated, and shall have no exceed 70 sJ. electrical and/ or other Portable signs connections to any building. surface area shall not exceed 6 sJ. per side with a maximum of 2 sides er si n. Effective June 13, 1991 285-d Amended March 11, 1997 Amended January 25, 2000 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 14.8ed and Breakfast 1 of any type, as As approved through As approved As approved As approved through the Inns approved through the conditional use through the through the conditional use permit process. the conditional use permit process conditional use conditional use Signs may not be intemally permit process permit process permit process illuminated and shall not contain the words "hotel" "motel" or "bed and breakfast" C. Office Uses 1. Site Identification 1 ground 6' 50 s.f. At street Planned Sign Program required. or Office and Mixed- frontage with Use Office! access CommerciaU Industrial per public street Complexes frontage with access 2. Office Building 1 wall Below roof line or top 12 s.f. Limited to name, symbol or Identification of wall structure address only. 3. Business 1 wall; or Below roof line or top Total area for At building To be consistent with Identification within of wall structure each tenanfs frontage. Administrative Sign Program or Office and Mixed-Use sign shall not Location of Planned Sign Program, if any. Office! CommerciaU 1 combination Below roof line or top exceed 1-1/2 s.f. signs for Signs in D overlay districts shall Industrial Complexes canopy and under- of wall structure. 7' of sign area for businesses comply with the applicable canopy (see dearance required. each linear foot without building Design Guidelines. illustration in of building frontage to be Definitions chapter); frontage for the determined or business for the during Sign first 100' of Program review 1 projecting Below roof line or top frontage, then of wall structure. 7' 1/2 s.f. of sign dearance required. area for each linear foot of per public street building frontage frontage there-after. Individual sign not to exceed 70 s.f. 4. Business Directory 1 ground per public 5' 32 s.f. In pedestrian Sign street frontage access area Effective June 13, 1991 285-e Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 D. Industrial Uses 1. Business 1 ground; or 8' Total area for all Wall signs to Planned Sign Program required Identification Single- signs shall not be separated if total sign area permitted Tenant Sites 1 projecting Below roof line or top exceed 2 sJ. of by 6' minimum according to formula exceeds a of wall structure 7' sign area per total sign area of 150 sJ. clearance required. linear foot of Limited to maximum of 4 signs building frontage per site, and a maximum of 1 and one of the for the first 25 ground or projecting sign per following per public feet of building site. street frontage: frontage then 1- 1/2 sJ. of sign Ground signs shall be located in combination canopy Below roof line or top area for each a landscaped area equal to a and under-canopy of wall structure 7' linear foot of minimum of 2 times the area of (see illustration in clearance required. building frontage the sign. Definitions chapter); for the next 75' or of building frontage, then wall Below roof line or top 1/2 sJ. of sign of wall structure area for each linear foot of OR 2 of the building frontage following per public there-after. street frontage: Each sign not to exceed 70 sJ. combination canopy Below roof line or top and under-canopy of wall structure 7' (see illustration in clearance required. Definitions chapter); or wall Below roof line or top of wall structure 2. Complex 1 ground per public 8' 36 sJ. Parking area or Planned Sign Program required Identification: street frontage adjacent to Multiple- Tenant Sites access drive to parking area Effective June 13, 1991 285-f Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-13 3. Business 1 wall; or Below roof line or top Total area for At building To be consistent with Identification: Multiple- of wall structure eachtenanfs frontage. Administrative Sign Program or Tenant Sites sign shall not Location of Planned Sign Program, if any. 1 combination Below roof line or top exceed 1-1/2 sJ. signs for Signs in D over1ay districts shall canopy and under- of wall structure. 7' of sign area for businesses comply with the applicable canopy (see dearance required. each linear foot without building Design Guidelines for Historic illustration in of building frontage to be Districts. Definitions chapter); frontage for the determined or business for the during Sign first 100' of Program review 1 projecting Below roof line or top frontage, then of wall structure. 7' 1/2 sJ. of sign dearance required. area for each linear foot of per public street building frontage frontage there-after. Individual sign not to exceed 70 sJ. 4. Business Directory 1 ground per public 5' 32 sJ. In pedestrian Signs: Multiple-Tenant street frontage access area Sites E. Other Uses 1. Public and Quasi- 1 ground; or 6' 1 sJ. of sign At street Ground signs shall be located in Public uses area for each frontage a landscaped area equal to a 1 wall; or Below roof line or top linear foot of minimum of 2 times the area of of wall structure building frontage the sign. not to exceed 70 1 combination Below roof line or top sJ. canopy and under- of wall structure 7' canopy (see dearance required. illustration in Definitions chapter); or 1 projecting per public street frontage Effective June 13, 1991 285-9 Amended March 11, 1997 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-18 evidence that such use is church as defined herein. City: The City of Arroyo Grande. EXHIBIT 2 City Engineer: The City Engineer of the City of Arroyo Grande. Club: Non-profit association of persons (whether or not incorporated) for a common purpose, but not including groups organized solely or primarily to render a service as a business. Cluster Development: Form of development for single-family and multiple-family residential subdivisions that permits a reduction in lot area, provided there is no increase in the number of lots permitted under a conventional subdivision and the resultant land area is devoted to open space. -'r CLU~TEJZ DEVELOPMENT Collection Facility: Center for the acceptance, by donation,' redemption, or purchase, of recyclable materials from the public. Collection Facilities may include the following: 1. Reverse Vending Machine(s); 2. Small Collection Facilities which occupy an area of not more than 500 square feet, and may include: (a) A mobile recycling unit; (b) Bulk reverse vending machines or a grouping of reverse vending machines occupying more than 50 square feet; (c) Kiosk type units, which may include permanent structures; (d) Unattended containers placed for the donation of recyclable materials; 3. Large Collection Facilities which may occupy an area of more than 500 square feet and may include permanent structures. Commercial Complex: Planned and constructed as a unified grouping of retail business and service uses on a single site with common parking facilities. Commission: The Planning Commission of the City of Arroyo Grande. Community: The City of Arroyo Grande, California. Community Apartment Project: As defined in Section 11 004 of the Business and Profession's Code. Conceptual Development Plan: This is a site plan that indicates conceptual ideas for such things as, but not limited to, building placement, circulation/access, drainage/grading, buffer, phased improvements, and landscaping. Conditionally Permitted: Permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit. Amended January 25, 2000 Effective June 13, 1991 336 ARROYO GRANDE DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 9-18 Sign (Nonconforming): See NONCONFORMING SIGN. Sign (Portable): Sign designed to be moved or relocated easily, and not permanently affixed to the ground, a building or a structure. PORTABLE SIGNS - Sign (Projecting): Sign other than a surface sign that extends outward, suspended from or supported by a building or structure. Sign (Roof): Sign erected upon or above the roof or parapet of a building or structure. Roof signs are prohibited in the City of Arroyo Grande. Sign (Temporary): A non-permanent sign painted on a window or constructed of paper, cloth, or similar material intended to be displayed for a limited period of time. Sign (Wall): Sign attached to, erected against, or painted upon the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face in a plane parallel to the plane of the wall. Wall signs shall not project from a building more than twelve inches (12") or extend above the roof line or wall structure. Sign (Window): Sign placed inside or upon a window, facing the outside and intended to be seen from the exterior. Window signs shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the window area and shall be included in determining the aggregate sign area permitted. ILLUSTRATION OF SIGN TYPES \NIIJDOW 516'-1 POr<rA'~ ~IG/J Amended January 25, 2000 Effective June 13, 1991 357 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the attached Ordinance No. 512 C.S. is a true, full, and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 22nd day of February, 2000. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 24th day of February, 2000. LtLt, LJtit~ KELLY WET ORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES/ DEPUTY CITY CLERK