Minutes 1991-04-30
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The city Council of the City of Arroyo Grande met at 7: 30
P.M., with Mayor Mark M. Millis presiding.
Mayor Millis led the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag.
Present were Mayor, Millis and Council Members A. K. "Pete"
Dougall, Gene Moots and B'Ann smith. Council Member Doris Olsen
was absent. Staff members present were City Manager Chris
Christiansen, City Attorney Judy Skousen, City Clerk Nancy Davis,
Planning Director Doreen Liberto-Blanck, Current Planner Scott
~ Spier ling and Public Works Director Paul Karp.
Mayor Millis read the proclamation, and accepting it on behalf
of the Police Department was Lt. Bill Andrews. I
Received into the record were letters from Dr. V. L. Holland,
April 30, 1991; Michael P. Durkee of McCutchen, Doyle, Brown and
Enersen, April 30, 1991; Peter C. Miller of Ottse, Inc., April 30,
1991; Phil Ashley, San Luis Obispo, April 25 and 30, 1991; James L.
Lidberg, california Department of Fish and Game, April 29, 1991;
Ray Belknap, Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County, April 29,
1991, and Dr. Roger Gambs, San Luis Obispo, April 29, 1991.
Michael Multari of crawford, Multari and Starr, Rancho Grande
consultants for the city, referred, to his April 27, 1991 Memorandum I
to the Council. He listed three applicant-requested minor changes
to the conditions of approval for the tract maps, and said Staff
feels that the proposed changes are acceptable. He said they
concern setbacks, sidewalks, and the filing of multiple final maps.
He said the changes do not significantly affect the substance of
the previously drafted conditions, but clarify them.
He said there were Staff recommended changes to conditions,
one of which is Condition No. 3 of all three tract maps which
requires the applicant to pay for the costs of defending the City
in case of legal action brought against the City because of the
approval. He said this is expressly allowed by the Subdivision Map
Act, and it seems reasonable to make the developer pay for
defending challenges to any approvals granted by the city, rather
than using city funds to, in effect, defend Rancho Grande.
He said Staff also recommended a new condition for all three
tract maps which involved off-site habitat acquisition for badgers
and other common animals. He said based on some input from the
Department of Fish and Game and others, some minor adjustments are
,. proposed. He said prior to recordation of the final map for Tract
1834, 1994 or 1997, the applicant shall contribute a one-time fee
.of $25,000 to the City which shall be used to provide a grant to
the San Luis Obispo County Land Conservancy, or other suitable non-
profit organization. He said furthermore, prior to issuance of the
building permit for any house in the tract, a fee of $100.00 shall
be paid to the city, which shall be granted to the Land Conservancy
(or other non-profit organization) to be used for implementation of
the open space/habitat acquisition and maintenance program.
Mr. Multari answered concerns expressed in the letter dated
April 25, 1991 from Mr. Ashley. Mr. Multari Baid Mr. Ashley's
participation in the process had a direct impact on the outcome of
the proceedings. In response to Mr. Ashley's charge that the 1977
Rancho Grande Environmental Impact Report had not been mentioned in
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APRIL 30, 1991
the proceedings, Mr. Multari said the planning Commission, Council
and current ErR consultant reviewed the 1977 EIR and excerpts from
it were included in the current Final EIR. He said there was
substantial mitigation of the major habitats types, the riparian,
the oak woodland and the grassland. He said the Wildlife Study (in
the Final EIR) by Dr. Michael Hanson was not meant as a
comprehensive replacement of the Draft EIR wildlife analysis, but
as an augmentation and expansion on that analysis. Mr. Multari
said he believed the concerns of Mr. Ashley with regard to
Mitigation for Loss of Grassland and Savanna, Mitigation for the
pismo Clarkia, Protectian of the Torrey Pines, Wildlife Corridors
on Tract 1834 East and Protection of Coastal Scrub Habitat had been
considered and acted upon.
Mr. Multari spoke about the letter from George and Diane Baron
concerning a view analysis on certain lots in Tract 1994. He -...I
recommended that there be reasonable opportunity for review and
comment by the neighbors whose views may be affected, before the
city approves a view protection plan for the area.
Mr. Multari said he had met with Dr. Gambs and Dr. Holland to
discuss their concerns about the grassland/transition area losses
in the project. He said they were supportive of the intent of an
off-site mitigation program to acquire similar habitat areas
elsewhere in the project.
After having a conversation with a representative of Caltrans,
Mr. Multari said he was recommending three explicit findings
concerning, (1) the city's Development Agreement with Rancho
Grande, (2) traffic mitigation reducing potential impacts to less
than significant levels, and (3) the finding that most of the
traffic from the project is expected to occur after the Oak Park
interchange is improved.
Referring to his April 30, 1991 Memorandum to the city
Council, Mr. Multari said Mr. Lidberg of the Department of Fish and
Game had suggested some modifications to certain proposed
mitigation measures. Mr. Multari said all Mr. Lidberg's
suggestions had been incorporated into the mitigation measures,
except the one concerning the loss of badger habitat. He said
Staff was recommending the new condition which concerns off-site
habitat acquisition"as mentioned above.
He said summary recommendations are as follows:
(1) Adopt the resolution certifying the EIR, based on findings
attached thereto.
(2) Adopt the PO-rezone ordinance approving the General Development
Plan for the "unplanned areas," based on the findings and subject
to the conditions and mitigation attached thereto.
(3) Adopt the resolutions approving the specific Development Plans ,
and the Tentative Tract Maps for Tracts 1834, 1994 and 1997, based ~
on the findings and subject to the conditions and mitigation
. attached thereto, including the new condition discussed above.
ci ty Attorney Skousen explained the resolution which the
Council would approve certifying the final Environmental Impact
Report and adopting California Environmental Quality Act findings.
She discussed the Resolution's Attachment "A," in detail. She said
the attachment included:
I. An Introduction
II. Findings Reqardinq Environmental ImQacts Identified in the EIR
as Being Potentially Siqnificant. Although Recommended Mitigation
Measures Will Reduce Such Impacts to a Less-Than-Significant Level
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APRIL 30, 1991
III.Other Findings Reoarding ImDacts of Project
IV. Findings Reqardinq Environmental ImDacts Identified in the EIR
as Havino Less-Than-significant Effects on the Environment.
Althouoh certain Actions Could Further Reduce Such ImDacts
V. proiect Alternatives
VI. Statements of Overriding Considerations
VII.Findings Reoardinq Monitorino or Re90rting of CEOA Mitiqation
It was moved by smith/Dougall (4-0-1, Smith, Dougall, Moots
and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution No. 2466
Certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report Prepared for the
"Rancho Grande" Project Applications and Adopting Findings and a
Statement of Overriding Considerations Relative to Such
It was moved by Dougall/Smith (4-0-1, Dougall, Smith, Moots I
and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to adopt Ordinance No. 438 I
C.S. Approving PD-Rezone No. 90-221 and a General Development Plan I
for the Portions of the Property Previously Designated as
"Unplanned Areas" in "Rancho Grande" Planned Development.
It was moved by Smith/Dougall (4-0-1, Smith, Dougall, Moots
and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution No. 2467
Approving Specific Development Plan No. 90-01 and Vesting Tentative
Tract Map No. 1834, for property Generally Located Northeast of
James Way in the "Rancho Grande" Planned Development.
It was moved by Dougall/Smith (4-0-1, Dougall, Smith, Moots
and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution 2468
Approving Specific Development Plan No. 90-03 and Vesting Tentative
Tract Map No. 1994, for Property Generally Located Between James
Way and Rancho Parkway in the "Rancho Grande" Planned Development.
It was moved by Smith/Dougall (4-0-1, Smith, Dougall, Moots
and Millis voting aye, Olsen absent) to approve Resolution 2469
Approving Specific Development Plan No. 90-04 and Vesting Tentative
Tract Map No. 1997, for Property Generally Located Northwest of
James Way in the "Rancho Grande" Planned Development.
It was moved by smith/Dougall, and the motion passed to
adjourn at 8:08 P.M.
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